Learn & practice AWS Hacking:<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)**](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte)<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">\
Learn & practice GCP Hacking: <imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)**<img src="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png" alt="" data-size="line">](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/grte)
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**Find and report critical, exploitable vulnerabilities with real business impact.** Use our 20+ custom tools to map the attack surface, find security issues that let you escalate privileges, and use automated exploits to collect essential evidence, turning your hard work into persuasive reports.
Developed by Microsoft, the **Remote Desktop Protocol** (**RDP**) is designed to enable a graphical interface connection between computers over a network. To establish such a connection, **RDP** client software is utilized by the user, and concurrently, the remote computer is required to operate **RDP** server software. This setup allows for the seamless control and access of a distant computer's desktop environment, essentially bringing its interface to the user's local device.
**Find and report critical, exploitable vulnerabilities with real business impact.** Use our 20+ custom tools to map the attack surface, find security issues that let you escalate privileges, and use automated exploits to collect essential evidence, turning your hard work into persuasive reports.
You could get passwords from the process dumping it, but this method is much faster and led you interact with the virtual desktops of the user (passwords in notepad without been saved in disk, other RDP sessions opened in other machines...)
Combining this technique with **stickykeys** or **utilman you will be able to access a administrative CMD and any RDP session anytime**
You can search RDPs that have been backdoored with one of these techniques already with: [https://github.com/linuz/Sticky-Keys-Slayer](https://github.com/linuz/Sticky-Keys-Slayer)
If someone from a different domain or with **better privileges login via RDP** to the PC where **you are an Admin**, you can **inject** your beacon in his **RDP session process** and act as him:
**AutoRDPwn** is a post-exploitation framework created in Powershell, designed primarily to automate the **Shadow** attack on Microsoft Windows computers. This vulnerability (listed as a feature by Microsoft) allows a remote attacker to **view his victim's desktop without his consent**, and even control it on demand, using tools native to the operating system itself.
Developed by Microsoft, the Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP) is designed to enable a graphical interface connection between computers over a network. To establish such a connection, RDP client software is utilized by the user, and concurrently, the remote computer is required to operate RDP server software. This setup allows for the seamless control and access of a distant computer's desktop environment, essentially bringing its interface to the user's local device.
**Find and report critical, exploitable vulnerabilities with real business impact.** Use our 20+ custom tools to map the attack surface, find security issues that let you escalate privileges, and use automated exploits to collect essential evidence, turning your hard work into persuasive reports.
Learn & practice AWS Hacking:<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training AWS Red Team Expert (ARTE)**](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/arte)<imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/arte.png"alt=""data-size="line">\
Learn & practice GCP Hacking: <imgsrc="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png"alt=""data-size="line">[**HackTricks Training GCP Red Team Expert (GRTE)**<img src="/.gitbook/assets/grte.png" alt="" data-size="line">](https://training.hacktricks.xyz/courses/grte)
* Check the [**subscription plans**](https://github.com/sponsors/carlospolop)!
* **Join the** 💬 [**Discord group**](https://discord.gg/hRep4RUj7f) or the [**telegram group**](https://t.me/peass) or **follow** us on **Twitter** 🐦 [**@hacktricks\_live**](https://twitter.com/hacktricks\_live)**.**
* **Share hacking tricks by submitting PRs to the** [**HackTricks**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks) and [**HackTricks Cloud**](https://github.com/carlospolop/hacktricks-cloud) github repos.