mirror of
synced 2024-11-27 05:20:20 +00:00
1061 lines
61 KiB
1061 lines
61 KiB
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<title>HTML Test Creator, v1.0 beta4</title>
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// 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 60, 63, 71, 72, 73,
// 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 83, 84, 85, 87, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,
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" Get the Button <strong>HELP</strong> that you need here...\n</button></form>", 6,
"accesskey", "disabled", "name", "tabindex", "type", "value");
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">This is the table caption. ",
"caption content</caption><tr><th>cell 1 has some longer content</th><th>cell 2</th></tr><tr><td>cell 3</td><td>cell 4 has some longer content too</td></tr></table>",
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" End of DL: DD1</dd><dt>This is the last DL:DT</dt><dd>This is the last DL:DD</dt></dl>",
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" end of DT1.</dt><dd>This is DL:DD1 </dd><dt>This is the last DL:DT</dt><dd>This is the last DL:DD</dt></dl>",
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"><legend>Gender</legend>\n<label accesskey=M><input type=radio name=Gender value=Male>Male</label><br>\n<label ACCESSKEY=F><input TYPE=RADIO NAME=Gender VALUE=Female>Female</label>\n",
"</fieldset>\n</form>", 3, "align", "height", "width");
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" text at end of iframe</iframe>", 14, "align", "allowtransparency", "application", "frameborder",
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"name", "scrolling", "src", "vspace", "width");
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"><font size=6 color='#0000ff'>Ilayer Two zindex=2</font> </ilayer>\n",
"<ilayer name=one left='-125' top=25 z-index=1><font size=6 color='#ffff00'>Ilayer One zindex=1</font> </ilayer>\n",
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"", 19, "align", "alt", "border", "controls", "dynsrc", "height",
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" inlineinput content</i>", 0);
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"</form>", 7, "accesskey", "align", "checked", "disabled",
"name", "tabindex", "value");
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"name", "readonly", "size", "tabindex", "value");
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18, "accesskey", "align", "alt", "border", "disabled",
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"name", "src", "tabindex", "usemap", "value", "vspace", "width");
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"disabled", "height", "maxlength", "name", "readonly", "size",
"tabindex", "value", "vcard_name", "width");
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"checked", "disabled", "name", "tabindex", "value");
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"</form>", 4, "maxlength", "name", "size", "value");
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">The control before this was Input type=reset", "</form>",
7, "accesskey", "align", "disabled", "height", "tabindex",
"value", "width");
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8, "accesskey", "align", "disabled", "height", "name",
"tabindex", "value", "width");
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13, "accesskey", "align", "autocomplete", "disabled",
"height", "maxlength", "name", "readonly", "size",
"tabindex", "value", "vcard_name", "width");
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8, "action", "align", "enctype", "height", "method", "prompt", "target", "width");
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" for=vote", "><input type=checkbox id=vote value=Yes> Yes (id=vote)", "</label></fieldset></form>",
2, "accesskey", "for");
var taglayer = new Array ("<layer", " name=two left=40 top=100 z-index=2",
"><font size=7 color='#0000ff'>Layer Two zindex=2</font> </layer>\n",
"<layer name=one left=25 top=90 z-index=1><font size=7 color='#ffff00'>Layer One zindex=1</font> </layer>\n",
16, "above", "background", "below", "bgcolor", "clip",
"height", "left", "name", "overflow", "pagex", "pagey",
"src", "top", "visibility", "width", "z-index");
var taglegend = new Array ("<form><fieldset align=right><legend", "", ">Gender</legend>\n<label ACCESSKEY=M><input TYPE=RADIO NAME=Gender VALUE=Male>Male</label><br>\n<label for='genderf' ACCESSKEY=F></label> <input TYPE=RADIO NAME=Gender id='genderf' VALUE=Female>Female\n",
"</fieldset>\n</form>", 2, "accesskey", "align");
var tagli = new Array ("<ul><li>This is UL:LI21.<li", "", ">This is UL:LI2 ",
"<li>This is the last UL:LI</ul>",
6, "align", "clear", "height", "type", "value", "width");
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15, "charset", "disabled", "href", "hreflang", "language",
"media", "methods", "name", "rel", "rev", "src", "target",
"title", "type", "urn");
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3, "align", "height", "width");
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" name=map1", "><area shape=rect coords='0,0,20,20' href='http://www.blooberry.com'><area shape=rect coords='20,0,40,20' href='http://www.yahoo.com/'>", "</map>",
1, "name");
var tagmarquee = new Array ("<marquee", " ALIGN=Top LOOP='-1' BEHAVIOR=scroll BGCOLOR='#FF0000' DIRECTION=left HEIGHT=30 WIDTH=400", ">MARQUEE Sliding Text Example",
"Text at the end of the marquee</marquee>", 11, "behavior", "bgcolor",
"direction", "height", "hspace", "loop", "scrollamount", "scrolldelay",
"truespeed", "vspace", "width");
var tagmenu = new Array ("<menu", "", "><li>This is MENU:LI1.<li>This is MENU:LI2 ",
"<li>This is the last MENU:LI</menu>", 7, "align", "clear", "compact",
"height", "start", "type", "width");
var tagmeta = new Array ("<meta", " http-equiv=refresh content='5'", ">", "",
4, "content", "http-equiv", "name", "scheme");
var tagmulticol = new Array ("<multicol", " COLS=3 WIDTH='80%' GUTTER=20",
">This is MULTICOL layout text that should be distributed evenly across 3 columns",
" This is multi-column content</multicol>", 3, "cols", "gutter", "width");
var tagnobr = new Array ("<nobr", "", ">This is NOBR. ",
" long content that should never break at all. It is just an example and no one should look very closely. If they do they might be sorry. nobreak content</nobr>", 0);
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var tagobject = new Array ("<object", " type='image/gif' data='http://www.blooberry.com/pics/right.gif' height=100 width=100>",
">This is a multimedia object. ", "object multimedia content</object>",
19, "accesskey", "align", "archive", "border", "classid", "code",
"codebase", "codetype", "data", "declare", "height", "hspace", "name",
"standby", "tabindex", "type", "usemap", "vspace", "width");
var tagol = new Array ("<ol", "", "><li>This is OL:LI1.<li>This is OL:LI2 ",
"<li>This is the last OL:LI</ol>", 7, "align", "clear", "compact",
"height", "start", "type", "width");
var tagoptgroup = new Array ("<form><select name=optg1>\n<option label=Bill value=bill>Bill Smith\n<option label=Mary VALUE=mary>Mary Smith\n<optgroup",
" LABEL=Joe", ">\n<option VALUE=michael>Michael Smith\n<option VALUE=susan>Susan Smith\n",
"<option value=howard>Howard Smith\n</optgroup>\n</select></form>",
2, "disabled", "label");
var tagoption = new Array ("<form><select name=op1><option value=o1>Option 1<option",
"", ">Option 2", "<option>Option Last</select></form>",
4, "disabled", "label", "selected", "value");
var tagp = new Array ("<p", "", ">This is P content", " paragraph content",
2, "align", "clear", "height", "width");
var tagplaintext = new Array ("<plaintext", "", ">This is PLAINTEXT. ",
" plaintext content</plaintext>", 0);
var tagpre = new Array ("<pre", "", ">This is PRE. ",
" preformatted text content</pre>",
5, "clear", "cols", "variable", "width", "wrap");
var tagq = new Array ("<q", "", ">This is Q. ", " quotation content</q>", 1, "cite");
var tagruby = new Array ("<ruby", "", ">Ruby Base ", "<rt>Ruby Text</rt></ruby>", 1, "name");
var tags = new Array ("<s", "", ">This is S. ", " strike1 content</s>", 0);
var tagsamp = new Array ("<samp", "", ">This is SAMP. ", " sample content</samp>", 0);
var tagselect = new Array ("<form><select", " name='select'", "><option value='sval1'>This is SELECT 1. ", " <option value='svalfin'>final select content</select></form>",
8, "accesskey", "align", "disabled", "multiple", "name", "size", "tabindex", "width");
var tagsmall = new Array ("<small", "", ">This is SMALL. ", " small content</small>", 0);
var tagspacer = new Array ("<spacer", " type=block height=100 width=100",
">That was a Netscape Spacer of type=block with height/width=100",
"", 5, "align", "height", "size", "type", "width");
var tagspan = new Array ("<span", "", ">This is SPAN. ", " span content</span>", 0);
var tagspell = new Array ("<spell", "", ">This is SPELL. ", " spell content</spell>", 0);
var tagstrike = new Array ("<strike", "", ">This is STRIKE. ", " strikethrough content</strike>", 0);
var tagstrong = new Array ("<strong", "", ">This is STRONG. ", " strong content</strong>", 0);
var tagstyle = new Array ("<style", " type='text/css'", ">", "</style>",
5, "disabled", "language", "media", "title", "media");
var tagsub = new Array ("<sub", "", ">This is SUB. ", " subscript content</sub>", 0);
var tagsup = new Array ("<sup", "", ">This is SUP. ", " superscript content</sup>", 0);
var tagtable = new Array ("<table", " border=1", "><tr><th>TABLE cell one<br>is TH</th>",
"<td>Final TABLE cell<br>is TD</td></tr></table>", 23, "align", "background",
"bgcolor", "border", "bordercolor", "bordercolordark", "bordercolorlight",
"bottompadding", "cellpadding", "cellspacing", "clear", "cols",
"datapagesize", "frame", "height", "hspace", "leftpadding", "rightpadding",
"rules", "summary", "toppadding", "vspace", "width");
var tagtbody = new Array ("<table border=1 rules=groups><caption>caption: table has border=1, rules=groups</caption><thead><tr><th>cell 1</th><th>cell 2</th></tr><tr><th>cell 3</th><th>cell 4</th></tr></thead><tbody",
" bgcolor=green", "><tr><th>tbody TH 1</th><td>tbody TD 2</td></tr><tr><td>tbody TD 3</td><th>tbody TH 4</th></tr>",
"<tr><th>final TBODY TH cell</th><td>final TBODY TD cell</td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><th>cell 1</th><th>cell 2</th></tr></tfoot></table>",
5, "align", "bgcolor", "char", "charoff", "valign");
var tagtd = new Array ("<table border=1><tr><td" , "", ">TABLE cell TD one",
"<br>is TD</td><th>Final TABLE cell<br>is TH</th></tr></table>",
18, "abbr", "align", "axis", "background", "bgcolor",
"bordercolor", "bordercolordark", "bordercolorlight", "char",
"charoff", "colspan", "headers", "height", "nowrap", "rowspan",
"scope", "valign", "width");
var tagtextarea = new Array ("<form><textarea", " rows='3' cols='40' name='ta1'", ">textarea content. ",
"Textarea content again</textarea></form>", 8, "accesskey", "cols",
"disabled", "height", "name", "readonly", "rows", "tabindex", "width", "wrap");
var tagtfoot = new Array ("<table border=1 rules=groups><caption>caption: table has border=1, rules=groups</caption><thead><tr><th>cell 1</th><th>cell 2</th></tr><tr><th>cell 3</th><th>cell 4</th></tr></thead><tbody><tr><th>tbody TH 1</th><td>tbody TD 2</td></tr><tr><td>tbody TD 3</td><th>tbody TH 4</th></tr>",
"<tr><th>final TBODY TH cell</th><td>final TBODY TD cell</td></tr></tbody><tfoot",
" bgcolor=green",
"><tr><th>foot TH 1</th><td>foot TD 2</td></tr></tfoot></table>",
5, "align", "bgcolor", "char", "charoff", "valign");
var tagth = new Array ("<table border=1><tr><th" , "", ">TABLE cell TH one",
"<br>is TH</th><td>Final TABLE cell<br>is TD</td></tr></table>",
18, "abbr", "align", "axis", "background", "bgcolor",
"bordercolor", "bordercolordark", "bordercolorlight", "char",
"charoff", "colspan", "headers", "height", "nowrap", "rowspan",
"scope", "valign", "width");
var tagthead = new Array ("<table border=1 rules=groups><caption>caption: table has border=1, rules=groups</caption><thead",
" bgcolor=green", "><tr><th>thead TH 1</th><td>thead TD 2</td></tr><tr><td>thead TD 3</td><th>thead TH 4</th></tr>",
"</thead><tbody><tr><th>tbody TH 1</th><td>tbody TD 2</td></tr><tr><td>tbody TD 3</td><th>tbody TH 4</th></tr><tr><th>final TBODY TH cell</th><td>final TBODY TD cell</td></tr></tbody><tfoot><tr><th>foot TH 1</th><td>foot TD 2</td></tr></tfoot></table>",
5, "align", "bgcolor", "char", "charoff", "valign");
var tagtitle = new Array ("<title", "", ">", "</title>", 0);
var tagtr = new Array ("<table border=1><tr", "", "><th>TABLE cell TH one",
"<br>is TH</th><td>Final TABLE cell<br>is TD</td></tr><tr><td>cell 3 is a longer cell, but you like it that way</td><th>cell 4</th></tr></table>",
11, "align", "background", "bgcolor", "bordercolor", "bordercolordark",
"bordercolorlight", "char", "charoff", "height", "nowrap", "valign");
var tagtt = new Array ("<tt", "", ">This is TT. ", " teletype content</tt>", 0);
var tagu = new Array ("<u", "", ">This is U. ", " underlined content</u>", 0);
var tagul = new Array ("<ul", "", "><li>This is UL:LI21.<li>This is UL:LI2 ",
"<li>This is the last UL:LI</ul>", 7, "align", "clear", "compact",
"height", "start", "type", "width");
var tagvar = new Array ("<var", "", ">This is VAR. ", " variable content</var>", 0);
var tagwbr = new Array ("<wbr", "", ">Wordbreak was just before", "", 0);
var tagxml = new Array ("<xml", "", ">This is XML. ", " XML content</xml>",
3, "ns", "prefix", "src");
var tagxmp = new Array ("<xmp", "", ">This is XMP. ", " example content</xmp>", 0);
function flattenQuotes(val)
var fqLen = val.length;
for (fq1=0;fq1<fqLen;fq1++)
if (val.substring(fq1,fq1+1) == "\"")
{ val = val.substring(0,fq1) + "'" + val.substring(fq1+1,fqLen); }
return (val);
function escapeQuotes(val)
var eqLen = val.length;
var newStr = "";
for (eq1=0;eq1<eqLen;eq1++)
if (val.substring(eq1,eq1+1) == "\"")
{ newStr = newStr + "''"; }
{ newStr = newStr + val.substring(eq1,eq1+1); }
return (newStr);
function unescapeQuotes(val)
var uqLen = val.length;
var newStr = "";
var uq1 = 0;
while (uq1<uqLen)
if (val.substring(uq1,uq1+2) == "''")
{ newStr = newStr + "\""; uq1++; uq1++ }
{ newStr = newStr + val.substring(uq1,uq1+1); uq1++ }
return (newStr);
function syncSelect(radnum)
var ssFrm = frames[0].document.forms[0].test;
var ssType = "stdTagArray";
var sseencounter = 0;
if (radnum == 0) { ssType = "stdTagArray"; }
else if (radnum == 1) { ssType = "html4Strict"; }
else if (radnum == 2) { ssType = "html4Trans"; }
else if (radnum == 3) { ssType = "tagArray"; }
else { ssType = "other"; }
if (ssType != "other")
for (ss1=0;ss1<tagArray.length;ss1++)
ssFrm.options[ss1].selected = false; // reset vals for curr. option
if (eval(ssType + ".length") != 0 &&
tagArray[ss1] == eval(ssType + "[sseencounter]"))
{ ssFrm.options[ss1].selected = true; sseencounter++; }
// Prints HTML output headers and footers
function writeHeaders(frameNum)
frames[frameNum].document.write("<style>\n.label { background-color: green; font-family: " +
"arial; font-size: 14pt; }\n.caption { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 7pt; }\n" +
".greyed { font-family: tahoma; font-size: 7pt; color: #666666 }\n" +
"a.rslt { color: black; text-decoration: none }\n" +
".body th, .body td { font-size: 8pt; font-family: tahoma }\n.hdr { font-size: 9pt; " +
"font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; color: maroon }\n" +
".frmhdr { font-size: 11pt; font-weight: bold; font-family: tahoma; " +
"color: maroon; background-color: white; margin-top: 5px; " +
"margin-bottom: 1px }\n</style>\n</head>\n\n");
function writeFooters(frameNum)
function writeContent(frameNum, message)
{ frames[frameNum].document.write(message + "\n"); }
function makeFirstState() // prints form in frame 0 for selecting elems to test
var mfsflag = false;
var mfsseencounter = 0;
var content = "<body class=body>\n<form name=query><b class=label>HTML Elements to Test</b><br>\n" +
"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n<tr><th rowspan=11> " +
"</th><th align=left colspan=3><div class=frmhdr>Choose Elements</div><hr></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th valign=top align=left><table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n" +
"<tr><th nowrap align=left><input type=radio name=html1 " +
if (htmlarraytype == "default")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Default Set<br><input type=radio name=html1 " +
if (htmlarraytype == "html4strict")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> HTML4 Strict<br><input type=radio name=html1 " +
if (htmlarraytype == "html4trans")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> HTML4 Trans<br><input type=radio name=html1 " +
if (htmlarraytype == "all")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> All<br><input type=radio name=html1 " +
if (htmlarraytype == "other")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Other</th></tr></table>\n</th>\n\n<th> </th>" +
"<th align=left><select multiple align=bottom size=7 " +
"onclick=\"document.forms[0].html1[4].checked=true;parent.htmlarraytype='other';\" name='test'>\n";
for (mfs1=0;mfs1<tagArray.length;mfs1++)
content = content + "\n<option value='" + tagArray[mfs1] + "'";
if (htmlarray.length != 0 && (tagArray[mfs1]) == htmlarray[mfsseencounter])
// handle non=beginning entry to output and preselect existing tags
{ content = content + " selected"; mfsseencounter++; }
content = content + ">" + tagArray[mfs1];
content = content + "\n</select>\n</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th colspan=3><font size=1> </font></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th align=left colspan=3><div class=frmhdr>Document Options</div><hr></th></tr>" +
"<tr><th colspan=3 align=left><input type=checkbox name=bodyattr";
if (strBodyExtra == "") { content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Use BODY default attributes</th></tr>\n";
for (mfs2=0;mfs2<attribsarray.length;mfs2++) // make this into a while loop for optimization
{ if (attribsarray[mfs2] != "") { mfsflag = true; } }
content = content + "<tr><th colspan=3 align=left><input type=checkbox name=defattr";
if (mfsflag == false) { content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Use element default attributes</th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th colspan=3 align=left><input type=checkbox name=defgen";
if (strGenAttr == "" && strEventAttr == "" && strCustAttr == "")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Skip global attributes</th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th colspan=3 align=left><input type=checkbox name=defcont";
if (strCntBef == "" && strCntDur == "" && strCntAft == "")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "> Use default content</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th colspan=3 align=center><hr size=5><input type=button value=' Next > ' " +
"onclick='parent.processForm1(document.forms[0].html1,document.forms[0].bodyattr,\n" +
"document.forms[0].defattr,document.forms[0].defgen,document.forms[0].defcont,\n" +
"document.forms[0].test);'><hr size=5></th></tr></table>\n</form>\n";
writeHeaders(0); writeContent(0, content); writeFooters(0);
function makeSecondState() // prints the form in frame 0 for selecting attribs to test
var content = "<body class=body>\n<form name=query><b class=label>Attributes to Test</b><br><br>\n" +
"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>";
if (!boolDefBody) // only write this part if we need to populate BODY attribs
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th colspan=2 " +
" align=left><div class=frmhdr>body</div></th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th><input type=checkbox name=chkcustbody";
if (!boolDefBody && strBodyExtra != "") { content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Custom</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th></th><th align=left><input type=text name=txtcustbody " +
if (!boolDefBody && strBodyExtra != "")
{ content = content + " value=\"" + flattenQuotes(strBodyExtra) + "\""; }
content = content + "></th></tr><tr><th></th><th></th><th><hr></th></tr>\n";
for (mssloop0=1;mssloop0<tagbody[4];mssloop0++)
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th><input type=checkbox name=chkbody" +
eval("tagbody[" + (mssloop0+5) + "]") + "></th><th align=left>" +
eval("tagbody[" + (mssloop0+5) + "]") + "</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th></th><th align=left><input type=text name=txtbody" +
(mssloop0 + "") + " onchange=\"document.forms[0].chkbody" +
eval("tagbody[" + (mssloop0+5) + "]") + ".checked=true;\"" +
(mssloop0 + "") + "></th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th colspan=2><hr size=5></th></tr>";
if (!boolDefAttribs) // only write this part if we need to populate other attribs
for (mssloop1=0;mssloop1<htmlarray.length;mssloop1++)
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th colspan=2 " +
"align=left><div class=frmhdr>" + htmlarray[mssloop1] + "</div></th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th><input type=checkbox name=chkcust" + htmlarray[mssloop1];
if (!boolDefAttribs && attribsarray[mssloop1] != "")
{ content = content + " checked"; }
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Custom</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th></th><th align=left><input type=text name=txtcust" +
htmlarray[mssloop1] + " onchange=\"document.forms[0].chkcust" +
htmlarray[mssloop1] + ".checked=true;\""; ;
if (!boolDefAttribs && attribsarray[mssloop1] != "")
{ content = content + " value=\"" + flattenQuotes(attribsarray[mssloop1]) + "\""; }
content = content + htmlarray[mssloop1] + "></th></tr>\n";
var strTmp = eval("tag"+ htmlarray[mssloop1]);
var len = eval(strTmp[4]);
if (len != 0)
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th colspan=2><hr></th></tr>";
for (mssloop2=1;mssloop2<=len;mssloop2++)
//variable names need to change
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th><input type=checkbox name=chk" +
htmlarray[mssloop1] + eval("strTmp[" + (mssloop2+4) + "]") +
"></th><th align=left>" + eval("strTmp[" + (mssloop2+4) + "]") + "</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th></th><th align=left><input type=text name=txt" +
htmlarray[mssloop1] + (mssloop2 + "") +
" onchange=\"document.forms[0].chk" + htmlarray[mssloop1] +
eval("strTmp[" + (mssloop2+4) + "]") + ".checked=true;\"></th></tr>\n";
content = content + "<tr><th></th><th colspan=2><hr size=5></th></tr>";
if (boolDefBody && boolDefAttribs) // handle boundary case of re-entry from non-1 state
{ content = content + "<tr><th></th><th align=left colspan=2>Body and Attributes Selection " +
"never chosen. Return to step one to enable.<hr size=5></th></tr>"; }
content = content +
"<tr><th> </th><th colspan=2 align=center><input " +
"type=button value=' Next > ' onclick='parent.processForm2();'><hr size=5>" +
writeHeaders(0); writeContent(0, content); writeFooters(0);
function makeThirdState() // prints form in frame 0 for creating global attributes
var content = "<body class=body>\n<form name=query>\n" +
"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n" +
"<tr><th align=left colspan=3><b class=label>Global Attributes</b></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th rowspan=6> </th>" +
"<th valign=bottom><input type=checkbox name=genattribcheck></th>\n " +
"<th align=left><div class=frmhdr>Generic Attributes</div></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th align=left><select multiple size=4 align=bottom " +
"onchange=\"document.forms[0].genattribcheck.checked=true;\" name='galist'>\n";
for (mts1=0;mts1<genatts.length;mts1++)
{ content = content + "<option value='" + genatts[mts1] + "'>" + genatts[mts1] + "\n"; }
content = content + "</select>\n</th></tr>" +
"<tr><th></th><th align=left class=hdr>Attribute Values</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th colspan=2 align=left> " +
" <input type=text name=genattcustval " +
"onchange=\"document.forms[0].genattribcheck.checked=true;\"" +
"size=15></th></tr>\n<tr><th colspan=2>" +
"<hr></th></tr>\n<tr><th valign=bottom><input type=checkbox " +
"name=eventattribcheck></th>\n <th align=left colspan=2 " +
"><div class=frmhdr>Event Attributes</div></th></tr>\n<tr><th " +
"rowspan=10> </th><th></th><th " +
"align=left><select multiple size=4 align=bottom " +
"onchange=\"document.forms[0].eventattribcheck.checked=true;\" name='ealist'>\n";
for (mts2=0;mts2<events.length;mts2++)
{ content = content + "<option value='" + events[mts2] + "'>" + events[mts2] + "\n"; }
content = content + "</select>\n</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th align=left class=hdr>Attribute Values</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th align=left><input type=radio " +
"name=eventrad value=yes> Default</th>\n</tr>\n<tr><th></th><th " +
"align=left><input type=radio name=eventrad " +
"value=yes> Custom</th></tr>\n<tr><th></th><th align=left> " +
" <input type=text name=eventattcustval " +
"onchange=\"document.forms[0].eventattribcheck.checked=true;" +
"document.forms[0].eventrad[1].checked=true;\" size=15></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th colspan=2></th></tr>\n<tr><th colspan=2><hr></th></tr>" + // hello
"<tr><th valign=bottom><input type=checkbox name=custattribcheck";
if (strEventAttr != "") {strCustAttr = strEventAttr + strCustAttr; strEventAttr = "";}
if (strGenAttr != "") {strCustAttr = strGenAttr + strCustAttr; strGenAttr = "";}
if (strCustAttr != "") { content = content + " checked"; boolDefGeneral = false; }
// this forces process to use this screen next time around
content = content + "></th>\n " +
"<th align=left colspan=2 nowrap><div class=frmhdr>Custom Attribute/Value</div></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th></th><th align=left><input type=text name=custattcustval " +
if (strCustAttr != "") { content = content + " value=\"" + escapeQuotes(strCustAttr) + "\""; }
content = content +" size=15></th></tr>" +
"<tr><th colspan=2 align=center><hr size=5><input type=button value=' Next > ' \n" +
"onclick='parent.processForm3(document.forms[0].genattribcheck,\n" +
"document.forms[0].galist,document.forms[0].genattcustval.value," +
"\ndocument.forms[0].eventattribcheck,document.forms[0].ealist,\n" +
"document.forms[0].eventrad,document.forms[0].eventattcustval.value,\n" +
"document.forms[0].custattribcheck,document.forms[0].custattcustval.value);'>" +
"<hr size=5></th></tr></table>\n</form>\n";
writeHeaders(0); writeContent(0, content); writeFooters(0);
function makeFourthState() // prints the form in frame 0 for creating custom content
var content = "<body class=body>\n<form name=query><b class=label>Content to Test</b><br>\n" +
"<table border=0 cellspacing=0 cellpadding=0>\n<tr><th rowspan=13> " +
" </th><th align=left colspan=2><div class=frmhdr>Content Before?</div></th>" +
"</tr>\n<tr><th><input type=radio name=before1 value=cb1 ";
if (strCntBef == "") { content = content + "checked"; } // set to default
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Default (None)</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th><input type=radio name=before1 value=cb2 ";
if (strCntBef != "") { content = content + "checked"; }
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Custom</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th> </th><th align=left><input type=text name=cbtext size=15 " +
if (strCntBef != "") { content = content + "value=\"" + strCntBef + "\""; }
content = content + "></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th align=left colspan=2><div class=frmhdr>Content During?</div></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th><input type=radio name=during1 value=cd1 ";
if (strCntDur == "") { content = content + "checked"; } // set to default
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Default</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th><input type=radio name=during1 value=cd2 ";
if (strCntDur != "") { content = content + "checked"; }
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Custom</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th> </th><th align=left><input type=text name=cdtext size=15 " +
if (strCntDur != "") { content = content + "value=\"" + strCntDur + "\""; }
content = content + "></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th align=left colspan=2><div class=frmhdr>Content After?</div></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th><input type=radio name=after1 value=ca1 ";
if (strCntAft == "") { content = content + "checked"; } // set to default
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Default (None)</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th><input type=radio name=after1 value=ca2 ";
if (strCntAft != "") { content = content + "checked"; } // set to default
content = content + "></th><th align=left>Custom</th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th> </th><th align=left><input type=text name=catext size=15 " +
if (strCntAft != "") { content = content + "value=\"" + strCntAft + "\""; }
content = content + "></th></tr>\n" +
"<tr><th colspan=2 align=center><hr size=5><input type=button value=' Next > ' " +
"onclick='parent.processForm4(document.forms[0].before1,document.forms[0].during1," +
"document.forms[0].after1,document.forms[0].cbtext.value," +
"document.forms[0].cdtext.value,document.forms[0].catext.value);'><hr size=5></th></tr></table></form>\n";
writeHeaders(0); writeContent(0, content); writeFooters(0);
function processForm1(elemradio,bodyattrcheck,defattrcheck,defattrgen,defcontcheck,elemlist)
if (htmlarraytype != "other")
if (htmlarraytype == "default")
{ htmlarray = stdTagArray; }
else if (htmlarraytype == "html4strict")
{ htmlarray = html4Strict; }
else if (htmlarraytype == "html4trans")
{ htmlarray = html4Trans; }
{ htmlarray = tagArray; }
var len = htmlarray.length;
for (looppf1=0;looppf1<len;looppf1++) // zero the attribs array
{ attribsarray[looppf1] = ""; }
htmlarray = new Array ();
var len = elemlist.length;
var count = 0;
for (looppf12=0;looppf12<len;looppf12++)
if (elemlist.options[looppf12].selected)
htmlarray[count] = elemlist.options[looppf12].value;
attribsarray[count] = "";
// Set the entry state booleans. True means use the defaults. Need to explicitly
// set both states because state may be inherited from a non-1 form
if (defattrcheck.checked)
{ boolDefAttribs = true; }
else { boolDefAttribs = false; }
if (bodyattrcheck.checked)
{ boolDefBody = true; }
else { boolDefBody = false; }
if (defattrgen.checked)
{ boolDefGeneral = true; boolDefGenEvent = true; boolDefCustom = true; strCustAttr = ""; }
else { boolDefGeneral = false; }
if (defcontcheck.checked)
{ boolDefContent = true;
strCntBef = ""; strCntDur = ""; strCntAft = "";
} // these vars are zeroed but we should inherit the vals instead
else { boolDefContent = false; }
if (boolDefAttribs && boolDefBody && boolDefGeneral && !boolDefContent)
// boundary condition: only custom content
{ makeStatusFrame(4); makeFourthState(); }
else if (boolDefBody && boolDefAttribs && !boolDefGeneral)
// boundary condition: only generic attributes
{ makeStatusFrame(3); makeThirdState(); }
else if (boolDefBody && boolDefAttribs && boolDefGeneral && boolDefContent)
// boundary condition: All are defaults
{ makeStatusFrame(5); renderNow("reg"); }
else // general condition: enter custom attributes
{ makeStatusFrame(2); makeSecondState(); }
function processForm2()
// This processes the attributes form
var attForm = frames[0].document.forms[0];
if (!boolDefBody) {
strBodyExtra = "";
if (attForm.chkcustbody.checked && attForm.txtcustbody.value != "")
{ strBodyExtra = strBodyExtra + " " + attForm.txtcustbody.value; }
for (pf20=1;pf20 < tagbody[4];pf20++) // loop through all attributes for the element
if (eval("attForm.chkbody" + tagbody[pf20 + 5] + ".checked") &&
eval("attForm.txtbody" + pf20 + ".value") != "")
strBodyExtra = strBodyExtra + " " + tagbody[pf20 + 5] +
"=\"" + eval("attForm.txtbody" + pf20 + ".value") + "\"";
if (!boolDefAttribs) {
for (pf21=0;pf21<htmlarray.length;pf21++) // for every element we have spec'ed
var strTmp = eval("tag"+ htmlarray[pf21]);
var len = eval(strTmp[4]);
attribsarray[pf21] = "";
for (pf22=1;pf22<=len;pf22++) // loop through all attributes for the element
var tmp = eval("tag"+ htmlarray[pf21] + "[" + (pf22+4) + "]"); // instead of double eval-ing
if (eval("attForm.chk" + htmlarray[pf21] + tmp + ".checked") &&
eval("attForm.txt" + htmlarray[pf21] + pf22 + ".value") != "")
{ attribsarray[pf21] = attribsarray[pf21] + " " + tmp +
"=\"" + eval("attForm.txt" + htmlarray[pf21] + pf22 + ".value") + "\"";
{ attribsarray[pf21] = attribsarray[pf21] + ""; }
// handle the custom attribute, if any.
if (eval("attForm.chkcust" + htmlarray[pf21] + ".checked") &&
eval("attForm.txtcust" + htmlarray[pf21] + ".value") != "")
{ attribsarray[pf21] = attribsarray[pf21] + " " +
eval("attForm.txtcust" + htmlarray[pf21] + ".value");
{ attribsarray[pf21] = attribsarray[pf21] + ""; }
if (!boolDefGeneral)
{ makeStatusFrame(3); makeThirdState(); } // do generic attributes
else if (!boolDefContent && boolDefGeneral)
{ makeStatusFrame(4); makeFourthState(); }
else { makeStatusFrame(5); renderNow("reg"); } // jump to test rendering section
function processForm3(gacheck1, gaselect1, gaval, eventcheck1,
eventselect1, eventrads, eventval, custattcheck, custattvalpair)
// This processes the general attributes form
strGenAttr = "";
strEventAttr = "";
strCustAttr = "";
boolDefGenEvent = true;
if (gacheck1.checked) // only analyze if the gen atts checkbox is activated
for (pf31=0;pf31<gaselect1.length;pf31++)
if (gaselect1.options[pf31].selected && pf31 !=0 && pf31 !=4 && pf31 !=9 &&
pf31 !=13 && pf31 !=17) // ignore the helper lines in dropdown
{ strGenAttr = strGenAttr + " " + gaselect1.options[pf31].value + "=\"" +
gaval + "\"";
if (eventcheck1.checked) // only analyze if the event checkbox is activated
if (eventrads[1].checked && eventval != "") { boolDefGenEvent = false }
for (pf32=0;pf32<eventselect1.length;pf32++)
if (eventselect1.options[pf32].selected && pf32 !=0 && pf32 !=11 && pf32 !=21 &&
pf32 !=27 && pf32 !=31 && pf32 !=52 && pf32 !=63) // ignore the helper lines in dropdown
if (!boolDefGenEvent) // Use custom val
{ strEventAttr = strEventAttr + " " + eventselect1.options[pf32].value +
"=\"" + eventval + "\""; }
else // Use default val
{ strEventAttr = strEventAttr + " " + eventselect1.options[pf32].value +
"=\"alert('" + eventselect1.options[pf32].value + " event fired');\""; }
if (custattcheck.checked && custattvalpair != "") // only analyze if the cust atts checkbox is activated
{ strCustAttr = strCustAttr + " " + flattenQuotes(custattvalpair); }
if (strGenAttr != "" || strEventAttr != "" || strCustAttr != "" )
{ boolDefGeneral = false; } // handle pesky case of returning to form from non-1 start
if (!boolDefContent)
{ makeStatusFrame(4); makeFourthState(); } // do custom content
else { makeStatusFrame(5); renderNow("reg"); } // jump to test rendering section
function processForm4(bradio,dradio,aradio,bcontent,dcontent,acontent)
if (bradio[1].checked)
{ strCntBef = bcontent; }
else { strCntBef = ""; }
if (dradio[1].checked)
{ strCntDur = dcontent; }
else { strCntDur = ""; }
if (aradio[1].checked)
{ strCntAft = acontent; }
else { strCntAft = ""; }
function setStage(stage)
{ if (stage==4) { var boolDefContent = false; } }
function blankTest()
{ writeHeaders(2); parent.writeContent(2,''); parent.writeFooters(2); }
function makeStatusFrame(currstate)
content = "<body class=body>\n<b class=label>Test Summary</b><br><table>\n";
// Print line 1: Choosing HTML Elements
if (currstate == 1)
{ content = content + "<tr><th><b class=caption>></b></th>\n <th align=left>" +
"<b class=caption>State 1: HTML Elements</b></th></tr>\n"; }
else if (currstate > 1)
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><a class=rslt href=\"javascript:" +
"parent.setStage(1);parent.blankTest();parent.makeFirstState();parent.makeStatusFrame" +
"(1);\"><b class=caption>State 1: HTML Elements</b></a></th></tr>\n"; }
else { content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><b class=greyed>State " +
"1: HTML Elements</b></th></tr>\n"; }
// Print line 2: Choosing HTML Attributes
if (currstate == 2)
{ content = content + "<tr><th><b class=caption>></b></th>\n <th align=left>" +
"<b class=caption>State 2: HTML Attributes</b></th></tr>\n"; }
else if (currstate > 2)
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><a class=rslt href=\"javascript:" +
"parent.setStage(2);parent.blankTest();parent.makeSecondState();parent.makeStatusFrame" +
"(2);\"><b class=caption>State 2: HTML Attributes</b></a></th></tr>\n" }
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><b class=greyed>State " +
"2: HTML Attributes</b></th></tr>\n" }
// Print line 3: Choosing Generic Attributes
if (currstate == 3)
{ content = content + "<tr><th><b class=caption>></b></th>\n <th align=left>" +
"<b class=caption>State 3: Global Attributes</b></th></tr>\n"; }
else if (currstate >3)
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><a class=rslt href=\"javascript:" +
"parent.setStage(3);parent.blankTest();parent.makeThirdState();parent.makeStatusFrame" +
"(3);\"><b class=caption>State 3: Global Attributes</b></a></th></tr>\n"; }
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><b class=greyed>State " +
"3: Global Attributes</b></th></tr>\n"; }
// Print line 4: Choosing Element Content
if (currstate == 4)
{ content = content + "<tr><th><b class=caption>></b></th>\n <th align=left>" +
"<b class=caption>State 4: HTML Content</b></th></tr>\n"; }
else if (currstate >4)
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><a class=rslt href=\"javascript:" +
"parent.setStage(4);parent.blankTest();parent.makeFourthState();parent.makeStatusFrame" +
"(4);\"><b class=caption>State 4: HTML Content</b></a></th></tr>\n"; }
{ content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><b class=greyed>State " +
"4: HTML Content</b></th></tr>\n"; }
// Print line 5: Render the test
if (currstate == 5)
{ content = content + "<tr><th><b class=caption>></b></th>\n <th align=left><b class=caption>"; }
else { content = content + "<th></th><th align=left><b class=greyed>" }
content = content + "State 5: Make the Test!</b></th></tr>\n</table>\n";
writeContent(1, content);
function renderNow(mode)
if (strBodyExtra != "" && !boolDefBody)
{ var content = "<body " + strBodyExtra + ">\n"; }
{ var content = "<body>\n"; }
content = content + "<table width='100%'><tr><td valign=top align=left><b class=label>Test " +
"Results</b></td><td valign=top align=right><form><input type=button name=viewsrc " +
"value='View Source' onclick=\"parent.renderNow('src');\"></form></td></tr></table>\n";
for (looprn=0;looprn<htmlarray.length;looprn++)
content = content + "<b class=hdr><u>Tag:</u> " + htmlarray[looprn] + "</b><br>before\n" +
if (boolDefAttribs) // put in the default attributes
{ content = content + eval("tag" + htmlarray[looprn] + "[0]") +
eval("tag" + htmlarray[looprn] + "[1]"); }
else // put in custom attributes
{ content = content + eval("tag" + htmlarray[looprn] + "[0]") +
attribsarray[looprn]; }
if (strGenAttr != "" && !boolDefGeneral) // handle global attributes, if any
{ content = content + strGenAttr; }
if (strEventAttr != "" && !boolDefGenEvent) // handle event attributes, if any
{ content = content + strEventAttr; }
if (strCustAttr != "") // handle custom global attributes, if any
{ content = content + unescapeQuotes(strCustAttr); }
if (strCntDur == "") // handle case=no custom content inside tag
{ content = content + eval("tag" + htmlarray[looprn] + "[2]"); }
else // tag has custom content
{ content = content + ">" + strCntDur; }
content = content + eval("tag" + htmlarray[looprn] + "[3]") +
strCntAft + " after<br><br>\n\n";
if (mode == "src") // render exception: view source
content = content + "</body>\n";
content = content.replace(/<([^\>]*)>/g, "<b style='color: navy'><$1></b>");
content = "<body>[Note: this is not really 'view source' - it's created on the fly.]\n\n" + content;
content = content.replace(/\n/g, "<br>");
writeHeaders(2); writeContent(2, content); writeFooters(2);
<frameset cols="30%,*" onload="makeFirstState()">
<frameset rows="*,160">
<frame name="frame0" src="blank.htm">
<frame name="frame1" src="blank.htm">
<frame name="frame3" src="blank.htm">