**취약점 평가 및 펜테스팅을 위한 즉시 사용 가능한 설정**. 20개 이상의 도구 및 기능으로 어디서든 전체 펜테스트를 실행할 수 있으며, 이는 탐색부터 보고까지 이어집니다. 우리는 펜테스터를 대체하지 않습니다 - 대신, 펜테스터들에게 더 깊이 파고들고, 쉘을 열고, 재미를 느낄 수 있도록 사용자 정의 도구, 탐지 및 공격 모듈을 개발합니다.
스크립트 `telnet-ntlm-info.nse`는 NTLM 정보(Windows 버전)를 얻을 것입니다.
[telnet RFC](https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/rfc854)에서는 TELNET 프로토콜에는 "**옵션**"이 있으며, "**DO, DON'T, WILL, WON'T**" 구조를 사용하여 사용자와 서버가 TELNET 연결에 대해 더 정교한(또는 다른) 규칙 세트를 사용하기로 합의할 수 있습니다. 이러한 옵션에는 문자 집합 변경, 에코 모드 변경 등이 포함될 수 있습니다.
In this section, you will find a list of useful commands that can be used during a Telnet session for various purposes. These commands can help you gather information, perform reconnaissance, and exploit vulnerabilities.
This command can be used to perform banner grabbing on a target Telnet service. It sends an empty string to the Telnet service, which will respond with its banner. This can help you identify the version and other details about the Telnet service.
This command can be used to attempt an authentication bypass on a Telnet service. It sends the username and password in plain text to the Telnet service, bypassing any authentication mechanisms. This can be useful if the Telnet service has weak or default credentials.
This command can be used to execute a command on a target Telnet service. It sends the specified command to the Telnet service, which will execute it and return the output. This can be useful for performing remote command execution on a vulnerable Telnet service.
This command can be used to transfer a file to a target Telnet service using the Zmodem protocol. It uses the `sz` command to initiate the file transfer and sends it over the Telnet session. This can be useful for exfiltrating data or uploading malicious files to a compromised Telnet service.
This command can be used to set up port forwarding through an SSH tunnel. It forwards traffic from a local port to a target IP address and port through an SSH server. This can be useful for accessing services on a remote network that are not directly accessible.
### Proxying
#### Command: `ssh -D <local_port> <ssh_server>`
This command can be used to set up a SOCKS proxy through an SSH tunnel. It creates a local SOCKS proxy server that forwards traffic through an SSH server. This can be useful for bypassing network restrictions and accessing restricted resources.
This command can be used to set up a tunnel through an SSH connection. It forwards traffic from a local port to a target IP address and port through an SSH server. The `-N` flag prevents executing a remote command, and the `-f` flag runs the SSH connection in the background. This can be useful for accessing services on a remote network securely.
This command can be used to authenticate to an SSH server using a private key. It specifies the private key file with the `-i` flag and connects to the SSH server using the specified username and target IP address. This can be useful if password authentication is disabled or if you have the private key for a user account.
### SSH Password Authentication
#### Command: `ssh <username>@<target_ip>`
This command can be used to authenticate to an SSH server using a password. It connects to the SSH server using the specified username and target IP address and prompts for the password. This can be useful if password authentication is enabled and you have the correct credentials.
This command can be used to set up reverse tunneling through an SSH connection. It forwards traffic from a remote port to a target IP address and port through an SSH server. This can be useful for accessing services on a local network from a remote location.
This command can be used to set up tunneling through an SSH connection. It forwards traffic from a local port to a target IP address and port through an SSH server. This can be useful for accessing services on a remote network securely.
### SSH X11 Forwarding
#### Command: `ssh -X <username>@<target_ip>`
This command can be used to enable X11 forwarding through an SSH connection. It connects to the SSH server using the specified username and target IP address and enables X11 forwarding. This can be useful for running graphical applications on a remote server and displaying them locally.
### Telnet Connection
#### Command: `telnet <target_ip> <port>`
This command can be used to establish a Telnet connection to a target IP address and port. It opens a Telnet session, allowing you to interact with the Telnet service. This can be useful for testing the availability and functionality of a Telnet service.
This command can be used to perform a port scan for Telnet services on a target IP address. It uses the `nmap` tool with the `telnet-brute` script to scan for open Telnet ports and attempt brute-force password guessing. This can be useful for identifying Telnet services and weak credentials.
This command can be used to enumerate information about a Telnet service using the `nmap` tool with the `telnet-ntlm-info` script. It scans for open Telnet ports and retrieves NTLM information, including the domain name and server name. This can be useful for gathering information about a target Telnet service.
This command can be used to perform username enumeration on a Telnet service using the `hydra` tool. It uses a list of usernames and passwords to attempt authentication on the Telnet service. This can be useful for identifying valid usernames and weak passwords.
This command can be used to detect the version of a Telnet service using the `nmap` tool with the `telnet-version` script. It scans for open Telnet ports and retrieves the version information of the Telnet service. This can be useful for identifying vulnerable versions of Telnet.
**취약점 평가 및 침투 테스트를 위한 즉시 사용 가능한 설정**. 리콘부터 보고서까지 20개 이상의 도구와 기능으로 어디서든 전체 펜테스트를 실행하세요. 우리는 펜테스터를 대체하지 않습니다 - 대신, 펜테스터들에게 깊이 파고들고 쉘을 획득하며 즐길 시간을 돌려주기 위해 맞춤형 도구, 탐지 및 공격 모듈을 개발합니다.