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During the testing **several operations are going to be suggested** (connect to the device, read/write/upload/download files, use some tools...). Therefore, if you don't know how to perform any of these actions please, **start reading the page**:
It's recommended to use the tool [**MobSF**]( to perform an automatic Static Analysis to the IPA file.
Identification of **protections are present in the binary**:
***PIE (Position Independent Executable)**: When enabled, the application loads into a random memory address every-time it launches, making it harder to predict its initial memory address.
otool -hv <app-binary> | grep PIE # It should include the PIE flag
***Stack Canaries**: To validate the integrity of the stack, a ‘canary’ value is placed on the stack before calling a function and is validated again once the function ends.
Check out the dynamic analysis that [**MobSF**]( perform. You will need to navigate through the different views and interact with them but it will be hooking several classes on doing other things and will prepare a report once you are done.
The structure of an **IPA file** is essentially that of a **zipped package**. By renaming its extension to `.zip`, it can be **decompressed** to reveal its contents. Within this structure, a **Bundle** represents a fully packaged application ready for installation. Inside, you will find a directory named `<NAME>.app`, which encapsulates the application's resources.
* **`Info.plist`**: This file holds specific configuration details of the application.
* **`_CodeSignature/`**: This directory includes a plist file that contains a signature, ensuring the integrity of all files in the bundle.
* **``**: A compressed archive that stores asset files like icons.
* **`Frameworks/`**: This folder houses the application's native libraries, which may be in the form of `.dylib` or `.framework` files.
* **`PlugIns/`**: This may include extensions to the application, known as `.appex` files, although they are not always present.
*[**`Core Data`**]( It is used to save your application’s permanent data for offline use, to cache temporary data, and to add undo functionality to your app on a single device. To sync data across multiple devices in a single iCloud account, Core Data automatically mirrors your schema to a CloudKit container.
* [**`PkgInfo`**]( The `PkgInfo` file is an alternate way to specify the type and creator codes of your application or bundle.
* **en.lproj, fr.proj, Base.lproj**: Are the language packs that contains resources for those specific languages, and a default resource in case a language isn' t supported.
* **Security**: The `_CodeSignature/` directory plays a critical role in the app's security by verifying the integrity of all bundled files through digital signatures.
* **Asset Management**: The `` file uses compression to efficiently manage graphical assets, crucial for optimizing application performance and reducing its overall size.
* **Frameworks and PlugIns**: These directories underscore the modularity of iOS applications, allowing developers to include reusable code libraries (`Frameworks/`) and extend app functionality (`PlugIns/`).
* **Localization**: The structure supports multiple languages, facilitating global application reach by including resources for specific language packs.
The **Info.plist** serves as a cornerstone for iOS applications, encapsulating key configuration data in the form of **key-value** pairs. This file is a requisite for not only applications but also for app extensions and frameworks bundled within. It's structured in either XML or a binary format and holds critical information ranging from app permissions to security configurations. For a detailed exploration of available keys, one can refer to the [**Apple Developer Documentation**](
For those looking to work with this file in a more accessible format, the XML conversion can be achieved effortlessly through the use of `plutil` on macOS (available natively on versions 10.2 and later) or `plistutil` on Linux. The commands for conversion are as follows:
Among the myriad of information that the **Info.plist** file can divulge, notable entries include app permission strings (`UsageDescription`), custom URL schemes (`CFBundleURLTypes`), and configurations for App Transport Security (`NSAppTransportSecurity`). These entries, along with others like exported/imported custom document types (`UTExportedTypeDeclarations` / `UTImportedTypeDeclarations`), can be effortlessly located by inspecting the file or employing a simple `grep` command:
In the iOS environment, directories are designated specifically for **system applications** and **user-installed applications**. System applications reside in the `/Applications` directory, while user-installed apps are placed under `/private/var/containers/`. These applications are assigned a unique identifier known as a **128-bit UUID**, making the task of manually locating an app's folder challenging due to the randomness of the directory names.
To facilitate the discovery of a user-installed app's installation directory, the **objection tool** provides a useful command, `env`. This command reveals detailed directory information for the app in question. Below is an example of how to use this command:
Commands such as `ps` and `lsof` can also be utilized to identify the app's process and list open files, respectively, providing insights into the application's active directory paths:
* This is the Application Bundle as seen before in the IPA, it contains essential application data, static content as well as the application's compiled binary.
* This directory is visible to users, but **users can't write to it**.
* Content in this directory is **not backed up**.
* The contents of this folder are used to **validate the code signature**.
**Data directory:**
* **Documents/**
* Contains all the user-generated data. The application end user initiates the creation of this data.
* Visible to users and **users can write to it**.
* Content in this directory is **backed up**.
* The app can disable paths by setting `NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey`.
Let's take a closer look at iGoat-Swift's Application Bundle (.app) directory inside the Bundle directory (`/var/containers/Bundle/Application/3ADAF47D-A734-49FA-B274-FBCA66589E67/`):
Inside the `<application-name>.app` folder you will find a binary file called `<application-name>`. This is the file that will be **executed**. You can perform a basic inspection of the binary with the tool **`otool`**:
otool -Vh DVIA-v2 #Check some compilation attributes
However, the best options to disassemble the binary are: [**Hopper**]( and [**IDA**](\_freeware/).
Use [**Trickest**](\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\
The following places to store information should be checked **right after installing the application**, **after checking all the functionalities** of the application and even after **login out from one user and login into a different one**.\
The goal is to find **unprotected sensitive information** of the application (passwords, tokens), of the current user and of previously logged users.
**plist** files are structured XML files that **contains key-value pairs**. It's a way to store persistent data, so sometimes you may find **sensitive information in these files**. It's recommended to check these files after installing the app and after using intensively it to see if new data is written.
The most common way to persist data in plist files is through the usage of **NSUserDefaults**. This plist file is saved inside the app sandbox in **`Library/Preferences/<appBundleID>.plist`**
The [`NSUserDefaults`]( class provides a programmatic interface for interacting with the default system. The default system allows an application to customize its behaviour according to **user preferences**. Data saved by `NSUserDefaults` can be viewed in the application bundle. This class stores **data** in a **plist****file**, but it's meant to be used with small amounts of data.
[`Core Data`](\_ref/doc/uid/TP40001075-CH8-SW1) is a framework for managing the model layer of objects in your application. [Core Data can use SQLite as its persistent store](, but the framework itself is not a database.\
CoreData does not encrypt it's data by default. However, an additional encryption layer can be added to CoreData. See the [GitHub Repo]( for more details.
You can find the SQLite Core Data information of an application in the path `/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/{APPID}/Library/Application Support`
It's common for applications to create their own sqlite database. They may be **storing****sensitive****data** on them and leaving it unencrypted. Therefore, it's always interesting to check every database inside the applications directory. Therefore go to the application directory where the data is saved (`/private/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/{APPID}`)
Developers are enabled to **store and sync data** within a **NoSQL cloud-hosted database** through Firebase Real-Time Databases. Stored in JSON format, the data gets synchronized to all connected clients in real time.
[Realm Objective-C]( and [Realm Swift]( offer a powerful alternative for data storage, not provided by Apple. By default, they **store data unencrypted**, with encryption available through specific configuration.
[Couchbase Lite]( is described as a **lightweight** and **embedded** database engine that follows the **document-oriented** (NoSQL) approach. Designed to be native to **iOS** and **macOS**, it offers the capability to sync data seamlessly.
iOS store the cookies of the apps in the **`Library/Cookies/cookies.binarycookies`** inside each apps folder. However, developers sometimes decide to save them in the **keychain** as the mentioned **cookie file can be accessed in backups**.
To inspect the cookies file you can use [**this python script**]( or use objection's **`ios cookies get`.**\
**You can also use objection to** convert these files to a JSON format and inspect the data.
By default NSURLSession stores data, such as **HTTP requests and responses in the Cache.db** database. This database can contain **sensitive data**, if tokens, usernames or any other sensitive information has been cached. To find the cached information open the data directory of the app (`/var/mobile/Containers/Data/Application/<UUID>`) and go to `/Library/Caches/<Bundle Identifier>`. The **WebKit cache is also being stored in the Cache.db** file. **Objection** can open and interact with the database with the command `sqlite connect Cache.db`, as it is a n**ormal SQLite database**.
It is **recommended to disable Caching this data**, as it may contain sensitive information in the request or response. The following list below shows different ways of achieving this:
1. It is recommended to remove Cached responses after logout. This can be done with the provided method by Apple called [`removeAllCachedResponses`]( You can call this method as follows:
This method will remove all cached requests and responses from Cache.db file.
2. If you don't need to use the advantage of cookies it would be recommended to just use the [.ephemeral]( configuration property of URLSession, which will disable saving cookies and Caches.
`An ephemeral session configuration object is similar to a default session configuration (see default), except that the corresponding session object doesn’t store caches, credential stores, or any session-related data to disk. Instead, session-related data is stored in RAM. The only time an ephemeral session writes data to disk is when you tell it to write the contents of a URL to a file.`
3. Cache can be also disabled by setting the Cache Policy to [.notAllowed]( It will disable storing Cache in any fashion, either in memory or on disk.
Whenever you press the home button, iOS **takes a snapshot of the current screen** to be able to do the transition to the application on a much smoother way. However, if **sensitive****data** is present in the current screen, it will be **saved** in the **image** (which **persists****across****reboots**). These are the snapshots that you can also access double tapping the home screen to switch between apps.
Unless the iPhone is jailbroken, the **attacker** needs to have **access** to the **device****unblocked** to see these screenshots. By default the last snapshot is stored in the application's sandbox in `Library/Caches/Snapshots/` or `Library/SplashBoard/Snapshots` folder (the trusted computers can' t access the filesystem from iOX 7.0).
Once way to prevent this bad behaviour is to put a blank screen or remove the sensitive data before taking the snapshot using the `ApplicationDidEnterBackground()` function.
This sets the background image to `overlayImage.png` whenever the application is backgrounded. It prevents sensitive data leaks because `overlayImage.png` will always override the current view.
For accessing and managing the iOS keychain, tools like [**Keychain-Dumper**]( are available, suitable for jailbroken devices. Additionally, [**Objection**]( provides the command `ios keychain dump` for similar purposes.
The **NSURLCredential** class is ideal for saving sensitive information directly in the keychain, bypassing the need for NSUserDefaults or other wrappers. To store credentials after login, the following Swift code is used:
With iOS 8.0 onwards, users can install custom keyboard extensions, which are manageable under **Settings > General > Keyboard > Keyboards**. While these keyboards offer extended functionality, they pose a risk of keystroke logging and transmitting data to external servers, though users are notified about keyboards requiring network access. Apps can, and should, restrict the use of custom keyboards for sensitive information entry.
- It's advised to disable third-party keyboards for enhanced security.
- Be aware of the autocorrect and auto-suggestions features of the default iOS keyboard, which could store sensitive information in cache files located in `Library/Keyboard/{locale}-dynamic-text.dat` or `/private/var/mobile/Library/Keyboard/dynamic-text.dat`. These cache files should be regularly checked for sensitive data. Resetting the keyboard dictionary via **Settings > General > Reset > Reset Keyboard Dictionary** is recommended for clearing cached data.
- Intercepting network traffic can reveal whether a custom keyboard is transmitting keystrokes remotely.
The [UITextInputTraits protocol]( offers properties to manage autocorrection and secure text entry, essential for preventing sensitive information caching. For example, disabling autocorrection and enabling secure text entry can be achieved with:
Additionally, developers should ensure that text fields, especially those for entering sensitive information like passwords and PINs, disable caching by setting `autocorrectionType` to `UITextAutocorrectionTypeNo` and `secureTextEntry` to `YES`.
Debugging code often involves the use of **logging**. There's a risk involved as **logs may contain sensitive information**. Previously, in iOS 6 and earlier versions, logs were accessible to all apps, posing a risk of sensitive data leakage. **Now, applications are restricted to accessing only their logs**.
Despite these restrictions, an **attacker with physical access** to an unlocked device can still exploit this by connecting the device to a computer and **reading the logs**. It is important to note that logs remain on the disk even after the app's uninstallation.
To mitigate risks, it is advised to **thoroughly interact with the app**, exploring all its functionalities and inputs to ensure no sensitive information is being logged inadvertently.
When reviewing the app's source code for potential leaks, look for both **predefined** and **custom logging statements** using keywords such as `NSLog`, `NSAssert`, `NSCAssert`, `fprintf` for built-in functions, and any mentions of `Logging` or `Logfile` for custom implementations.
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**Auto-backup features** are integrated into iOS, facilitating the creation of device data copies through iTunes (up to macOS Catalina), Finder (from macOS Catalina onward), or iCloud. These backups encompass almost all device data, excluding highly sensitive elements like Apple Pay details and Touch ID configurations.
The inclusion of **installed apps and their data** in backups raises the issue of potential **data leakage** and the risk that **backup modifications could alter app functionality**. It's advised to **not store sensitive information in plaintext** within any app's directory or its subdirectories to mitigate these risks.
Files in `Documents/` and `Library/Application Support/` are backed up by default. Developers can exclude specific files or directories from backups using `NSURL setResourceValue:forKey:error:` with the `NSURLIsExcludedFromBackupKey`. This practice is crucial for protecting sensitive data from being included in backups.
To assess an app's backup security, start by **creating a backup** using Finder, then locate it using guidance from [Apple's official documentation]( Analyze the backup for sensitive data or configurations that could be altered to affect app behavior.
Sensitive information can be sought out using command-line tools or applications like [iMazing]( For encrypted backups, the presence of encryption can be confirmed by checking the "IsEncrypted" key in the "Manifest.plist" file at the backup's root.
For dealing with encrypted backups, Python scripts available in [DinoSec's GitHub repo](, like **** and ****, may be useful, albeit potentially requiring adjustments for compatibility with the latest iTunes/Finder versions. The [**iOSbackup** tool]( is another option for accessing files within password-protected backups.
An example of altering app behavior through backup modifications is demonstrated in the [Bither bitcoin wallet app](, where the UI lock PIN is stored within `net.bither.plist` under the **pin_code** key. Removing this key from the plist and restoring the backup removes the PIN requirement, providing unrestricted access.
When dealing with sensitive information stored in an application's memory, it is crucial to limit the exposure time of this data. There are two primary approaches to investigate memory content: **creating a memory dump** and **analyzing the memory in real time**. Both methods have their challenges, including the potential to miss critical data during the dump process or analysis.
For both jailbroken and non-jailbroken devices, tools like [objection]( and [Fridump]( allow for the dumping of an app's process memory. Once dumped, analyzing this data requires various tools, depending on the nature of the information you're searching for.
**r2frida** provides a powerful alternative for inspecting an app's memory in real time, without needing a memory dump. This tool enables the execution of search commands directly on the running application's memory:
Some developers save sensitive data in the local storage and encrypt it with a key hardcoded/predictable in the code. This shouldn't be done as some reversing could allow attackers to extract the confidential information.
Developers shouldn't use **deprecated algorithms** to perform authorisation **checks**, **store** or **send** data. Some of these algorithms are: RC4, MD4, MD5, SHA1... If **hashes** are used to store passwords for example, hashes brute-force **resistant** should be used with salt.
The main checks to perform if to find if you can find **hardcoded** passwords/secrets in the code, or if those are **predictable**, and if the code is using some king of **weak****cryptography** algorithms.
It's interesting to know that you can **monitor** some **crypto****libraries** automatically using **objection** with:
ios monitor crypt
For **more information** about iOS cryptographic APIs and libraries access [](
**Local authentication** plays a crucial role, especially when it concerns safeguarding access at a remote endpoint through cryptographic methods. The essence here is that without proper implementation, local authentication mechanisms can be circumvented.
Apple's **[Local Authentication framework](** and the **[keychain](** provide robust APIs for developers to facilitate user authentication dialogs and securely handle secret data, respectively. The Secure Enclave secures fingerprint ID for Touch ID, whereas Face ID relies on facial recognition without compromising biometric data.
To integrate Touch ID/Face ID, developers have two API choices:
- **`LocalAuthentication.framework`** for high-level user authentication without access to biometric data.
- **`Security.framework`** for lower-level keychain services access, securing secret data with biometric authentication. Various [open-source wrappers]( make keychain access simpler.
However, both `LocalAuthentication.framework` and `Security.framework` present vulnerabilities, as they primarily return boolean values without transmitting data for authentication processes, making them susceptible to bypassing (refer to [Don't touch me that way, by David Lindner et al](
Implementing **local authentication** in iOS apps involves the use of **keychain APIs** to securely store secret data such as authentication tokens. This process ensures that the data can only be accessed by the user, using their device passcode or biometric authentication like Touch ID.
The keychain offers the capability to set items with the `SecAccessControl` attribute, which restricts access to the item until the user successfully authenticates via Touch ID or device passcode. This feature is crucial for enhancing security.
Below are code examples in Swift and Objective-C demonstrating how to save and retrieve a string to/from the keychain, leveraging these security features. The examples specifically show how to set up access control to require Touch ID authentication and ensure the data is accessible only on the device it was set up on, under the condition that a device passcode is configured.
OSStatus status = SecItemAdd((__bridge CFDictionaryRef)query, nil);
if (status == noErr) {
// successfully saved
} else {
// error while saving
{% endtab %}
{% endtabs %}
Now we can request the saved item from the keychain. Keychain services will present the authentication dialog to the user and return data or nil depending on whether a suitable fingerprint was provided or not.
{% tabs %}
{% tab title="Swift" %}
// 1. define query
var query = [String: Any]()
query[kSecClass as String] = kSecClassGenericPassword
query[kSecReturnData as String] = kCFBooleanTrue
query[kSecAttrAccount as String] = "My Name" as CFString
query[kSecAttrLabel as String] = "" as CFString
query[kSecUseOperationPrompt as String] = "Please, pass authorisation to enter this area" as CFString
// 2. get item
var queryResult: AnyObject?
let status = withUnsafeMutablePointer(to: &queryResult) {
SecItemCopyMatching(query as CFDictionary, UnsafeMutablePointer($0))
if status == noErr {
let password = String(data: queryResult as! Data, encoding: .utf8)!
If `LocalAuthentication.framework` is used in an app, the output will contain both of the following lines (remember that `LocalAuthentication.framework` uses `Security.framework` under the hood):
Through the **Objection Biometrics Bypass**, located at [this GitHub page](, a technique is available for overcoming the **LocalAuthentication** mechanism. The core of this approach involves leveraging **Frida** to manipulate the `evaluatePolicy` function, ensuring it consistently yields a `True` outcome, irrespective of the actual authentication success. This is particularly useful for circumventing flawed biometric authentication processes.
To activate this bypass, the following command is employed:
[TouchIDAuthentication showAlert:@"Your device doesn't support Touch ID or you haven't configured Touch ID authentication on your device" withTitle:@"Error"];
To achieve the **bypass** of Local Authentication, a Frida script is written. This script targets the **evaluatePolicy** check, intercepting its callback to ensure it returns **success=1**. By altering the callback's behavior, the authentication check is effectively bypassed.
The script below is injected to modify the result of the **evaluatePolicy** method. It changes the callback's result to always indicate success.
It's important to check that no communication is occurring **without encryption** and also that the application is correctly **validating the TLS certificate** of the server.\
One common issue validating the TLS certificate is to check that the certificate was signed by a **trusted****CA**, but **not check** if **the hostname** of the certificate is the hostname being accessed.\
In order to check this issue using Burp, after trusting Burp CA in the iPhone, you can **create a new certificate with Burp for a different hostname** and use it. If the application still works, then, something it's vulnerable.
If an application is correctly using SSL Pinning, then the application will only works if the certificate is the once expected to be. When testing an application **this might be a problem as Burp will serve it's own certificate.**\
In order to bypass this protection inside a jailbroken device, you can install the application [**SSL Kill Switch**]( or install [**Burp Mobile Assistant**](
* **`iTunesMetadata.plist`**: Info of the app used in the App Store
* **`/Library/*`**: Contains the preferences and cache. In **`/Library/Cache/Snapshots/*`** you can find the snapshot performed to the application before sending it to the background.
The developers can remotely **patch all installations of their app instantly** without having to resubmit the application to the App store and wait until it's approved.\
For this purpose it's usually use [**JSPatch**](**.** But there are other options also such as [Siren]( and [react-native-appstore-version-checker](\
**This is a dangerous mechanism that could be abused by malicious third party SDKs therefore it's recommended to check which method is used to automatic updating (if any) and test it.** You could try to download a previous version of the app for this purpose.
A significant challenge with **3rd party SDKs** is the **lack of granular control** over their functionalities. Developers are faced with a choice: either integrate the SDK and accept all its features, including potential security vulnerabilities and privacy concerns, or forego its benefits entirely. Often, developers are unable to patch vulnerabilities within these SDKs themselves. Furthermore, as SDKs gain trust within the community, some may start to contain malware.
The services provided by third-party SDKs may include user behavior tracking, advertisement displays, or user experience enhancements. However, this introduces a risk as developers may not be fully aware of the code executed by these libraries, leading to potential privacy and security risks. It's crucial to limit the information shared with third-party services to what is necessary and ensure that no sensitive data is exposed.
Implementation of third-party services usually comes in two forms: a standalone library or a full SDK. To protect user privacy, any data shared with these services should be **anonymized** to prevent the disclosure of Personal Identifiable Information (PII).
To identify the libraries an application uses, the **`otool`** command can be employed. This tool should be run against the application and each shared library it uses to discover additional libraries.
Use [**Trickest**](\_campaign=hacktrics\&utm\_medium=banner\&utm\_source=hacktricks) to easily build and **automate workflows** powered by the world's **most advanced** community tools.\
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