Getting server information http://moodle.schooled.htb/moodle/ ...
server : Apache/2.4.46 (FreeBSD) PHP/7.4.15
x-powered-by : PHP/7.4.15
x-frame-options : sameorigin
last-modified : Wed, 07 Apr 2021 21:33:41 GMT
Getting moodle version...
Version found via /admin/tool/lp/tests/behat/course_competencies.feature : Moodle v3.9.0-beta
Searching vulnerabilities...
Vulnerabilities found: 0
Scan completed.
### CMSMap
pip3 install cmsmap
### CVEs
I found that the automatic tools are pretty **useless finding vulnerabilities affecting the moodle version**. You can **check** for them in [****](\*\*\*\*
## **RCE**
You need to have **manager** role and you **can install plugins** inside the **"Site administration"** tab**:**
If you are manager you may still need to **activate this option**. You can see how ins the moodle privilege escalation PoC: [](
Then, you can **install the following plugin** that contains the classic pentest-monkey php r**ev shell** \(_before uploading it you need to decompress it, change the IP and port of the revshell and crompress it again_\)
Or you could use the plugin from [\_RCE]( to get a regular PHP shell with the "cmd" parameter.
To access launch the malicious plugin you need to access to: