David Adam (zanchey) 1287b9d823 Help cleanup
Large list of changes, including formatting and typos for most commands.

More substantive changes have been made to alias, bind, block, break,
builtin, case, cd, commandline, count, else, emit, fish_config, funced,
function, functions, history, math, mimedb, nextd, not, popd, prevd,
pushd, pwd, random, read, set, set_color, switch, test, trap, type,
ulimit, umask, and while.
2013-05-13 01:48:20 -07:00

22 lines
707 B

\section nextd nextd - move forward through directory history
\subsection nextd-synopsis Synopsis
<tt>nextd [-l | --list] [POS]</tt>
\subsection nextd-description Description
<tt>nextd</tt> moves forwards <tt>POS</tt> positions in the history of visited
directories; if the end of the history has been hit, a warning is printed.
If the <code>-l></code> or <code>--list</code> flag is specified, the current
directory history is also displayed.
\subsection nextd-example Example
<pre>cd /usr/src
# Working directory is now /usr/src
cd /usr/src/fish-shell
# Working directory is now /usr/src/fish-shell
# Working directory is now /usr/src
# Working directory is now /usr/src/fish-shell</pre>