
This commit is contained in:
Adam Muntner 2015-09-15 22:26:43 -04:00
parent af51ef3c06
commit 8a98e05f2c

View file

@ -1,13 +1,18 @@
Remote File Include scanning
Compiled by RSnake 02/01/2010
Mostly from milw0rm and elsewher
Change XXpathXX to the path of your backdoor. Note that you may need to
try it against every directory on the target and because of how this was
culled you may need to add a question mark to your own XXpathXX URL:
Mostly from milw0rm and elsewhere
Change XXpathXX to the path of your backdoor.
Note that you may need to try it against every directory on the target and because of how this was culled you may need to add a question mark to your own XXpathXX URL:
XXpathXX =>
see fuzzdb docs:
Other tools: