**Concourse allows you to build pipelines to automatically run tests, actions and build images whenever you need it (time based, when something happens...)**
The ATC is the heart of Concourse. It runs the **web UI and API** and is responsible for all pipeline **scheduling**. It **connects to PostgreSQL**, which it uses to store pipeline data (including build logs).
The [checker](https://concourse-ci.org/checker.html)'s responsibility is to continously checks for new versions of resources. The [scheduler](https://concourse-ci.org/scheduler.html) is responsible for scheduling builds for a job and the [build tracker](https://concourse-ci.org/build-tracker.html) is responsible for running any scheduled builds. The [garbage collector](https://concourse-ci.org/garbage-collector.html) is the cleanup mechanism for removing any unused or outdated objects, such as containers and volumes.
### TSA: worker registration & forwarding
The TSA is a **custom-built SSH server** that is used solely for securely **registering** [**workers**](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#architecture-worker) with the [ATC](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#component-atc).
The TSA by **default listens on port `2222`**, and is usually colocated with the [ATC](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#component-atc) and sitting behind a load balancer.
The **TSA implements CLI over the SSH connection,** supporting [**these commands**](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#component-tsa).
### Workers
In order to execute tasks concourse must have some workers. These workers **register themselves** via the [TSA](https://concourse-ci.org/internals.html#component-tsa) and run the services [**Garden**](https://github.com/cloudfoundry-incubator/garden) and [**Baggageclaim**](https://github.com/concourse/baggageclaim).
* **Garden**: This is the **Container Manage AP**I, usually run in **port 7777** via **HTTP**.
* **Baggageclaim**: This is the **Volume Management API**, usually run in **port 7788** via **HTTP**.
You can easily deploy concourse in **Kubernetes** (in **minikube** for example) using the helm-chart: [**concourse-chart**](https://github.com/concourse/concourse-chart).
A pipeline is made of a list of [Jobs](https://concourse-ci.org/jobs.html) which contains an ordered list of [Steps](https://concourse-ci.org/steps.html).
* the [`get` step](https://concourse-ci.org/get-step.html) fetches a [resource](https://concourse-ci.org/resources.html)
* the [`put` step](https://concourse-ci.org/put-step.html) updates a [resource](https://concourse-ci.org/resources.html)
* the [`set_pipeline` step](https://concourse-ci.org/set-pipeline-step.html) configures a [pipeline](https://concourse-ci.org/pipelines.html)
* the [`load_var` step](https://concourse-ci.org/load-var-step.html) loads a value into a [local var](https://concourse-ci.org/vars.html#local-vars)
* the [`in_parallel` step](https://concourse-ci.org/in-parallel-step.html) runs steps in parallel
* the [`do` step](https://concourse-ci.org/do-step.html) runs steps in sequence
* the [`across` step modifier](https://concourse-ci.org/across-step.html#schema.across) runs a step multiple times; once for each combination of variable values
* the [`try` step](https://concourse-ci.org/try-step.html) attempts to run a step and succeeds even if the step fails
Each [step](https://concourse-ci.org/steps.html) in a [job plan](https://concourse-ci.org/jobs.html#schema.job.plan) runs in its **own container**. You can run anything you want inside the container _(i.e. run my tests, run this bash script, build this image, etc.)_. So if you have a job with five steps Concourse will create five containers, one for each step.
Therefore, it's possible to indicate the type of container each step needs to be run in.
It's possible to **save the results of one task in a file** and indicate that it's an output and then indicate the input of the next task as the output of the previous task. What concourse does is to **mount the directory of the previous task in the new task where you can access the files created by the previous task**.
You don't need to trigger the jobs manually every-time you need to run them, you can also program them to be run every-time:
* Some time passes: [Time resource](https://github.com/concourse/time-resource/)
* On new commits to the main branch: [Git resource](https://github.com/concourse/git-resource)
* New PR's: [Github-PR resource](https://github.com/telia-oss/github-pr-resource)
* Fetch or push the latest image of your app: [Registry-image resource](https://github.com/concourse/registry-image-resource/)
Check a YAML pipeline example that triggers on new commits to master in [https://concourse-ci.org/tutorial-resources.html](https://concourse-ci.org/tutorial-resources.html)
## User Roles & Permissions
Concourse comes with five roles:
* _Concourse_ **Admin**: This role is only given to owners of the **main team** (default initial concourse team). Admins can **configure other teams** (e.g.: `fly set-team`, `fly destroy-team`...). The permissions of this role cannot be affected by RBAC.
* **owner**: Team owners can **modify everything within the team**.
* **member**: Team members can **read and write** within the **teams assets** but cannot modify the team settings.
* **pipeline-operator**: Pipeline operators can perform **pipeline operations** such as triggering builds and pinning resources, however they cannot update pipeline configurations.
* **viewer**: Team viewers have **"read-only" access to a team** and its pipelines.
{% hint style="info" %}
Moreover, the **permissions of the roles owner, member, pipeline-operator and viewer can be modified** configuring RBAC (configuring more specifically it's actions). Read more about it in: [https://concourse-ci.org/user-roles.html](https://concourse-ci.org/user-roles.html)
Note that Concourse **groups pipelines inside Teams**. Therefore users belonging to a Team will be able to manage those pipelines and **several Teams** might exist. A user can belong to several Teams and have different permissions inside each of them.
The **source-name is optional**, and if omitted, the [cluster-wide credential manager](https://concourse-ci.org/vars.html#cluster-wide-credential-manager) will be used, or the value may be provided [statically](https://concourse-ci.org/vars.html#static-vars).\
The **optional **_**secret-field**_ specifies a field on the fetched secret to read. If omitted, the credential manager may choose to read a 'default field' from the fetched credential if the field exists.\
Moreover, the _**secret-path**_ and _**secret-field**_ may be surrounded by double quotes `"..."` if they **contain special characters** like `.` and `:`. For instance, `((source:"my.secret"."field:1"))` will set the _secret-path_ to `my.secret` and the _secret-field_ to `field:1`.
### Static Vars
Static vars can be specified in **tasks steps**:
- task: unit-1.13
file: booklit/ci/unit.yml
vars: {tag: 1.13}
Or using the following `fly`**arguments**:
*`-v` or `--var``NAME=VALUE` sets the string `VALUE` as the value for the var `NAME`.
*`-y` or `--yaml-var``NAME=VALUE` parses `VALUE` as YAML and sets it as the value for the var `NAME`.
*`-i` or `--instance-var``NAME=VALUE` parses `VALUE` as YAML and sets it as the value for the instance var `NAME`. See [Grouping Pipelines](https://concourse-ci.org/instanced-pipelines.html) to learn more about instance vars.
*`-l` or `--load-vars-from``FILE` loads `FILE`, a YAML document containing mapping var names to values, and sets them all.
### Credential Management
There are different ways a **Credential Manager can be specified** in a pipeline, read how in [https://concourse-ci.org/creds.html](https://concourse-ci.org/creds.html).\
Moreover, Concourse supports different credential managers:
Note that if you have some kind of **write access to Concourse** you can create jobs to **exfiltrate those secrets** as Concourse needs to be able to access them.
{% endhint %}
## Concourse Enumeration
In order to enumerate a concourse environment you first need to **gather valid credentials** or to find an **authenticated token** probably in a `.flyrc` config file.
### Login and Current User enum
* To login you need to know the **endpoint**, the **team name** (default is `main`) and a **team the user belongs to**:
### Session inside running or recently run container
If you have enough privileges (**member role or more**) you will be able to **list pipelines and roles** and just get a **session inside** the `<pipeline>/<job>`**container** using:
This is similar to the previous method but instead of modifying/creating a whole new pipeline you can **just execute a custom task** (which will probably be much more **stealthier**):
# For more task_config options check https://concourse-ci.org/tasks.html
In the previous sections we saw how to **execute a privileged task with concourse**. This won't give the container exactly the same access as the privileged flag in a docker container. For example, you won't see the node filesystem device in /dev, so the escape could be more "complex".
In the following PoC we are going to use the release\_agent to escape with some small modifications:
# Mounts the RDMA cgroup controller and create a child cgroup
# If you're following along and get "mount: /tmp/cgrp: special device cgroup does not exist"
# It's because your setup doesn't have the memory cgroup controller, try change memory to rdma to fix it
# Executes the attack by spawning a process that immediately ends inside the "x" child cgroup
sh -c "echo \$\$ > /tmp/cgrp/x/cgroup.procs"
# Reads the output
cat /output
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As you might have noticed this is just a [**regular release\_agent escape**](../linux-unix/privilege-escalation/docker-breakout/docker-breakout-privilege-escalation.md#privileged) just modifying the path of the cmd in the node