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## Basic Information
As explained in the page about [**GOT/PLT**](../arbitrary-write-2-exec/aw2exec-got-plt.md) and [**Relro**](../common-binary-protections-and-bypasses/relro.md), binaries without Full Relro will resolve symbols (like addresses to external libraries) the first time they are used. This resolution occurs calling the function **`_dl_runtime_resolve`**.
The **`_dl_runtime_resolve`** function takes from the stack references to some structures it needs in order to resolve the specified symbol.
Therefore, it's possible to **fake all these structures** to make the dynamic linked resolving the requested symbol (like **`system`** function) and call it with a configured parameter (e.g. **`system('/bin/sh')`**).
Usually, all these structures are faked by making an **initial ROP chain that calls `read`** over a writable memory, then the **structures** and the string **`'/bin/sh'`** are passed so they are stored by read in a known location, and then the ROP chain continues by calling **`_dl_runtime_resolve`** with the address to `$'/bin/sh'`.
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This technique is useful specially if there aren't syscall gadgets (to use techniques such as [**ret2syscall**](rop-syscall-execv.md) or [SROP](srop-sigreturn-oriented-programming.md)) and there are't ways to leak libc addresses.
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You can find a better explanation about this technique in the second half of the video:
It's necessary to fake 3 structures: **`JMPREL`**, **`STRTAB`** and **`SYMTAB`**. You have a better explanation about how these are built in [https://ir0nstone.gitbook.io/notes/types/stack/ret2dlresolve#structures](https://ir0nstone.gitbook.io/notes/types/stack/ret2dlresolve#structures)
## Attack Summary
1. Write fake estructures in some place
2. Set the first argument of system (`$rdi = &'/bin/sh'`)
3. Set on the stack the addresses to the structures to call **`_dl_runtime_resolve`**
5.**`system`** will be resolved and called with `'/bin/sh'` as argument
## Example
You can find an [**example of this technique here**](https://ir0nstone.gitbook.io/notes/types/stack/ret2dlresolve/exploitation) **containing a very good explanation of the final ROP chain**, but here is the final exploit used:
Learn & practice AWS Hacking:<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)**](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte)<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">\
Learn & practice GCP Hacking: <imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)**<img src="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png" alt="" data-size="line">](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/grte)
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