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{% hint style="danger" %}
The code of **dyld is open source** and can be found in [https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/](https://opensource.apple.com/source/dyld/) and cab be downloaded a tar using a **URL such as** [https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/dyld/dyld-852.2.tar.gz](https://opensource.apple.com/tarballs/dyld/dyld-852.2.tar.gz)
{% endhint %}
> This is a colon separated **list of dynamic libraries** to l**oad before the ones specified in the program**. This lets you test new modules of existing dynamic shared libraries that are used in flat-namespace images by loading a temporary dynamic shared library with just the new modules. Note that this has no effect on images built a two-level namespace images using a dynamic shared library unless DYLD\_FORCE\_FLAT\_NAMESPACE is also used.
This is like the [**LD\_PRELOAD on Linux**](../../../../linux-hardening/privilege-escalation#ld\_preload).
This technique may be also **used as an ASEP technique** as every application installed has a plist called "Info.plist" that allows for the **assigning of environmental variables** using a key called `LSEnvironmental`.
{% hint style="info" %}
Since 2012 **Apple has drastically reduced the power** of the **`DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES`**.
Go to the code and **check `src/dyld.cpp`**. In the function **`pruneEnvironmentVariables`** you can see that **`DYLD_*`** variables are removed.
In the function **`processRestricted`** the reason of the restriction is set. Checking that code you can see that the reasons are:
* The binary is `setuid/setgid`
* Existence of `__RESTRICT/__restrict` section in the macho binary.
* The software has entitlements (hardened runtime) without [`com.apple.security.cs.allow-dyld-environment-variables`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com\_apple\_security\_cs\_allow-dyld-environment-variables) entitlement or [`com.apple.security.cs.disable-library-validation`](https://developer.apple.com/documentation/bundleresources/entitlements/com\_apple\_security\_cs\_disable-library-validation)`/` [`com.apple.private.security.clear-library-validation`](https://theevilbit.github.io/posts/com.apple.private.security.clear-library-validation/).
* Check **entitlements** of a binary with: `codesign -dv --entitlements :- </path/to/bin>`
* If the lib is signed with a different certificate as the binary
* If the lib & the bin are signed with the same cert, this will bypass the previous restrictions
* Programs with the entitlements **`system.install.apple-software`** and **`system.install.apple-software.standar-user`** can **install software** signed by Apple without asking the user for a password (privesc)
In more updated versions you can find this logic at the second part of the function **`configureProcessRestrictions`.** However, what is executed in newer versions is the **beginning checks of the function** (you can remove the ifs related to iOS or simulation as those won't be used in macOS.
{% endhint %}
You can check if a binary has **hardenend runtime** with `codesign --display --verbose <bin>` checking the flag runtime in **`CodeDirectory`** like: **`CodeDirectory v=20500 size=767 flags=0x10000(runtime) hashes=13+7 location=embedded`**
Find a example on how to (ab)use this and check the restrictions in:
Remember that **previous restrictions also apply** to perform Dylib hijacking attacks.
{% endhint %}
As in Windows, in MacOS you can also **hijack dylibs** to make **applications****execute****arbitrary****code**.\
However, the way **MacOS** applications **load** libraries is **more restricted** than in Windows. This implies that **malware** developers can still use this technique for **stealth**, but the probably to be able to **abuse this to escalate privileges is much lower**.
First of all, is **more common** to find that **MacOS binaries indicates the full path** to the libraries to load. And second, **MacOS never search** in the folders of the **$PATH** for libraries.
The **main** part of the **code** related to this functionality is in **`ImageLoader::recursiveLoadLibraries`** in `ImageLoader.cpp`.
However, there are **2 types of dylib hijacking**:
* **Missing weak linked libraries**: This means that the application will try to load a library that doesn't exist configured with **LC\_LOAD\_WEAK\_DYLIB**. Then, **if an attacker places a dylib where it's expected it will be loaded**.
* The fact that the link is "weak" means that the application will continue running even if the library isn't found.
* The **code related** to this is in the function `ImageLoaderMachO::doGetDependentLibraries` of `ImageLoaderMachO.cpp` where `lib->required` is only `false` when `LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB` is true.
* **Find weak liked libraries** in binaries with (you have later an example on how to create hijacking libraries):
otool -l </path/to/bin> | grep LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB -A 5 cmd LC_LOAD_WEAK_DYLIB
cmdsize 56
name /var/tmp/lib/libUtl.1.dylib (offset 24)
time stamp 2 Wed Jun 21 12:23:31 1969
current version 1.0.0
compatibility version 1.0.0
* **Configured with @rpath**: Mach-O binaries can have the commands **`LC_RPATH`** and **`LC_LOAD_DYLIB`**. Base on the **values** of those commands, **libraries** are going to be **loaded** from **different directories**.
* **`LC_RPATH`** contains the paths of some folders used to load libraries by the binary.
* **`LC_LOAD_DYLIB`** contains the path to specific libraries to load. These paths can contain **`@rpath`**, which will be **replaced** by the values in **`LC_RPATH`**. If there are several paths in **`LC_RPATH`** everyone will be used to search the library to load. Example:
* If **`LC_LOAD_DYLIB`** contains `@rpath/library.dylib` and **`LC_RPATH`** contains `/application/app.app/Contents/Framework/v1/` and `/application/app.app/Contents/Framework/v2/`. Both folders are going to be used to load `library.dylib`**.** If the library doesn't exist in `[...]/v1/` and attacker could place it there to hijack the load of the library in `[...]/v2/` as the order of paths in **`LC_LOAD_DYLIB`** is followed.
* **Find rpath paths and libraries** in binaries with: `otool -l </path/to/binary> | grep -E "LC_RPATH|LC_LOAD_DYLIB" -A 5`
{% hint style="info" %}
**`@executable_path`**: Is the **path** to the directory containing the **main executable file**.
**`@loader_path`**: Is the **path** to the **directory** containing the **Mach-O binary** which contains the load command.
* When used in an executable, **`@loader_path`** is effectively the **same** as **`@executable_path`**.
* When used in a **dylib**, **`@loader_path`** gives the **path** to the **dylib**.
{% endhint %}
The way to **escalate privileges** abusing this functionality would be in the rare case that an **application** being executed **by****root** is **looking** for some **library in some folder where the attacker has write permissions.**
{% hint style="success" %}
A nice **scanner** to find **missing libraries** in applications is [**Dylib Hijack Scanner**](https://objective-see.com/products/dhs.html) or a [**CLI version**](https://github.com/pandazheng/DylibHijack).\
A nice **report with technical details** about this technique can be found [**here**](https://www.virusbulletin.com/virusbulletin/2015/03/dylib-hijacking-os-x).
* When path **does not contain a slash character** (i.e. it is just a leaf name), **dlopen() will do searching**. If **`$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`** was set at launch, dyld will first **look in that director**y. Next, if the calling mach-o file or the main executable specify an **`LC_RPATH`**, then dyld will **look in those** directories. Next, if the process is **unrestricted**, dyld will search in the **current working directory**. Lastly, for old binaries, dyld will try some fallbacks. If **`$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH`** was set at launch, dyld will search in **those directories**, otherwise, dyld will look in **`/usr/local/lib/`** (if the process is unrestricted), and then in **`/usr/lib/`** (this info was taken from **`man dlopen`**).
If no slashes in the name, there would be 2 ways to do an hijacking:
* If any **`LC_RPATH`** is **writable** (but signature is checked, so for this you also need the binary to be unrestricted)
* If the binary is **unrestricted** and then it's possible to load something from the CWD (or abusing one of the mentioned env variables)
{% endhint %}
* When path **looks like a framework** path (e.g. `/stuff/foo.framework/foo`), if **`$DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH`** was set at launch, dyld will first look in that directory for the **framework partial path** (e.g. `foo.framework/foo`). Next, dyld will try the **supplied path as-is** (using current working directory for relative paths). Lastly, for old binaries, dyld will try some fallbacks. If **`$DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH`** was set at launch, dyld will search those directories. Otherwise, it will search **`/Library/Frameworks`** (on macOS if process is unrestricted), then **`/System/Library/Frameworks`**.
If a framework path, the way to hijack it would be:
* If the process is **unrestricted**, abusing the **relative path from CWD** the mentioned env variables (even if it's not said in the docs if the process is restricted DYLD\_\* env vars are removed)
* When path **contains a slash but is not a framework path** (i.e. a full path or a partial path to a dylib), dlopen() first looks in (if set) in **`$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH`** (with leaf part from path ). Next, dyld **tries the supplied path** (using current working directory for relative paths (but only for unrestricted processes)). Lastly, for older binaries, dyld will try fallbacks. If **`$DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH`** was set at launch, dyld will search in those directories, otherwise, dyld will look in **`/usr/local/lib/`** (if the process is unrestricted), and then in **`/usr/lib/`**.
2. supplied path (using current working directory for relative paths if unrestricted)
If slashes in the name and not a framework, the way to hijack it would be:
* If the binary is **unrestricted** and then it's possible to load something from the CWD or `/usr/local/lib` (or abusing one of the mentioned env variables)
{% endhint %}
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Note: There are **no** configuration files to **control dlopen searching**.
Note: If the main executable is a **set\[ug]id binary or codesigned with entitlements**, then **all environment variables are ignored**, and only a full path can be used ([check DYLD\_INSERT\_LIBRARIES restrictions](../../macos-dyld-hijacking-and-dyld\_insert\_libraries.md#check-dyld\_insert\_librery-restrictions) for more detailed info)
Note: Apple platforms use "universal" files to combine 32-bit and 64-bit libraries. This means there are **no separate 32-bit and 64-bit search paths**.
Note: On Apple platforms most OS dylibs are **combined into the dyld cache** and do not exist on disk. Therefore, calling **`stat()`** to preflight if an OS dylib exists **won't work**. However, **`dlopen_preflight()`** uses the same steps as **`dlopen()`** to find a compatible mach-o file.
## Prune `DYLD_*` and `LD_LIBRARY_PATH` env variables
In the file `dyld-dyld-832.7.1/src/dyld2.cpp` it's possible to fund the function **`pruneEnvironmentVariables`**, which will remove any env variable that **starts with `DYLD_`** and **`LD_LIBRARY_PATH=`**.
It'll also set to **null** specifically the env variables **`DYLD_FALLBACK_FRAMEWORK_PATH`** and **`DYLD_FALLBACK_LIBRARY_PATH`** for **suid** and **sgid** binaries.
This function is called from the **`_main`** function of the same file if targeting OSX like this:
if ( !gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsPrint && !gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsPath && !gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsSharedCache ) {
pruneEnvironmentVariables(envp, &apple);
and those boolean flags are set in the same file in the code:
// support chrooting from old kernel
bool isRestricted = false;
bool libraryValidation = false;
// any processes with setuid or setgid bit set or with __RESTRICT segment is restricted
if ( issetugid() || hasRestrictedSegment(mainExecutableMH) ) {
Which basically means that if the binary is **suid** or **sgid**, or has a **RESTRICT** segment in the headers or it was signed with the **CS\_RESTRICT** flag, then **`!gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsPrint && !gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsPath && !gLinkContext.allowEnvVarsSharedCache`** is true and the env variables are pruned.
Note that if CS\_REQUIRE\_LV is true, then the variables won't be pruned but the library validation will check they are using the same certificate as the original binary.
## Check Restrictions
# Make it owned by root and suid
sudo chown root hello
sudo chmod +s hello
# Insert the library
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=inject.dylib ./hello
# Remove suid
sudo chmod -s hello
### Section `__RESTRICT` with segment `__restrict`
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=inject.dylib ./hello-signed #Will throw an error because signature of binary and library aren't signed by same cert (signs must be from a valid Apple-signed developer certificate)
# Sign it
## If the signature is from an unverified developer the injection will still work
DYLD_INSERT_LIBRARIES=inject.dylib ./hello-signed # Won't work
{% endcode %}
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Note that even if there are binaries signed with flags **`0x0(none)`**, they can get the **`CS_RESTRICT`** flag dynamically when executed and therefore this technique won't work in them.
You can check if a proc has this flag with (get [**csops here**](https://github.com/axelexic/CSOps)): 
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