Helm is the **package manager** for Kubernetes. It allows to package YAML files and distribute them in public and private repositories. These packages are called **Helm Charts**. **Tiller** is the **service****running** by default in the port 44134 offering the service.
**Default port:** 44134
44134/tcp open unknown
## Enumeration
If you can **enumerate pods and/or services** of different namespaces enumerate them and search for the ones with **"tiller" in their name**:
You could also try to find this service running checking the port 44134:
sudo nmap -sS -p 44134 <IP>
Once you have discovered it you can communicate with it downloading the client helm application. You can use tools like `homebrew`, or look at [**the official releases page**](https://github.com/helm/helm/releases)**.** For more details, or for other options, see [the installation guide](https://v2.helm.sh/docs/using\_helm/#installing-helm).
Then, you can **enumerate the service**:
helm --host tiller-deploy.kube-system:44134 version
### Privilege Escalation
By default **Helm2** was installed in the **namespace kube-system** with **high privileges**, so if you find the service and has access to it, this could allow you to **escalate privileges**.
All you need to do is to install a package like this one: [**https://github.com/Ruil1n/helm-tiller-pwn**](https://github.com/Ruil1n/helm-tiller-pwn) **** that will give the **default service token access to everything in the whole cluster.**
In [http://rui0.cn/archives/1573](http://rui0.cn/archives/1573) you have the **explanation of the attack**, but basically, if you read the files [**clusterrole.yaml**](https://github.com/Ruil1n/helm-tiller-pwn/blob/main/pwnchart/templates/clusterrole.yaml) and **** [**clusterrolebinding.yaml**](https://github.com/Ruil1n/helm-tiller-pwn/blob/main/pwnchart/templates/clusterrolebinding.yaml) **** inside _helm-tiller-pwn/pwnchart/templates/_ you can see how **all the privileges are being given to the default token**.