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2023-11-02 11:42:23 +08:00
src update docker image to support macos arm target 2023-11-02 11:42:23 +08:00
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A CLI tool to manage your godot-rust project!

Table of contents

General Information

This is a tool to help you manage your game project by providing commands to (1) create a project, (2) create a class, (3) create a singleton class, (4) build the library, (5) export your game, (6) run your project (and more to come in the future!). Its like rails but for game development 😉.


It leverages tools like godot, godot-headless, godot-server and docker (Optional, only used for cross compilation. See below) to make it all work! In Linux, you can install all godot, godot-headless and godot-server, on others only godot. For additional setup instructions, check the wiki of the default template.

$ cargo install ftw # to install
$ cargo install --force ftw # to upgrade ftw


ftw new <project-name> [template]

Creates a new project directory

$ ftw new my-awesome-game # this creates a new project using the default template
$ ftw new my-awesome-game default # same as above
$ ftw new my-awesome-game /path/to/custom/template # creates a new project using a custom template
$ ftw new my-awesome-game default v1.2.0 # creates a new project with the default template using a specified tag

Note: The custom template should have same structure as the default template. Using a tag assumes you have created tags in your template repository, just like here

ftw class <class-name> [node-type]

Creates a class

$ ftw class MyHero # creates a class called `MyHero` that is deriving from `Node` as default
$ ftw class MyHero Area2D # creates a class that derives from `Area2D`

Note: This creates the following files rust/src/, godot/scenes/MyHero.tscn and godot/native/MyHero.gdns then adds the class inside rust/src/ A complete list of node types can be found here

Creates a tool class

$ ftw class MyButtonTool Button # creates a tool class called `MyButtonTool` that is deriving from `Button`

Note: Same as creating a regular class and also take note of having Tool at the end of the class name as a convention

You could also organize rs, tscn and gdns files into submodules or subfolders
$ ftw class heros/marvel/avengers/IronMan Area2D # creates a class that derives from `Area2D`

Note: This creates the following files rust/src/heros/marvel/avengers/, godot/scenes/heros/marvel/avengers/IronMan.tscn, godot/native/heros/marvel/avengers/IronMan.gdns and files in each subfolder in rust/src then adds the class inside rust/src/

ftw singleton <class-name>

Creates a singleton class for autoloading

$ ftw singleton MySingleton # creates a class called `MySingleton` that derives from `Node`

Note: This creates the following rust/src/ and godot/native/MySingleton.gdns then adds the class inside rust/src/

You can also organize the files into submodules/subfolders as in ftw class command
$ ftw singleton network/Network # creates a class called `Network` that derives from `Node`

ftw build [target] [build-type]

Builds the library for a particular target

$ ftw build # builds the library for your current platform as target using `debug` as default
$ ftw build linux-x86_64 # builds the library for the `linux-x86_64` platform using `debug` as default
$ ftw build linux-x86_64 debug # same as above
$ ftw build linux-x86_64 release # builds the library for the `linux-x86_64` platform using `release`

[target] can be one of the following

  • android-aarch64
  • android-arm
  • android-x86
  • android-x86_64
  • ios-aarch64 (currently not working)
  • linux-x86
  • linux-x86_64
  • macos-x86_64
  • macos-aarch64
  • windows-x86-gnu
  • windows-x86-msvc
  • windows-x86
  • windows-x86_64-gnu
  • windows-x86_64-msvc
  • windows-x86_64

Note: The built libraries (*.so, *.dll, *.dylib, etc.) can be found inside the lib/ folder

ftw export [target] [build-type]

Exports the game for a particular target

$ ftw export # exports the game for your current platform as target using `debug` as default
$ ftw export linux-x86_64 # exports the game for the `linux-x86_64` platform using `debug` as default
$ ftw export linux-x86_64 debug # same as above
$ ftw export linux-x86_64 release # exports the game for the `linux-x86_64` platform using `release`

Note: The exported games can be found inside the bin/ folder

ftw run [machine-type]

Builds the library using debug then runs your game

$ ftw run # runs the game on desktop
$ ftw run desktop # same as above
$ ftw run server # runs the game as a server
# enjoy! 😆

ftw clean

Cleans your project from excess artifacts, similar to cargo clean

$ ftw clean

Project Configuration

You can create a per-project configuration file at your project root named .ftw with the following contents...

Custom Executables

If you have custom executables to run godot, for example if you have a shell/batch script which do some stuff first before running godot, you can configure using the following inside your project...

godot-server-exe=godot-server-script # assuming it's on $PATH

Note: Having the .ftw file and the keys inside it are all optional. If you don't provide them, the defaults (godot, godot-headless and godot-server) will be used. For Windows users use forward-slashes instead of back-slashes (e.g. godot-exe=D:/path/to/godot/bin/

Cross Compilation

You can also enable cross compilation, so you could build and export a game from and to any platform. It uses this docker image to set up Linux, Android, Mac, iOS and Windows toolchains (WebAssembly toolchains to follow). Please read this section to know what is currently supported.


(Let's say) On your Linux machine

$ ftw build windows-x86_64-gnu
$ ftw export windows-x86_64-gnu


Michael Angelo Calimlim <>