Daniele Sluijters acc333c40b
[feature] Inherit resource limits from cgroups (#1336)
When GTS is running in a container runtime which has configured CPU or
memory limits or under an init system that uses cgroups to impose CPU
and memory limits the values the Go runtime sees for GOMAXPROCS and
GOMEMLIMIT are still based on the host resources, not the cgroup.

At least for the throttling middlewares which use GOMAXPROCS to
configure their queue size, this can result in GTS running with values
too big compared to the resources that will actuall be available to it.

This introduces 2 dependencies which can pick up resource contraints
from the current cgroup and tune the Go runtime accordingly. This should
result in the different queues being appropriately sized and in general
more predictable performance. These dependencies are a no-op on
non-Linux systems or if running in a cgroup that doesn't set a limit on
CPU or memory.

The automatic tuning of GOMEMLIMIT can be disabled by either explicitly
setting GOMEMLIMIT yourself or by setting AUTOMEMLIMIT=off. The
automatic tuning of GOMAXPROCS can similarly be counteracted by setting
GOMAXPROCS yourself.
2023-01-17 20:59:04 +00:00

353 lines
8.8 KiB

package dbus
import (
const protoVersion byte = 1
// Flags represents the possible flags of a D-Bus message.
type Flags byte
const (
// FlagNoReplyExpected signals that the message is not expected to generate
// a reply. If this flag is set on outgoing messages, any possible reply
// will be discarded.
FlagNoReplyExpected Flags = 1 << iota
// FlagNoAutoStart signals that the message bus should not automatically
// start an application when handling this message.
// FlagAllowInteractiveAuthorization may be set on a method call
// message to inform the receiving side that the caller is prepared
// to wait for interactive authorization, which might take a
// considerable time to complete. For instance, if this flag is set,
// it would be appropriate to query the user for passwords or
// confirmation via Polkit or a similar framework.
// Type represents the possible types of a D-Bus message.
type Type byte
const (
TypeMethodCall Type = 1 + iota
func (t Type) String() string {
switch t {
case TypeMethodCall:
return "method call"
case TypeMethodReply:
return "reply"
case TypeError:
return "error"
case TypeSignal:
return "signal"
return "invalid"
// HeaderField represents the possible byte codes for the headers
// of a D-Bus message.
type HeaderField byte
const (
FieldPath HeaderField = 1 + iota
// An InvalidMessageError describes the reason why a D-Bus message is regarded as
// invalid.
type InvalidMessageError string
func (e InvalidMessageError) Error() string {
return "dbus: invalid message: " + string(e)
// fieldType are the types of the various header fields.
var fieldTypes = [fieldMax]reflect.Type{
FieldPath: objectPathType,
FieldInterface: stringType,
FieldMember: stringType,
FieldErrorName: stringType,
FieldReplySerial: uint32Type,
FieldDestination: stringType,
FieldSender: stringType,
FieldSignature: signatureType,
FieldUnixFDs: uint32Type,
// requiredFields lists the header fields that are required by the different
// message types.
var requiredFields = [typeMax][]HeaderField{
TypeMethodCall: {FieldPath, FieldMember},
TypeMethodReply: {FieldReplySerial},
TypeError: {FieldErrorName, FieldReplySerial},
TypeSignal: {FieldPath, FieldInterface, FieldMember},
// Message represents a single D-Bus message.
type Message struct {
Headers map[HeaderField]Variant
Body []interface{}
serial uint32
type header struct {
Field byte
// DecodeMessage tries to decode a single message in the D-Bus wire format
// from the given reader. The byte order is figured out from the first byte.
// The possibly returned error can be an error of the underlying reader, an
// InvalidMessageError or a FormatError.
func DecodeMessage(rd io.Reader) (msg *Message, err error) {
var order binary.ByteOrder
var hlength, length uint32
var typ, flags, proto byte
var headers []header
b := make([]byte, 1)
_, err = rd.Read(b)
if err != nil {
switch b[0] {
case 'l':
order = binary.LittleEndian
case 'B':
order = binary.BigEndian
return nil, InvalidMessageError("invalid byte order")
dec := newDecoder(rd, order)
dec.pos = 1
msg = new(Message)
vs, err := dec.Decode(Signature{"yyyuu"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = Store(vs, &typ, &flags, &proto, &length, &msg.serial); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg.Type = Type(typ)
msg.Flags = Flags(flags)
// get the header length separately because we need it later
b = make([]byte, 4)
_, err = io.ReadFull(rd, b)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
binary.Read(bytes.NewBuffer(b), order, &hlength)
if hlength+length+16 > 1<<27 {
return nil, InvalidMessageError("message is too long")
dec = newDecoder(io.MultiReader(bytes.NewBuffer(b), rd), order)
dec.pos = 12
vs, err = dec.Decode(Signature{"a(yv)"})
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = Store(vs, &headers); err != nil {
return nil, err
msg.Headers = make(map[HeaderField]Variant)
for _, v := range headers {
msg.Headers[HeaderField(v.Field)] = v.Variant
body := make([]byte, int(length))
if length != 0 {
_, err := io.ReadFull(rd, body)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if err = msg.IsValid(); err != nil {
return nil, err
sig, _ := msg.Headers[FieldSignature].value.(Signature)
if sig.str != "" {
buf := bytes.NewBuffer(body)
dec = newDecoder(buf, order)
vs, err := dec.Decode(sig)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
msg.Body = vs
// EncodeTo encodes and sends a message to the given writer. The byte order must
// be either binary.LittleEndian or binary.BigEndian. If the message is not
// valid or an error occurs when writing, an error is returned.
func (msg *Message) EncodeTo(out io.Writer, order binary.ByteOrder) error {
if err := msg.IsValid(); err != nil {
return err
var vs [7]interface{}
switch order {
case binary.LittleEndian:
vs[0] = byte('l')
case binary.BigEndian:
vs[0] = byte('B')
return errors.New("dbus: invalid byte order")
body := new(bytes.Buffer)
enc := newEncoder(body, order)
if len(msg.Body) != 0 {
vs[1] = msg.Type
vs[2] = msg.Flags
vs[3] = protoVersion
vs[4] = uint32(len(body.Bytes()))
vs[5] = msg.serial
headers := make([]header, 0, len(msg.Headers))
for k, v := range msg.Headers {
headers = append(headers, header{byte(k), v})
vs[6] = headers
var buf bytes.Buffer
enc = newEncoder(&buf, order)
if buf.Len() > 1<<27 {
return InvalidMessageError("message is too long")
if _, err := buf.WriteTo(out); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// IsValid checks whether msg is a valid message and returns an
// InvalidMessageError if it is not.
func (msg *Message) IsValid() error {
if msg.Flags & ^(FlagNoAutoStart|FlagNoReplyExpected|FlagAllowInteractiveAuthorization) != 0 {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid flags")
if msg.Type == 0 || msg.Type >= typeMax {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid message type")
for k, v := range msg.Headers {
if k == 0 || k >= fieldMax {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid header")
if reflect.TypeOf(v.value) != fieldTypes[k] {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid type of header field")
for _, v := range requiredFields[msg.Type] {
if _, ok := msg.Headers[v]; !ok {
return InvalidMessageError("missing required header")
if path, ok := msg.Headers[FieldPath]; ok {
if !path.value.(ObjectPath).IsValid() {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid path name")
if iface, ok := msg.Headers[FieldInterface]; ok {
if !isValidInterface(iface.value.(string)) {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid interface name")
if member, ok := msg.Headers[FieldMember]; ok {
if !isValidMember(member.value.(string)) {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid member name")
if errname, ok := msg.Headers[FieldErrorName]; ok {
if !isValidInterface(errname.value.(string)) {
return InvalidMessageError("invalid error name")
if len(msg.Body) != 0 {
if _, ok := msg.Headers[FieldSignature]; !ok {
return InvalidMessageError("missing signature")
return nil
// Serial returns the message's serial number. The returned value is only valid
// for messages received by eavesdropping.
func (msg *Message) Serial() uint32 {
return msg.serial
// String returns a string representation of a message similar to the format of
// dbus-monitor.
func (msg *Message) String() string {
if err := msg.IsValid(); err != nil {
return "<invalid>"
s := msg.Type.String()
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldSender]; ok {
s += " from " + v.value.(string)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldDestination]; ok {
s += " to " + v.value.(string)
s += " serial " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(msg.serial), 10)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldReplySerial]; ok {
s += " reply_serial " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.value.(uint32)), 10)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldUnixFDs]; ok {
s += " unixfds " + strconv.FormatUint(uint64(v.value.(uint32)), 10)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldPath]; ok {
s += " path " + string(v.value.(ObjectPath))
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldInterface]; ok {
s += " interface " + v.value.(string)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldErrorName]; ok {
s += " error " + v.value.(string)
if v, ok := msg.Headers[FieldMember]; ok {
s += " member " + v.value.(string)
if len(msg.Body) != 0 {
s += "\n"
for i, v := range msg.Body {
s += " " + MakeVariant(v).String()
if i != len(msg.Body)-1 {
s += "\n"
return s