Jordan Wright 7dcf30f277
Add Support for Timed Campaigns (#1184)
This builds on the work from @c-f in #1090 to fully add support for "timed" campaigns, in which the emails are spaced apart as opposed to all being sent at once.
2018-09-02 11:17:52 -05:00

95 lines
2.6 KiB

package models
import (
// Hook up gocheck into the "go test" runner.
func Test(t *testing.T) { check.TestingT(t) }
type ModelsSuite struct{}
var _ = check.Suite(&ModelsSuite{})
func (s *ModelsSuite) SetUpSuite(c *check.C) {
config.Conf.DBName = "sqlite3"
config.Conf.DBPath = ":memory:"
config.Conf.MigrationsPath = "../db/db_sqlite3/migrations/"
err := Setup()
if err != nil {
c.Fatalf("Failed creating database: %v", err)
func (s *ModelsSuite) TearDownTest(c *check.C) {
// Clear database tables between each test. If new tables are
// used in this test suite they will need to be cleaned up here.
// Reset users table to default state.
db.Not("id", 1).Delete(User{})
db.Model(User{}).Update("username", "admin")
func (s *ModelsSuite) createCampaignDependencies(ch *check.C, optional ...string) Campaign {
// we use the optional parameter to pass an alternative subject
group := Group{Name: "Test Group"}
group.Targets = []Target{
Target{BaseRecipient: BaseRecipient{Email: "", FirstName: "First", LastName: "Example"}},
Target{BaseRecipient: BaseRecipient{Email: "", FirstName: "Second", LastName: "Example"}},
Target{BaseRecipient: BaseRecipient{Email: "", FirstName: "Second", LastName: "Example"}},
Target{BaseRecipient: BaseRecipient{Email: "", FirstName: "Second", LastName: "Example"}},
group.UserId = 1
ch.Assert(PostGroup(&group), check.Equals, nil)
// Add a template
t := Template{Name: "Test Template"}
if len(optional) > 0 {
t.Subject = optional[0]
} else {
t.Subject = "{{.RId}} - Subject"
t.Text = "{{.RId}} - Text"
t.HTML = "{{.RId}} - HTML"
t.UserId = 1
ch.Assert(PostTemplate(&t), check.Equals, nil)
// Add a landing page
p := Page{Name: "Test Page"}
p.HTML = "<html>Test</html>"
p.UserId = 1
ch.Assert(PostPage(&p), check.Equals, nil)
// Add a sending profile
smtp := SMTP{Name: "Test Page"}
smtp.UserId = 1
smtp.Host = ""
smtp.FromAddress = ""
ch.Assert(PostSMTP(&smtp), check.Equals, nil)
c := Campaign{Name: "Test campaign"}
c.UserId = 1
c.Template = t
c.Page = p
c.SMTP = smtp
c.Groups = []Group{group}
return c
func (s *ModelsSuite) createCampaign(ch *check.C) Campaign {
c := s.createCampaignDependencies(ch)
// Setup and "launch" our campaign
ch.Assert(PostCampaign(&c, c.UserId), check.Equals, nil)
return c