I found that the automatic tools are pretty **useless finding vulnerabilities affecting the moodle version**. You can **check** for them in [**https://snyk.io/vuln/composer:moodle%2Fmoodle**](https://snyk.io/vuln/composer:moodle%2Fmoodle)****
If you are manager you may still need to **activate this option**. You can see how ins the moodle privilege escalation PoC: [https://github.com/HoangKien1020/CVE-2020-14321](https://github.com/HoangKien1020/CVE-2020-14321).
Then, you can **install the following plugin** that contains the classic pentest-monkey php r**ev shell** (_before uploading it you need to decompress it, change the IP and port of the revshell and crompress it again_)
Or you could use the plugin from [https://github.com/HoangKien1020/Moodle\_RCE](https://github.com/HoangKien1020/Moodle\_RCE) to get a regular PHP shell with the "cmd" parameter.