If print jobs are processed in series – which is assumed for most devices – only one job can be handled at a time. If this job does not terminate the printing channel effectively is blocked until a timeout is triggered, preventing legitimate users from printing.
Basic DoS:
while true; do nc printer 9100; done
This trivial denial of service attack can be improved by **setting a high timeout value with PJL**, then the number of connections for an attacker to make is minimized while it is even harder for legitimate users to gain a free time slot:
# get maximum timeout value with PJL
MAX="`echo "@PJL INFO VARIABLES" | nc -w3 printer 9100 |\
**Learn more about this attack in **[**http://hacking-printers.net/wiki/index.php/Transmission_channel**](http://hacking-printers.net/wiki/index.php/Transmission_channel)****