Christian Rocha db7f49b445 Bump Bubbles to v0.14.0, update accordingly, and simplify spinners
* Re-implement spinner min/max lifetimes in pager
* Remove generalized spin commands in favor of model-level commands
* Update textinput, viewport, and spinner constructors
2022-11-11 02:14:26 +01:00

769 lines
18 KiB

package ui
import (
tea ""
te ""
const (
noteCharacterLimit = 256 // should match server
statusMessageTimeout = time.Second * 2 // how long to show status messages like "stashed!"
ellipsis = "…"
// Only show the spinner if it spins for at least this amount of time.
spinnerVisibilityTimeout = time.Millisecond * 140
// Minimum amount of time the spinner should be visible once it starts.
spinnerMinLifetime = time.Millisecond * 550
var (
config Config
markdownExtensions = []string{
"*.md", "*.mdown", "*.mkdn", "*.mkd", "*.markdown",
// True if we're logging to a file, in which case we'll log more stuff.
debug = false
// Types of documents we allow the user to stash.
stashableDocTypes = NewDocTypeSet(LocalDoc, NewsDoc)
// NewProgram returns a new Tea program.
func NewProgram(cfg Config) *tea.Program {
if cfg.Logfile != "" {
log.Println("-- Starting Glow ----------------")
log.Printf("High performance pager: %v", cfg.HighPerformancePager)
log.Printf("Glamour rendering: %v", cfg.GlamourEnabled)
log.Println("Bubble Tea now initializing...")
debug = true
config = cfg
opts := []tea.ProgramOption{tea.WithAltScreen()}
if cfg.EnableMouse {
opts = append(opts, tea.WithMouseCellMotion())
return tea.NewProgram(newModel(cfg), opts...)
type errMsg struct{ err error }
func (e errMsg) Error() string { return e.err.Error() }
type (
newCharmClientMsg *charm.Client
sshAuthErrMsg struct{}
keygenFailedMsg struct{ err error }
keygenSuccessMsg struct{}
initLocalFileSearchMsg struct {
cwd string
ch chan gitcha.SearchResult
type (
foundLocalFileMsg gitcha.SearchResult
localFileSearchFinished struct{}
gotStashMsg []*charm.Markdown
stashLoadErrMsg struct{ err error }
gotNewsMsg []*charm.Markdown
statusMessageTimeoutMsg applicationContext
newsLoadErrMsg struct{ err error }
stashSuccessMsg markdown
stashFailMsg struct {
err error
markdown markdown
// applicationContext indicates the area of the application something appies
// to. Occasionally used as an argument to commands and messages.
type applicationContext int
const (
stashContext applicationContext = iota
// state is the top-level application state.
type state int
const (
stateShowStash state = iota
func (s state) String() string {
return map[state]string{
stateShowStash: "showing file listing",
stateShowDocument: "showing document",
type authStatus int
const (
authConnecting authStatus = iota
func (s authStatus) String() string {
return map[authStatus]string{
authConnecting: "connecting",
authOK: "ok",
authFailed: "failed",
type keygenState int
const (
keygenUnstarted keygenState = iota
// Common stuff we'll need to access in all models.
type commonModel struct {
cfg Config
cc *charm.Client
cwd string
authStatus authStatus
width int
height int
// Local IDs of files stashed this session. We treat this like a set,
// ignoring the value portion with an empty struct.
filesStashed map[ksuid.KSUID]struct{}
// ID of the most recently stashed markdown
latestFileStashed ksuid.KSUID
// Files currently being stashed. We remove files from this set once
// a stash operation has either succeeded or failed.
filesStashing map[ksuid.KSUID]struct{}
func (c commonModel) isStashing() bool {
return len(c.filesStashing) > 0
type model struct {
common *commonModel
state state
keygenState keygenState
fatalErr error
// Sub-models
stash stashModel
pager pagerModel
// Channel that receives paths to local markdown files
// (via the package)
localFileFinder chan gitcha.SearchResult
// unloadDocument unloads a document from the pager. Note that while this
// method alters the model we also need to send along any commands returned.
func (m *model) unloadDocument() []tea.Cmd {
m.state = stateShowStash
m.stash.viewState = stashStateReady
m.pager.showHelp = false
var batch []tea.Cmd
if m.pager.viewport.HighPerformanceRendering {
batch = append(batch, tea.ClearScrollArea)
if !m.stash.shouldSpin() {
batch = append(batch, m.stash.spinner.Tick)
return batch
func newModel(cfg Config) tea.Model {
if cfg.GlamourStyle == "auto" {
if te.HasDarkBackground() {
cfg.GlamourStyle = "dark"
} else {
cfg.GlamourStyle = "light"
if len(cfg.DocumentTypes) == 0 {
cfg.DocumentTypes.Add(LocalDoc, StashedDoc, ConvertedDoc, NewsDoc)
common := commonModel{
cfg: cfg,
authStatus: authConnecting,
filesStashed: make(map[ksuid.KSUID]struct{}),
filesStashing: make(map[ksuid.KSUID]struct{}),
return model{
common: &common,
state: stateShowStash,
keygenState: keygenUnstarted,
pager: newPagerModel(&common),
stash: newStashModel(&common),
func (m model) Init() tea.Cmd {
var cmds []tea.Cmd
d := m.common.cfg.DocumentTypes
if d.Contains(StashedDoc) || d.Contains(NewsDoc) {
cmds = append(cmds,
if d.Contains(LocalDoc) {
cmds = append(cmds, findLocalFiles(m))
return tea.Batch(cmds...)
func (m model) Update(msg tea.Msg) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
// If there's been an error, any key exits
if m.fatalErr != nil {
if _, ok := msg.(tea.KeyMsg); ok {
return m, tea.Quit
var cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "esc":
if m.state == stateShowDocument {
batch := m.unloadDocument()
return m, tea.Batch(batch...)
case "q":
var cmd tea.Cmd
switch m.state {
case stateShowStash:
// pass through all keys if we're editing the filter
if m.stash.filterState == filtering || m.stash.selectionState == selectionSettingNote {
m.stash, cmd = m.stash.update(msg)
return m, cmd
// Special cases for the pager
case stateShowDocument:
switch m.pager.state {
// If setting a note send all keys straight through
case pagerStateSetNote:
var batch []tea.Cmd
newPagerModel, cmd := m.pager.update(msg)
m.pager = newPagerModel
batch = append(batch, cmd)
return m, tea.Batch(batch...)
return m, tea.Quit
case "left", "h", "delete":
if m.state == stateShowDocument && m.pager.state != pagerStateSetNote {
cmds = append(cmds, m.unloadDocument()...)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
// Ctrl+C always quits no matter where in the application you are.
case "ctrl+c":
return m, tea.Quit
// Window size is received when starting up and on every resize
case tea.WindowSizeMsg:
m.common.width = msg.Width
m.common.height = msg.Height
m.stash.setSize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
m.pager.setSize(msg.Width, msg.Height)
case initLocalFileSearchMsg:
m.localFileFinder =
m.common.cwd = msg.cwd
cmds = append(cmds, findNextLocalFile(m))
case sshAuthErrMsg:
if m.keygenState != keygenFinished { // if we haven't run the keygen yet, do that
m.keygenState = keygenRunning
cmds = append(cmds, generateSSHKeys)
} else {
// The keygen ran but things still didn't work and we can't auth
m.common.authStatus = authFailed
m.stash.err = errors.New("SSH authentication failed; we tried ssh-agent, loading keys from disk, and generating SSH keys")
if debug {
log.Println("entering offline mode;", m.stash.err)
// Even though it failed, news/stash loading is finished
m.stash.loaded.Add(StashedDoc, NewsDoc)
case keygenFailedMsg:
// Keygen failed. That sucks.
m.common.authStatus = authFailed
m.stash.err = errors.New("could not authenticate; could not generate SSH keys")
if debug {
log.Println("entering offline mode;", m.stash.err)
m.keygenState = keygenFinished
// Even though it failed, news/stash loading is finished
m.stash.loaded.Add(StashedDoc, NewsDoc)
case keygenSuccessMsg:
// The keygen's done, so let's try initializing the charm client again
m.keygenState = keygenFinished
cmds = append(cmds, newCharmClient)
case newCharmClientMsg: = msg
m.common.authStatus = authOK
cmds = append(cmds, loadStash(m.stash), loadNews(m.stash))
case stashLoadErrMsg:
m.common.authStatus = authFailed
case fetchedMarkdownMsg:
// We've loaded a markdown file's contents for rendering
m.pager.currentDocument = *msg
msg.Body = string(utils.RemoveFrontmatter([]byte(msg.Body)))
cmds = append(cmds, renderWithGlamour(m.pager, msg.Body))
case contentRenderedMsg:
m.state = stateShowDocument
case noteSavedMsg:
// A note was saved to a document. This will have been done in the
// pager, so we'll need to find the corresponding note in the stash.
// So, pass the message to the stash for processing.
stashModel, cmd := m.stash.update(msg)
m.stash = stashModel
return m, cmd
case localFileSearchFinished, gotStashMsg, gotNewsMsg:
// Always pass these messages to the stash so we can keep it updated
// about network activity, even if the user isn't currently viewing
// the stash.
stashModel, cmd := m.stash.update(msg)
m.stash = stashModel
return m, cmd
case foundLocalFileMsg:
newMd := localFileToMarkdown(m.common.cwd, gitcha.SearchResult(msg))
if m.stash.filterApplied() {
if m.stash.shouldUpdateFilter() {
cmds = append(cmds, filterMarkdowns(m.stash))
cmds = append(cmds, findNextLocalFile(m))
case stashSuccessMsg:
// Common handling that should happen regardless of application state
md := markdown(msg)
m.common.filesStashed[msg.stashID] = struct{}{}
delete(m.common.filesStashing, md.stashID)
if m.stash.filterApplied() {
for _, v := range m.stash.filteredMarkdowns {
if v.stashID == msg.stashID && v.docType == ConvertedDoc {
// Add the server-side ID we got back so we can do things
// like rename and stash it.
v.ID = msg.ID
// Keep the unique ID in sync so we can do things like
// delete. Note that the markdown received a new unique ID
// when it was added to the file listing in
// stash.addMarkdowns.
v.uniqueID = md.uniqueID
case stashFailMsg:
// Common handling that should happen regardless of application state
delete(m.common.filesStashed, msg.markdown.stashID)
delete(m.common.filesStashing, msg.markdown.stashID)
case filteredMarkdownMsg:
if m.state == stateShowDocument {
newStashModel, cmd := m.stash.update(msg)
m.stash = newStashModel
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
// Process children
switch m.state {
case stateShowStash:
newStashModel, cmd := m.stash.update(msg)
m.stash = newStashModel
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case stateShowDocument:
newPagerModel, cmd := m.pager.update(msg)
m.pager = newPagerModel
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
func (m model) View() string {
if m.fatalErr != nil {
return errorView(m.fatalErr, true)
switch m.state {
case stateShowDocument:
return m.pager.View()
return m.stash.view()
func errorView(err error, fatal bool) string {
exitMsg := "press any key to "
if fatal {
exitMsg += "exit"
} else {
exitMsg += "return"
s := fmt.Sprintf("%s\n\n%v\n\n%s",
return "\n" + indent(s, 3)
func findLocalFiles(m model) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
var (
cwd = m.common.cfg.WorkingDirectory
err error
if cwd == "" {
cwd, err = os.Getwd()
} else {
var info os.FileInfo
info, err = os.Stat(cwd)
if err == nil && info.IsDir() {
cwd, err = filepath.Abs(cwd)
// Note that this is one error check for both cases above
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error finding local files:", err)
return errMsg{err}
if debug {
log.Println("local directory is:", cwd)
var ignore []string
if !m.common.cfg.ShowAllFiles {
ignore = ignorePatterns(m)
ch, err := gitcha.FindFilesExcept(cwd, markdownExtensions, ignore)
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error finding local files:", err)
return errMsg{err}
return initLocalFileSearchMsg{ch: ch, cwd: cwd}
func findNextLocalFile(m model) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
res, ok := <-m.localFileFinder
if ok {
// Okay now find the next one
return foundLocalFileMsg(res)
// We're done
if debug {
log.Println("local file search finished")
return localFileSearchFinished{}
func newCharmClient() tea.Msg {
cfg, err := charm.ConfigFromEnv()
if err != nil {
return errMsg{err}
cc, err := charm.NewClient(cfg)
if err == charm.ErrMissingSSHAuth {
if debug {
log.Println("missing SSH auth:", err)
return sshAuthErrMsg{}
} else if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error creating new charm client:", err)
return errMsg{err}
return newCharmClientMsg(cc)
func loadStash(m stashModel) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
if == nil {
err := errors.New("no charm client")
if debug {
log.Println("error loading stash:", err)
return stashLoadErrMsg{err}
stash, err :=
if err != nil {
if debug {
if _, ok := err.(charm.ErrAuthFailed); ok {
log.Println("auth failure while loading stash:", err)
} else {
log.Println("error loading stash:", err)
return stashLoadErrMsg{err}
if debug {
log.Println("loaded stash page", m.serverPage)
return gotStashMsg(stash)
func loadNews(m stashModel) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
if == nil {
err := errors.New("no charm client")
if debug {
log.Println("error loading news:", err)
return newsLoadErrMsg{err}
news, err := // just fetch the first page
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error loading news:", err)
return newsLoadErrMsg{err}
if debug {
log.Println("fetched news")
return gotNewsMsg(news)
func generateSSHKeys() tea.Msg {
if debug {
log.Println("running keygen...")
_, err := keygen.NewSSHKeyPair(nil)
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("keygen failed:", err)
return keygenFailedMsg{err}
if debug {
log.Println("keys generated succcessfully")
return keygenSuccessMsg{}
func saveDocumentNote(cc *charm.Client, id int, note string) tea.Cmd {
if cc == nil {
return func() tea.Msg {
err := errors.New("can't set note; no charm client")
if debug {
log.Println("error saving note:", err)
return errMsg{err}
return func() tea.Msg {
if err := cc.SetMarkdownNote(id, note); err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error saving note:", err)
return errMsg{err}
return noteSavedMsg(&charm.Markdown{ID: id, Note: note})
func stashDocument(cc *charm.Client, md markdown) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
if cc == nil {
err := errors.New("can't stash; no charm client")
if debug {
log.Println("error stashing document:", err)
return stashFailMsg{err, md}
// Is the document missing a body? If so, it likely means it needs to
// be loaded. But...if it turns out the document body really is empty
// then we'll stash it anyway.
if len(md.Body) == 0 {
switch md.docType {
case LocalDoc:
data, err := ioutil.ReadFile(md.localPath)
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error loading document body for stashing:", err)
return stashFailMsg{err, md}
md.Body = string(data)
case NewsDoc:
newMD, err := fetchMarkdown(cc, md.ID, md.docType)
if err != nil {
if debug {
return stashFailMsg{err, md}
md.Body = newMD.Body
err := fmt.Errorf("user is attempting to stash an unsupported markdown type: %s", md.docType)
if debug {
return stashFailMsg{err, md}
newMd, err := cc.StashMarkdown(md.Note, md.Body)
if err != nil {
if debug {
log.Println("error stashing document:", err)
return stashFailMsg{err, md}
// The server sends the whole stashed document back, but we really just
// need to know the ID so we can operate on this newly stashed
// markdown.
md.ID = newMd.ID
return stashSuccessMsg(md)
func waitForStatusMessageTimeout(appCtx applicationContext, t *time.Timer) tea.Cmd {
return func() tea.Msg {
return statusMessageTimeoutMsg(appCtx)
// ETC
// Convert a Gitcha result to an internal representation of a markdown
// document. Note that we could be doing things like checking if the file is
// a directory, but we trust that gitcha has already done that.
func localFileToMarkdown(cwd string, res gitcha.SearchResult) *markdown {
md := &markdown{
docType: LocalDoc,
localPath: res.Path,
Markdown: charm.Markdown{
Note: stripAbsolutePath(res.Path, cwd),
CreatedAt: res.Info.ModTime(),
return md
func stripAbsolutePath(fullPath, cwd string) string {
return strings.Replace(fullPath, cwd+string(os.PathSeparator), "", -1)
// Lightweight version of reflow's indent function.
func indent(s string, n int) string {
if n <= 0 || s == "" {
return s
l := strings.Split(s, "\n")
b := strings.Builder{}
i := strings.Repeat(" ", n)
for _, v := range l {
fmt.Fprintf(&b, "%s%s\n", i, v)
return b.String()
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b