Client authentication is controlled by a config file frequently named _**pg\_hba.conf**_. This file has a set of records. A record may have one of the following seven formats:
**Each** record **specifies** a **connection type**, a **client IP address range** (if relevant for the connection type), a **database name**, a **user name**, and the **authentication method** to be used for connections matching these parameters. The **first record with a match**ing connection type, client address, requested database, and user name **is used** to perform authentication. There is no "fall-through" or "backup": **if one record is chosen and the authentication fails, subsequent records are not considered**. If no record matches, access is denied.\
The **password-based** authentication methods are **md5**, **crypt**, and **password**. These methods operate similarly except for the way that the password is sent across the connection: respectively, MD5-hashed, crypt-encrypted, and clear-text. A limitation is that the crypt method does not work with passwords that have been encrypted in pg\_authid.
You can decrypt them using the _**decrypt**_ function inside the script: [](