Before continuing, if you don't know what is a service in Kubernetes I would suggest you to [**follow this link and read at least the information about Kubernetes architecture**](./#architecture)**.**
**ServiceAccount** is an object managed by Kubernetes and used to provide an identity for processes that run in a pod.
Every service account has a secret related to it and this secret contains a bearer token. This is a JSON Web Token \(JWT\), a method for representing claims securely between two parties.
* **token**: It contains the **service token** of the current pod.
The service account token is being signed by the key residing in the file **sa.key** and validated by ****.
Default location on **Kubernetes**:
* /etc/kubernetes/pki
Default location on **Minikube**:
* /var/lib/localkube/certs
Taken from the Kubernetes [documentation](
_“When you create a pod, if you do not specify a service account, it is automatically assigned the_ default _service account in the same namespace.”_
### Hot Pods
_**Hot pods are**_ pods containing a privileged service account token. A privileged service account token is a token that has permission to do privileged tasks such as listing secrets, creating pods, etc.
To enumerate the environment you can upload the [**kubectl**]( binary and use it. Also, using the **service****token** obtained before you can manually access some endpoints of the **API Server**.
As you are inside the Kubernetes environment, if you cannot escalate privileges abusing the current pods privileges and you cannot escape from the container, you should **search potential vulnerable services.**
### Services
**For this purpose, you can try to get all the services of the kubernetes environment:**
kubectl get svc –all-namespaces
### Scanning
The following Bash script \(taken from a [Kubernetes workshop](\) will install and scan the IP ranges of the kubernetes cluster:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install nmap
nmap-kube ()
nmap --open -T4 -A -v -Pn -p 443,2379,8080,9090,9100,9093,4001,6782-6784,6443,8443,9099,10250,10255,10256 "${@}"
nmap-kube-discover () {
local LOCAL_RANGE=$(ip a | awk '/eth0$/{print $2}' | sed 's,[0-9][0-9]*/.*,*,');