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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>Preview/Change Site Stylesheet</title>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="ss/2.css" id="thecss">
<script type="text/javascript" src="scripts/csschange.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
var styleSheets = new Array("None", "Black/Circusy", "Modern", "Newspaper", "Forest");
function fetchSS()
// This reads the current ss settings on document load
var currCssFile = document.getElementById("thecss").href;
var startPoint = currCssFile.lastIndexOf("/");
currCssFile = currCssFile.substring(startPoint+1, startPoint+2);
if (document.getElementById) // Only do if browser supports getElementById. Look for cookie
var ssNum;
ssNum = getSS(); // read ss num
if (ssNum != 2) // its not the default, so we should change it
changeSS(ssNum); // set ss for the doc
{ document.selector.current.value = styleSheets[currCssFile]; }
function getSS()
// This reads the cookie settings. Returns the SS# and the pathname
var retVal = 2; // default stylesheet
var ssArray = new Array;
var allCookies = document.cookie;
if (allCookies != "") // found a cookie
var beginPos = allCookies.indexOf("ss=");
if (beginPos != -1)
{ retVal = allCookies.substring(beginPos+3, beginPos+4); }
return retVal;
function setSS(num)
// This accepts a stylesheet number, changes the current SS and sets the SS cookie
var path = location.href.substring(0, location.href.indexOf("setcss.htm"));
document.cookie = "ss=foo; expires=Fri, 02-Jan-1970 00:00:00 GMT";
var Exp = new Date();
Exp.setFullYear(Exp.getFullYear() + 5);
cookie = "ss=" + num + "; expires=" + Exp.toGMTString();
document.cookie = cookie;
function changeSS(num)
theFile = "ss/" + num + ".css";
document.getElementById("thecss").href = theFile;
function updateDisplay(num)
var theForm = document.selector;
theForm.current.value = styleSheets[num];
theForm.cssname.selectedIndex = num;
function browserSniff()
// Old function for the days when this feature was IE-only. Still useful for telling if IE can do this
var maker = navigator.appVersion.indexOf("MSIE");
var flag = false;
if (maker != -1)
{ var version = parseInt(navigator.appVersion.substring(maker+5,maker+6));
if (version >= 4) // correct browser. Look for cookie
{ flag = true; }
else { flag = false; }
else { flag = false; }
return flag;
<body onload="fetchSS()">
<h1 align="center"><span class="pagetitle">Preview/Change Site Stylesheet</span><br>
<font size=2>= <span class="sitetitle">Index DOT Html/Css</span> by
<a href="misc/email.htm">Brian Wilson</a> =</font></h1>
<table border=3 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
<td align=left>Index DOT Html: <font size=2>
<a href="html/index.html">Main Index</a> | <a href="html/tree/htmltree.htm">Element Tree</a> |
<a href="html/tagindex/a.htm">Element Index</a> | <a href="html/supportkey/a.htm">HTML Support
Index DOT Css: <font size=2><a href="css/index.html">Main Index</a> |
<a href="css/propindex/font.htm">Property Index</a> |
<a href="css/supportkey/syntax.htm">CSS Support History</a> |
<a href="history/browsers.htm">Browser History</a></font></td>
<form name="selector">
<dt><big><b class="mainheading">Using An Alternate Stylesheet For The Site</b></big>
<dt>For users of IE4+ and Netscape 6+ browsers (hopefully soon Opera as well), you
can select one of several stylesheets to use for the entire site by choosing
from the list below. You can preview the style sheet's effect beforehand by
selecting the "Preview" button. The "Save Settings" button will finalize your
style sheet settings for the site by saving the information in a browser cookie.
Once you save your settings, the browser will then use the stylesheet elsewhere on the site.
<dd><table border=1 cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5">
<tr><th><b class="alert">Current Style Sheet Used:</b></th>
<th><b class="alert">Select a Style Sheet:</b></th>
<tr><th valign=top><input type="text" name=current readonly><br></th>
<th valign=bottom><select name="cssname">
<option value="None">None
<option value="Black/Circusy">Black/Circusy
<option value="Modern">Modern
<option value="Newspaper">Newspaper
<option value="Forest">Forest
</select> <input type="button" name="preview" value="Preview"
onclick="if (browserSniff() || document.getElementById) {changeSS(document.selector.cssname.selectedIndex);
updateDisplay(document.selector.cssname.selectedIndex);}"> <input
type="button" name="change" value="Save Settings"
onclick="if (browserSniff() || document.getElementById) {setSS(document.selector.cssname.selectedIndex);
<big><b class="mainheading">Sample CSS Styles:</b></big>
<hr size=10><br>
<table border=3 cellpadding=5 cellspacing=0>
<td><h1 class="pagetitle">Sample Page Header</h1>
<b class="alert">Alert:</b> <span class="magicword">Special Value</span><br>
<b><a href="index.html">Support Key:</a></b>
[<span class="ns">2</span>|<span class="ns">3</span>|<b><i class="fs">3.2</i></b>|<b class="s">4</b>]
[<b class="s">X1</b>|<b class="s">X1.1</b>]
[<b class="s">IE1</b>|<span class="ns">M</span>|<b><i class="fs">N1</i></b>|<b class="s">O2.1</b>]</td>
<td><a href="#null">In-Page Link 1</a><br>
<a href="#null">In-Page Link 2</a><br>
<a href="#null">In-Page Link 3</a>
<td><a href="#null">In-Page Link 4</a><br>
<a href="#null">In-Page Link 5</a><br>
<a href="#null">In-Page Link 6</a></td>
<tr><td align=center colspan=3>
<font size=2>= <span class="sitetitle">Index DOT Html</span> by
<a href="misc/email.htm">Brian Wilson</a> =</font>
<font size=2>
<a href="index.html">Main Index</a> |
<a href="index.html">Element Tree</a> |
<a href="index.html">Element Index</a> |
<a href="index.html">HTML Support History</a></font>
<hr align="center" width="25%" size=1>
<dt><big><b class="mainheading">Main Heading</b></big>
<dd>Regular text is here. This is <b class="alert">Alert content</b>
This is <b class="alert2">secondary Alert content</b>. For those who like
hyperlinks, this is what <a href="index.html">Hyperlink text</a> looks like.
If you need a very special message, it is marked up as a
<b class="magicword">Magic Word</b>.
<dt><big><b class="mainheading">Main Heading Again</b></big>
<dt><b class="subheading">Sub-heading</b>
<dt>[<span class="ns">2</span>|<span class="ns">3</span>|<span class="ns">3.2</span>|<b><i class="fs">4</i></b>]
[<b class="s">X1</b>|<b class="s">X1.1</b>]
[<b><i class="fs">IE3</i></b>|<span class="ns">M</span>|<b class="s">N4B2</b>|<span class="ns">O</span>]
<dd><b class="l3heading">Level 3 Item heading:</b><br>
This is the description of the level 3 heading.
<a name="null"></a>
<dt><big><b class="mainheading">Example</b></big>
<dd><div class="example"><<b class="tagname">tagname</b>
<span class="tagattrib">ATTRIBUTE1</span>=Value1
<span class="tagattrib">ATTRIBUTE2</span>="Value2"<br>
<span class="tagattrib">STYLE</span>="<span class="property">css-property:</span>
property-value">Element content is here.
</<b class="tagname">tagname</b>></div>
<dt><big><b class="mainheading">Support Key</b></big>
<table cellpadding=4>
<tr><td colspan=14><hr size=1></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan=2></td><th colspan=4 class=field><u class=colheaders>HTML</u></th>
<th colspan=2 class=field><u class=colheaders>XHTML</u></th>
<th colspan=4 class=field><u class=colheaders>Browsers</u></th></tr>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="taghead">Tag</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="attribhead">Attribute</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">2.0</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">3.0</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">3.2</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">4.0</span></th>
<td> </td>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">1.0</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">1.1</span></th>
<td> </td>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">IExplorer</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">Mosaic</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">Netscape</span></th>
<th valign="bottom"><span class="supporthead">Opera</span></th>
<tr><td colspan=14><hr size=7></td></tr>
<td colspan=2 align=left><a href="index.html">Element</a></td>
<td class=gc2><i class="fs">X</i></td><td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td>
<td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td></td>
<td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td></td>
<td class=gc2><b class="s">1.0</b></td><td class=gc2><i class="fs">1.0</i></td>
<td class=gc2><b class="s">1.0</b></td><td class=gc2><b class="s">2.1</b><br></td>
<td></td><td class=gc1>Attribute</td>
<td class=gc2>--</td><td class=gc2>--</td>
<td class=gc2>--</td><td class=gc2><i class="fs">X</i></td><td></td>
<td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td class=gc2><b class="s">X</b></td><td></td>
<td class=gc2><i class="fs">4.0B1</i></td><td class=gc2>--</td>
<td class=gc2>--</td><td class=gc2>--<br></td>
<tr><td colspan=14><hr size=1></td></tr>