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2020-11-05 09:58:31 +00:00
# XSS to RCE Electron Desktop Apps
Recommended read for more trick: [https://mksben.l0.cm/2020/10/discord-desktop-rce.html?m=1](https://mksben.l0.cm/2020/10/discord-desktop-rce.html?m=1)
When I test Electron app, first I always check the options of the [BrowserWindow API](https://www.electronjs.org/docs/api/browser-window), which is used to create a browser window. By checking it, I think about how RCE can be achieved when arbitrary JavaScript execution on the renderer is possible.
const mainWindowOptions = {
title: 'Discord',
backgroundColor: getBackgroundColor(),
minWidth: MIN_WIDTH,
minHeight: MIN_HEIGHT,
transparent: false,
frame: false,
resizable: true,
show: isVisible,
webPreferences: {
blinkFeatures: 'EnumerateDevices,AudioOutputDevices',
nodeIntegration: false,
preload: _path2.default.join(__dirname, 'mainScreenPreload.js'),
nativeWindowOpen: true,
enableRemoteModule: false,
spellcheck: true
## nodeIntgration RCE
If the nodeIntegration is set to true, a web page's JavaScript can use Node.js features easily just by calling the `require()`. For example, the way to execute the calc application on Windows is:
## Read Arbitrary Internal FIle
If contextIsolation set to false you can try to use &lt;webview&gt; \(similar to &lt;iframe&gt; butcan load local files\) to read local files and exfiltrate them: using something like **&lt;webview src=”file:///etc/passwd”&gt;&lt;/webview&gt;:**
**\(Trick copied form** [**here**](https://medium.com/@renwa/facebook-messenger-desktop-app-arbitrary-file-read-db2374550f6d)**\).**
2020-11-05 09:58:31 +00:00