console.log(tring, and the it has"Found instance: " + instance);
console.log("Result of secret func: " + instance.secret());
onComplete: function () { }
You can see that to create a String first is has referenced the class _java.lang.String_ and then it has created a _$new_ object of that class with a String as content. This is the correct way to create a new object of a class. But, in this case, you could just pass to `` any String like: `"hey there!")`
The command "**1**" will **exit**, the command "**2**" will find and **instance of the class and call the private function**_**secret\(\)**_ and command "**3**" will **hook** the function _**secret\(\)**_ so it **return** a **different string**.
The, if you call "**2**" you will get the **real secret**, but if you call "**3**" and then "**2**" you will get the **fake secret**.
### JS
console.log("Script loaded successfully ");
var instances_array = [];
function callSecretFun() {
Java.perform(function () {
if (instances_array.length == 0) { // if array is empty
var my_string = string_class.$new("TE ENGANNNNEEE");
return my_string;
rpc.exports = {
callsecretfunction: callSecretFun,
hooksecretfunction: hookSecret
## Part 4
Here you will see how to make **Python and JS interact** using JSONs objects. JS use the `send()` function to send data to the python cliente, and Python uses `post()` functions to send data to ths JS script. The **JS will block the execution** until is receives s response from Python.
There is a part 5 that I am not going to explain because there isn't anything new. But if you want to read it is here: [](