mirror of
synced 2025-01-20 16:03:57 +00:00
344 lines
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344 lines
6.7 KiB
package ui
import (
tea "github.com/charmbracelet/bubbletea"
te "github.com/muesli/termenv"
const (
noteCharacterLimit = 256 // totally arbitrary
var (
glowLogoTextColor = common.Color("#ECFD65")
// NewProgram returns a new Tea program
func NewProgram(style string) *tea.Program {
return tea.NewProgram(initialize(style), update, view)
type errMsg error
type newCharmClientMsg *charm.Client
type sshAuthErrMsg struct{}
type terminalResizedMsg struct{}
type terminalSizeMsg struct {
width int
height int
err error
func (t terminalSizeMsg) Size() (int, int) { return t.width, t.height }
func (t terminalSizeMsg) Error() error { return t.err }
type state int
const (
stateInitCharmClient state = iota
// Stringn translates the staus to a human-readable string. This is just for
// debugging.
func (s state) String() string {
return [...]string{
"running keygen",
"keygen finished",
"showing stash",
"showing document",
type model struct {
cc *charm.Client
user *charm.User
spinner spinner.Model
keygen keygen.Model
state state
err error
stash stashModel
pager pagerModel
terminalWidth int
terminalHeight int
func (m *model) unloadDocument() {
m.state = stateShowStash
m.stash.state = stashStateReady
func initialize(style string) func() (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
return func() (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
s := spinner.NewModel()
s.Type = spinner.Dot
s.ForegroundColor = common.SpinnerColor
if style == "auto" {
dbg := te.HasDarkBackground()
if dbg == true {
style = "dark"
} else {
style = "light"
return model{
spinner: s,
pager: newPagerModel(style),
state: stateInitCharmClient,
}, tea.Batch(
func update(msg tea.Msg, mdl tea.Model) (tea.Model, tea.Cmd) {
m, ok := mdl.(model)
if !ok {
return model{
err: errors.New("could not perform assertion on model in update"),
}, tea.Quit
var (
cmd tea.Cmd
cmds []tea.Cmd
switch msg := msg.(type) {
case tea.KeyMsg:
switch msg.String() {
case "q":
case "esc":
var cmd tea.Cmd
switch m.state {
case stateShowStash:
switch m.stash.state {
case stashStateSettingNote:
case stashStatePromptDelete:
m.stash, cmd = stashUpdate(msg, m.stash)
return m, cmd
case stateShowDocument:
if m.pager.state == pagerStateBrowse {
m.unloadDocument() // exits pager
} else {
m.pager, cmd = pagerUpdate(msg, m.pager)
return m, cmd
return m, tea.Quit
case "ctrl+c":
return m, tea.Quit
// Repaint
case "ctrl+l":
return m, getTerminalSize()
case errMsg:
m.err = msg
return m, nil
case terminalResizedMsg:
cmds = append(cmds,
case terminalSizeMsg:
if msg.Error() != nil {
m.err = msg.Error()
w, h := msg.Size()
m.terminalWidth = w
m.terminalHeight = h
m.stash.setSize(w, h)
m.pager.setSize(w, h)
// TODO: load more stash pages if we've resized, are on the last page,
// and haven't loaded more pages yet.
case sshAuthErrMsg:
// If we haven't run the keygen yet, do that
if m.state != stateKeygenFinished {
m.state = stateKeygenRunning
m.keygen = keygen.NewModel()
cmds = append(cmds, keygen.GenerateKeys)
} else {
// The keygen didn't work and we can't auth
m.err = errors.New("SSH authentication failed")
return m, tea.Quit
case spinner.TickMsg:
switch m.state {
case stateInitCharmClient:
m.spinner, cmd = spinner.Update(msg, m.spinner)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case keygen.DoneMsg:
m.state = stateKeygenFinished
cmds = append(cmds, newCharmClient)
case noteSavedMsg:
// A note was saved to a document. This will have be done in the
// pager, so we'll need to find the corresponding note in the stash.
// So, pass the message to the stash for processing.
m.stash, cmd = stashUpdate(msg, m.stash)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case newCharmClientMsg:
m.cc = msg
m.state = stateShowStash
m.stash, cmd = stashInit(msg)
m.stash.setSize(m.terminalWidth, m.terminalHeight)
m.pager.cc = msg
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case fetchedMarkdownMsg:
m.pager.currentDocument = msg
cmds = append(cmds, renderWithGlamour(m.pager, msg.Body))
case contentRenderedMsg:
m.state = stateShowDocument
switch m.state {
case stateKeygenRunning:
// Process keygen
mdl, cmd := keygen.Update(msg, tea.Model(m.keygen))
keygenModel, ok := mdl.(keygen.Model)
if !ok {
m.err = errors.New("could not perform assertion on keygen model in main update")
return m, tea.Quit
m.keygen = keygenModel
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case stateShowStash:
// Process stash
m.stash, cmd = stashUpdate(msg, m.stash)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
case stateShowDocument:
// Process pager
m.pager, cmd = pagerUpdate(msg, m.pager)
cmds = append(cmds, cmd)
return m, tea.Batch(cmds...)
func view(mdl tea.Model) string {
m, ok := mdl.(model)
if !ok {
return "could not perform assertion on model in view"
if m.err != nil {
return fmt.Sprintf("\nError: %v\n\nPress q to exit.", m.err)
var s string
switch m.state {
case stateInitCharmClient:
s += spinner.View(m.spinner) + " Initializing..."
case stateKeygenRunning:
s += keygen.View(m.keygen)
case stateKeygenFinished:
s += spinner.View(m.spinner) + " Re-initializing..."
case stateShowStash:
return stashView(m.stash)
case stateShowDocument:
return pagerView(m.pager)
return "\n" + indent.String(s, 2)
func listenForTerminalResize() tea.Cmd {
return tea.OnResize(func() tea.Msg {
return terminalResizedMsg{}
func getTerminalSize() tea.Cmd {
return tea.GetTerminalSize(func(w, h int, err error) tea.TerminalSizeMsg {
return terminalSizeMsg{width: w, height: h, err: err}
func newCharmClient() tea.Msg {
cfg, err := charm.ConfigFromEnv()
if err != nil {
return errMsg(err)
cc, err := charm.NewClient(cfg)
if err == charm.ErrMissingSSHAuth {
return sshAuthErrMsg{}
} else if err != nil {
return errMsg(err)
return newCharmClientMsg(cc)
// ETC
func min(a, b int) int {
if a < b {
return a
return b
func max(a, b int) int {
if a > b {
return a
return b