If an attacker is able to **control a subdomain of the domain of a company or finds a XSS in a subdomain** he will be able to perform this attack.
As it was indicated in the Cookies Hacking section, when a **cookie is set to a domain (specifying it) it will be used in the domain and in subdomains.**
Therefore, **an attacker is going to be able to set to the domain and subdomains an specific cookie doing something like **`document.cookie="session=1234; Path=/app/login; domain=.example.com"`
* **Fixate the cookie of the victim to the attackers account **so if the user doesn't notice, **he will perform the actions in the attackers account **and the attacker may obtain some interesting information (check the history of the searches of the user in the platform, the victim may set his credit card in the account...)
* If the **cookie doesn't change after login**, the attacker may just **fixate a cookie**, wait until the victim logs in and then **use that cookie to log in as the victim**.
* If the **cookie is setting some initial value** (like in flask where the **cookie **may **set **the **CSRF token **of the session and this value will be maintained after the victim logs in), the **attacker may set this known value and then abuse it** (in that scenario, the attacker may then make the user perform a CSRF request as he knows the CSRF token).
When a browser receives two cookies with the same name **partially affecting the same scope** (domain, subdomains and path), the **browser will send both values of the cookie** when both are valid for the request.
Depending on who has **the most specific path **or which one is the **oldest one**, the browser will **set the value of the cookie first** and then the value of the other one like in: `Cookie: iduser=MoreSpecificAndOldestCookie; iduser=LessSpecific;`
Most **web sites will only use the first value**. Then, if an attacker wants to set a cookie it's better to set it before another one if set or set it with a more specific path.
{% hint style="warning" %}
Moreover, the capability to **set a cookie in a more specific path** is very interesting as you will be able to make the **victim work with his cookie except in the specific path where the malicious cookie set will be sent before**.
{% endhint %}
### Protection Bypass
A possible protection against this attack would be that the **web server won't accept requests with two cookies with the same name but two different values**.
To bypass the scenario where the attacker is setting a cookie after the victim was already given the cookie, the attacker could cause a **cookie overflow** and then, once the** legit cookie is deleted, set the malicious one**.
Another useful **bypass **could be to **URL encode the name of the cookie** as some protections check for 2 cookies with the same name in a request and then the server will decode the names of the cookies.
#### **Use the prefix `__Host` in the cookie name**
* If a cookie name has this prefix, it **will only be accepted** in a Set-Cookie directive if it is marked Secure, was sent from a secure origin, does not include a Domain attribute, and has the Path attribute set to /
* **This prevents subdomains from forcing a cookie to the apex domain since these cookies can be seen as "domain-locked"**