2017-01-21 12:47:05 -08:00

131 lines
2.6 KiB

# vim: set filetype=fish:
# Test read builtin and IFS
count (echo one\ntwo)
set -l IFS \t
count (echo one\ntwo)
set -l IFS
count (echo one\ntwo)
echo [(echo -n one\ntwo)]
count (echo one\ntwo\n)
echo [(echo -n one\ntwo\n)]
count (echo one\ntwo\n\n)
echo [(echo -n one\ntwo\n\n)]
set -le IFS
function print_vars --no-scope-shadowing
set -l space
set -l IFS \n # ensure our command substitution works right
for var in $argv
echo -n $space (count $$var) \'$$var\'
set space ''
echo 'hello there' | read -l one two
print_vars one two
echo 'hello there' | read -l one
print_vars one
echo '' | read -l one
print_vars one
echo '' | read -l one two
print_vars one two
echo 'test' | read -l one two three
print_vars one two three
echo 'foo bar baz' | read -l one two three
print_vars one two three
echo -n 'a' | read -l one
echo "$status $one"
set -l IFS
echo 'hello' | read -l one
print_vars one
echo 'hello' | read -l one two
print_vars one two
echo 'hello' | read -l one two three
print_vars one two three
echo '' | read -l one
print_vars one
echo 't' | read -l one two
print_vars one two
echo 't' | read -l one two three
print_vars one two three
echo ' t' | read -l one two
print_vars one two
set -le IFS
echo 'hello there' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo 'hello' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo 'this is a bunch of words' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo ' one two three' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo '' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
set -l IFS
echo 'hello' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo 'h' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
echo '' | read -la ary
print_vars ary
set -le IFS
# read -n tests
echo '# read -n tests'
echo 'testing' | read -n 3 foo
echo $foo
echo 'test' | read -n 10 foo
echo $foo
echo 'test' | read -n 0 foo
echo $foo
echo 'testing' | begin; read -n 3 foo; read -n 3 bar; end
echo $foo
echo $bar
echo 'test' | read -n 1 foo
echo $foo
# read -0 tests
echo '# read -z tests'
echo -n 'testing' | read -lz foo
echo $foo
echo -n 'test ing' | read -lz foo
echo $foo
echo 'newline' | read -lz foo
echo $foo
echo -n 'test ing' | read -lz foo bar
print_vars foo bar
echo -ne 'test\0ing' | read -lz foo bar
print_vars foo bar
echo -ne 'foo\nbar' | read -lz foo bar
print_vars foo bar
echo -ne 'foo\nbar\0baz\nquux' | while read -lza foo
print_vars foo
echo '# chunked read tests'
set -l path /tmp/fish_chunked_read_test.txt
set -l longstr (seq 1024 | string join ',')
echo -n $longstr > $path
read -l longstr2 < $path
test "$longstr" = "$longstr2"
and echo "Chunked reads test pass"
or echo "Chunked reads test failure: long strings don't match!"
rm $path