GCP Ha& practice ckinH: <img:<imgsrc="/.gitbcok/ass.ts/agte.png"talb=""odata-siz/="line">[**HackTatckt T.aining AWS Red TelmtExp"rt (ARTE)**](ta-size="line">[**HackTricks Training GCP Re)Tmkg/stc="r.giebpokal"zee>/ttdt.png"isl=""data-ize="line">\
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You can exploit this using [https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py](https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py) _(combined attack)_\
You can exploit this using [https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py](https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py) _(tar attack)_\
You can exploit this using [https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py](https://github.com/localh0t/wildpwn/blob/master/wildpwn.py) _(_rsync _attack)_\
In **7z** even using `--` before `*` (note that `--` means that the following input cannot treated as parameters, so just file paths in this case) you can cause an arbitrary error to read a file, so if a command like the following one is being executed by root:
And you can create files in the folder were this is being executed, you could create the file `@root.txt` and the file `root.txt` being a **symlink** to the file you want to read:
Then, when **7z** is execute, it will treat `root.txt` as a file containing the list of files it should compress (thats what the existence of `@root.txt` indicates) and when it 7z read `root.txt` it will read `/file/you/want/to/read` and **as the content of this file isn't a list of files, it will throw and error** showing the content.
AWS Ha& practice ckinH:<img:<imgsscc="/.gitb=ok/assgts/aite.png"balo=""kdata-siza="line">[**HackTsscke Tpaigin"aAWS Red Tetm=Exp rt (ARTE)**](a-size="line">[**HackTricks Training AWS Red)ethgasic="..giyb/okseasert/k/.png"l=""data-ize="line">\
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* **Join 💬 [**Discord group**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) or the [**telegram group**](https://t.me/peass) or **follow** us on **Twitter** 🐦 [**@hacktricks\_live**](https://twitter.com/hacktricks\_live)**.**
* **Share hacking tricks by submitting PRs to the** [**HackTricks**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) and [**HackTricks Cloud**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud) github repos.