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<title>Index DOT Html and Index DOT Css: THE Advanced HTML/CSS References</title>
<meta name="description" content="Index DOT Html is a complete reference
to HTML: The elements, the history, and the browsers. Index DOT Css is a
complete reference to CSS: the properties, the syntax, the history and the
browsers. If you need to know something about HTML or CSS, this is where
you will find the answers.">
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<th nowrap><div class="indexsitetitle"><a href="html/index.html">Index&#160;&#160;D O T&#160;&#160;Html</a><br>
<a href="css/index.html">Index&#160;&#160;D O T&#160;&#160;Css</a></div>
<div class="reallysmall">T h e&#160;&#160;A d v a n c e d&#160;&#160;H
T M L / C S S&#160;&#160;R e s o u r c e s</div></th>
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<th class="lbot">By <a href="misc/email.htm">Brian Wilson</a> Last Update: Oct. 1 2003</th>
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<div style="text-indent: 50px">Welcome to the last technical resource on
HTML and CSS you may ever need. These sites attempt to collect as much
information as possible in one location about the HTML and CSS languages,
the popular browsers that support them, and the histories behind each.
The site <a href="misc/new.htm">evolves</a> along with the specifications
and browsers that it documents - it <a href="misc/sitewhy.htm">began</a>
as a simple reference on the HTML language, but its
<a href="misc/whatfor.htm">purpose</a> has grown as the languages and
browsers it covers have evolved in popularity and complexity.</div>
<div style="text-indent: 50px">The site aims to be a practical
reference resource for authors, concentrating on features that
have been implemented in currently popular web browsers. Those
features not in wide use will not often be of as great a concern
to an author. This resource tries not to be judgmental about
the use of various language constructs - most have their positive
<em>AND</em> negative sides. Presenting the language's factual
and historical information in a (hopefully) neutral manner
should make an author's choice of features and capabilities a
more informed one. <em>YOU</em>, the author, must decide what
features will work best for a given situation.</div>
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