**Page copied form **[**https://mobile-security.gitbook.io/mobile-security-testing-guide/ios-testing-guide/0x06h-testing-platform-interaction#universal-links**](https://mobile-security.gitbook.io/mobile-security-testing-guide/ios-testing-guide/0x06h-testing-platform-interaction#universal-links)****
If you only have the app's IPA or simply the installed app on a jailbroken device, you normally won't be able to find `.entitlements` files. This could be also the case for the `embedded.mobileprovision` file. Still, you should be able to extract the entitlements property lists from the app binary yourself (which you've previously obtained as explained in the "iOS Basic Security Testing" chapter, section "Acquiring the App Binary").
The following steps should work even when targeting an encrypted binary. If for some reason they don't, you'll have to decrypt and extract the app with e.g. Clutch (if compatible with your iOS version), frida-ios-dump or similar.
Or you can use radare2 (`-qc` to _quietly_ run one command and exit) to search all strings on the app binary (`izz`) containing "PropertyList" (`~PropertyList`):
In both cases (binwalk or radare2) we were able to extract the same two `plist` files. If we inspect the first one (0x0015d2a4) we see that we were able to completely recover the [original entitlements file from Telegram](https://github.com/peter-iakovlev/Telegram-iOS/blob/77ee5c4dabdd6eb5f1e2ff76219edf7e18b45c00/Telegram-iOS/Telegram-iOS-AppStoreLLC.entitlements).
> Note: the `strings` command will not help here as it will not be able to find this information. Better use grep with the `-a` flag directly on the binary or use radare2 (`izz`)/rabin2 (`-zz`).
$ grep -a -A 5 'PropertyList' /var/containers/Bundle/Application/
15E6A58F-1CA7-44A4-A9E0-6CA85B65FA35/Telegram X.app/Telegram\ X
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "http://www.apple.com/DTDs/PropertyList-1.0.dtd">
Play with the `-A num, --after-context=num` flag to display more or less lines. You may use tools like the ones we presented above as well, if you have them also installed on your jailbroken iOS device.