David Adam (zanchey) 1287b9d823 Help cleanup
Large list of changes, including formatting and typos for most commands.

More substantive changes have been made to alias, bind, block, break,
builtin, case, cd, commandline, count, else, emit, fish_config, funced,
function, functions, history, math, mimedb, nextd, not, popd, prevd,
pushd, pwd, random, read, set, set_color, switch, test, trap, type,
ulimit, umask, and while.
2013-05-13 01:48:20 -07:00

25 lines
1.4 KiB

\section fish fish - the friendly interactive shell
\subsection fish-synopsis Synopsis
fish [-h] [-v] [-c command] [FILE [ARGUMENTS...]]
\subsection fish-description Description
\c fish is a command-line shell written mainly with interactive use in mind. The
full manual is available <a href='index.html'>in HTML</a> by using the
<a href='#help'>help</a> command from inside fish.
The following options are available:
- <code>-c</code> or <code>--command=COMMANDS</code> evaluate the specified commands instead of reading from the commandline
- <code>-d</code> or <code>--debug-level=DEBUG_LEVEL</code> specify the verbosity level of fish. A higher number means higher verbosity. The default level is 1.
- <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> display help and exit
- <code>-i</code> or <code>--interactive</code> specify that fish is to run in interactive mode
- <code>-l</code> or <code>--login</code> specify that fish is to run as a login shell
- <code>-n</code> or <code>--no-execute</code> do not execute any commands, only perform syntax checking
- <code>-p</code> or <code>--profile=PROFILE_FILE</code> when fish exits, output timing information on all executed commands to the specified file
- <code>-v</code> or <code>--version</code> display version and exit
The fish exit status is generally the exit status of the last
foreground command. If fish is exiting because of a parse error, the
exit status is 127.