2020-02-03 10:00:38 -07:00
# Site settings
2020-02-03 10:03:18 -07:00
title: My Little Website
tagline: "Changing the world, one uninspired quote at a time"
url: "http://yourwebsite.com" # The base hostname & protocol for your site. Use it if you need absolute URL's
# Social
socialimg: /img/social.jpg # be sure to change this image
facebook: fbusername
twitter: twusername
github: ghusername
googleplus: gusername
instagram: igusername
# Contact
phone: "916-276-1044" # This is my real number. You should text me.
email: "hello@garrettboatman.com" # This is my real email address. Please don't email me.
# Use this for production
# style: compressed
exclude: [.scss, README.md, node_modules, gruntfile.js, package.json]