Shun Sakai b862c63905 Fix an issue that cannot run on non-Linux systems
If Python 3.4 or later installed on the system, complement to the
number of physical cores. In addition, even if the number of physical
cores cannot be obtained, it was fixed to run properly.
2019-12-07 12:21:51 +01:00

64 lines
3 KiB

# Completions for zstd
complete -c zstd -s z -l compress -d "Compress (default)"
complete -c zstd -s d -l decompress -l uncompress -d "Decompress" -x -a "
__fish_complete_suffix .zst
complete -c zstd -s t -l test -d "Test the integrity"
complete -r -c zstd -l train -d "Create a dictionary from specified file(s)"
complete -c zstd -s l -l list -d "List information about .zst file(s)"
for level in (seq 1 19)
complete -c zstd -o $level -d "Set compression level"
complete -c zstd -l fast -d "Ultra-fast compression"
complete -c zstd -l ultra -d "Enable compression level beyond 19"
complete -c zstd -l long -d "Enable long distance matching with specified windowLog"
## If Python 3.4 or later installed, the number of physical cores is assigned to a variable.
set -l python (__fish_anypython)
set -q python[1]; and set -l physical_cores ($python -c 'import os; os.cpu_count() is not None and print(os.cpu_count())' 2> /dev/null)
## When using all physical cores.
complete -c zstd -o T0 -l threads=0 -d "Compress using as many threads as there are CPU cores on the system"
if set -q physical_cores; and test -n "$physical_cores"
for threads in (seq 1 $physical_cores)
complete -c zstd -o T"$threads" -l threads="$threads" -d "Compress using $threads working threads"
complete -c zstd -o TNUM -l threads=NUM -d "Compress using NUM working threads"
complete -c zstd -l single-thread -d "Single-thread mode"
complete -c zstd -l adapt -d "Dynamically adapt compression level to I/O conditions"
complete -c zstd -l stream-size -d "Optimize compression parameters for streaming input of specified bytes"
complete -c zstd -l size-hint -d "Optimize compression parameters for streaming input of approximately this size"
complete -c zstd -l rsyncable -d "Compress using a rsync-friendly method"
complete -r -c zstd -s D -d "Use specified file as dictionary"
complete -c zstd -l no-dictID -d "Do not write dictID into header"
complete -r -c zstd -s o -d "Specify file to save"
complete -c zstd -s f -l force -d "Overwrite without prompting"
complete -c zstd -s c -l stdout -d "Force write to stdout"
complete -c zstd -l sparse -d "Enable sparse mode"
complete -c zstd -l no-sparse -d "Disable sparse mode"
complete -c zstd -l rm -d "Remove input file(s) after de/compression"
complete -c zstd -s k -l keep -d "Keep input file(s) (default)"
complete -c zstd -s r -d "Recurse directories"
complete -c zstd -l filelist -d "Read a list of files"
complete -c zstd -l output-dir-flat -d "Specify a directory to output all files"
for format in zstd gzip xz lzma lz4
complete -c zstd -l format="$format" -d "Specify the format to use for compression"
complete -c zstd -s h -l help -d "Show help"
complete -c zstd -s H -d "Show long help"
complete -c zstd -s V -l version -d "Show version"
complete -c zstd -s v -l verbose -d "Be verbose"
complete -c zstd -s q -l quiet -d "Suppress warnings"
complete -c zstd -l no-progress -d "Do not show the progress bar"
complete -c zstd -l no-check -d "Disable integrity check"