Open source tool to organize video game collections.
### Project setup ``` yarn ``` #### Compiles and hot-reloads for development ``` yarn dev ``` #### Compiles and minifies for production ``` yarn build ``` ### Run your tests ``` yarn test ``` ### Lints and fixes files ``` yarn lint ``` ## Contributors Thanks goes to these wonderful people ([emoji key](
Roman Cervantes 🚇 💻 | Matthew Bunge 💻 | Tristan 💻 | OmegaRobert 🐛 | areyouokani 💬 🐛 | Jacob Weisz 🤔 | Guillaume Martigny 🐛 |
Jason Banich 🐛 | Alex Noble 🤔 💻 | Gyndemia 🐛 | Michael Harding 🐛 | Wes Kenyon 🐛 | Haseeb Elahi 💻 | Patrick Kontschak 💻 |