mirror of
synced 2025-01-23 10:15:08 +00:00
I con no longer reproduce an error/warning for this.
1135 lines
42 KiB
Executable file
1135 lines
42 KiB
Executable file
//! The fish_indent program.
use std::ffi::{CString, OsStr};
use std::io::{stdin, Read, Write};
use std::os::unix::ffi::OsStrExt;
use std::sync::atomic::Ordering;
use libc::{LC_ALL, STDOUT_FILENO};
use crate::ast::{
self, Ast, Category, Leaf, List, Node, NodeVisitor, SourceRangeList, Traversal, Type,
use crate::builtins::shared::{STATUS_CMD_ERROR, STATUS_CMD_OK};
use crate::common::{
str2wcstring, unescape_string, wcs2string, wcs2zstring, UnescapeFlags, UnescapeStringStyle,
use crate::compat::setlinebuf;
use crate::env::env_init;
use crate::env::environment::Environment;
use crate::env::EnvStack;
use crate::expand::INTERNAL_SEPARATOR;
use crate::fds::set_cloexec;
use crate::future::{IsOkAnd, IsSomeAnd, IsSorted};
use crate::global_safety::RelaxedAtomicBool;
use crate::highlight::{colorize, highlight_shell, HighlightRole, HighlightSpec};
use crate::operation_context::OperationContext;
use crate::parse_constants::{ParseTokenType, ParseTreeFlags, SourceRange};
use crate::parse_util::parse_util_compute_indents;
use crate::threads;
use crate::tokenizer::{TokenType, Tokenizer, TOK_SHOW_BLANK_LINES, TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS};
use crate::topic_monitor::topic_monitor_init;
use crate::wchar::prelude::*;
use crate::wchar_ffi::WCharToFFI;
use crate::wcstringutil::count_preceding_backslashes;
use crate::wgetopt::{wgetopter_t, wopt, woption, woption_argument_t};
use crate::wutil::perror;
use crate::wutil::{fish_iswalnum, write_to_fd};
use crate::{ffi, print_help::print_help};
use crate::{
flog::{self, activate_flog_categories_by_pattern, set_flog_file_fd},
// The number of spaces per indent isn't supposed to be configurable.
// See discussion at https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell/pull/6790
const SPACES_PER_INDENT: usize = 4;
/// Note: this got somewhat more complicated after introducing the new AST, because that AST no
/// longer encodes detailed lexical information (e.g. every newline). This feels more complex
/// than necessary and would probably benefit from a more layered approach where we identify
/// certain runs, weight line breaks, have a cost model, etc.
struct PrettyPrinter<'source, 'ast> {
/// The parsed ast.
ast: Ast,
state: PrettyPrinterState<'source, 'ast>,
struct PrettyPrinterState<'source, 'ast> {
/// Original source.
source: &'source wstr,
/// The indents of our string.
/// This has the same length as 'source' and describes the indentation level.
indents: Vec<i32>,
/// The prettifier output.
output: WString,
// The indent of the source range which we are currently emitting.
current_indent: usize,
// Whether the next gap text should hide the first newline.
gap_text_mask_newline: bool,
// The "gaps": a sorted set of ranges between tokens.
// These contain whitespace, comments, semicolons, and other lexical elements which are not
// present in the ast.
gaps: Vec<SourceRange>,
// The sorted set of source offsets of nl_semi_t which should be set as semis, not newlines.
// This is computed ahead of time for convenience.
preferred_semi_locations: Vec<usize>,
errors: Option<&'ast SourceRangeList>,
/// Flags we support.
#[derive(Copy, Clone, Default)]
struct GapFlags {
/// Whether to allow line splitting via escaped newlines.
/// For example, in argument lists:
/// echo a \
/// b
/// If this is not set, then split-lines will be joined.
allow_escaped_newlines: bool,
/// Whether to require a space before this token.
/// This is used when emitting semis:
/// echo a; echo b;
/// No space required between 'a' and ';', or 'b' and ';'.
skip_space: bool,
impl<'source, 'ast> PrettyPrinter<'source, 'ast> {
fn new(source: &'source wstr, do_indent: bool) -> Self {
let mut zelf = Self {
ast: Ast::parse(source, parse_flags(), None),
state: PrettyPrinterState {
indents: if do_indent
/* Whether to indent, or just insert spaces. */
} else {
vec![0; source.len()]
output: WString::default(),
current_indent: 0,
gap_text_mask_newline: false,
gaps: vec![],
preferred_semi_locations: vec![],
errors: None,
zelf.state.gaps = zelf.compute_gaps();
zelf.state.preferred_semi_locations = zelf.compute_preferred_semi_locations();
// Entry point. Prettify our source code and return it.
fn prettify(&'ast mut self) -> WString {
self.state.errors = Some(&self.ast.extras.errors);
// Trailing gap text.
SourceRange::new(self.state.source.len(), 0),
// Replace all trailing newlines with just a single one.
while !self.state.output.is_empty() && self.state.at_line_start() {
std::mem::replace(&mut self.state.output, WString::new())
// Return the gap ranges from our ast.
fn compute_gaps(&self) -> Vec<SourceRange> {
let range_compare = |r1: SourceRange, r2: SourceRange| {
(r1.start(), r1.length()).cmp(&(r2.start(), r2.length()))
// Collect the token ranges into a list.
let mut tok_ranges = vec![];
for node in Traversal::new(self.ast.top()) {
if node.category() == Category::leaf {
let r = node.source_range();
if r.length() > 0 {
// Place a zero length range at end to aid in our inverting.
tok_ranges.push(SourceRange::new(self.state.source.len(), 0));
// Our tokens should be sorted.
assert!(tok_ranges.is_sorted_by(|x, y| Some(range_compare(*x, *y))));
// For each range, add a gap range between the previous range and this range.
let mut gaps = vec![];
let mut prev_end = 0;
for tok_range in tok_ranges {
tok_range.start() >= prev_end,
"Token range should not overlap or be out of order"
if tok_range.start() >= prev_end {
gaps.push(SourceRange::new(prev_end, tok_range.start() - prev_end));
prev_end = tok_range.start() + tok_range.length();
// Return sorted list of semi-preferring semi_nl nodes.
fn compute_preferred_semi_locations(&self) -> Vec<usize> {
let mut result = vec![];
let mut mark_semi_from_input = |n: &ast::SemiNl| {
let Some(range) = n.range() else {
if self.state.substr(range) == ";" {
// andor_job_lists get semis if the input uses semis.
for node in Traversal::new(self.ast.top()) {
// See if we have a condition and an andor_job_list.
let condition;
let andors;
if let Some(ifc) = node.as_if_clause() {
condition = ifc.condition.semi_nl.as_ref();
andors = &ifc.andor_tail;
} else if let Some(wc) = node.as_while_header() {
condition = wc.condition.semi_nl.as_ref();
andors = &wc.andor_tail;
} else {
// If there is no and-or tail then we always use a newline.
if andors.count() > 0 {
condition.map(&mut mark_semi_from_input);
// Mark all but last of the andor list.
for andor in andors.iter().take(andors.count() - 1) {
// `x ; and y` gets semis if it has them already, and they are on the same line.
for node in Traversal::new(self.ast.top()) {
let Some(job_list) = node.as_job_list() else {
let mut prev_job_semi_nl = None;
for job in job_list {
// Set up prev_job_semi_nl for the next iteration to make control flow easier.
let prev = prev_job_semi_nl;
prev_job_semi_nl = job.semi_nl.as_ref();
// Is this an 'and' or 'or' job?
let Some(decorator) = job.decorator.as_ref() else {
// Now see if we want to mark 'prev' as allowing a semi.
// Did we have a previous semi_nl which was a newline?
let Some(prev) = prev else {
if self.state.substr(prev.range().unwrap()) != ";" {
// Is there a newline between them?
let prev_start = prev.range().unwrap().start();
let decorator_range = decorator.range().unwrap();
assert!(prev_start <= decorator_range.start(), "Ranges out of order");
if !self.state.source[prev_start..decorator_range.end()].contains('\n') {
// We're going to allow the previous semi_nl to be a semi.
impl<'source, 'ast> PrettyPrinterState<'source, 'ast> {
fn indent(&self, index: usize) -> usize {
// \return gap text flags for the gap text that comes *before* a given node type.
fn gap_text_flags_before_node(&self, node: &dyn Node) -> GapFlags {
let mut result = GapFlags::default();
match node.typ() {
// Allow escaped newlines before leaf nodes that can be part of a long command.
Type::argument | Type::redirection | Type::variable_assignment => {
result.allow_escaped_newlines = true
Type::token_base => {
// Allow escaped newlines before && and ||, and also pipes.
match node.as_token().unwrap().token_type() {
ParseTokenType::andand | ParseTokenType::oror | ParseTokenType::pipe => {
result.allow_escaped_newlines = true;
ParseTokenType::string => {
// Allow escaped newlines before commands that follow a variable assignment
// since both can be long (#7955).
let p = node.parent().unwrap();
if p.typ() != Type::decorated_statement {
return result;
let p = p.parent().unwrap();
assert_eq!(p.typ(), Type::statement);
let p = p.parent().unwrap();
if let Some(job) = p.as_job_pipeline() {
if !job.variables.is_empty() {
result.allow_escaped_newlines = true;
} else if let Some(job_cnt) = p.as_job_continuation() {
if !job_cnt.variables.is_empty() {
result.allow_escaped_newlines = true;
} else if let Some(not_stmt) = p.as_not_statement() {
if !not_stmt.variables.is_empty() {
result.allow_escaped_newlines = true;
_ => (),
_ => (),
// \return whether we are at the start of a new line.
fn at_line_start(&self) -> bool {
self.output.chars().last().is_none_or(|c| c == '\n')
// \return whether we have a space before the output.
// This ignores escaped spaces and escaped newlines.
fn has_preceding_space(&self) -> bool {
let mut idx = isize::try_from(self.output.len()).unwrap() - 1;
// Skip escaped newlines.
// This is historical. Example:
// cmd1 \
// | cmd2
// we want the pipe to "see" the space after cmd1.
// TODO: this is too tricky, we should factor this better.
while idx >= 0 && self.output.as_char_slice()[usize::try_from(idx).unwrap()] == '\n' {
let backslashes =
count_preceding_backslashes(self.source, usize::try_from(idx).unwrap());
if backslashes % 2 == 0 {
// Not escaped.
return false;
idx -= 1 + isize::try_from(backslashes).unwrap();
usize::try_from(idx).is_ok_and(|idx| {
self.output.as_char_slice()[idx] == ' ' && !char_is_escaped(&self.output, idx)
// \return a substring of source.
fn substr(&self, r: SourceRange) -> &wstr {
// Emit a space or indent as necessary, depending on the previous output.
fn emit_space_or_indent(&mut self, flags: GapFlags) {
if self.at_line_start() {
.extend(std::iter::repeat(' ').take(SPACES_PER_INDENT * self.current_indent));
} else if !flags.skip_space && !self.has_preceding_space() {
self.output.push(' ');
// Emit "gap text:" newlines and comments from the original source.
// Gap text may be a few things:
// 1. Just a space is common. We will trim the spaces to be empty.
// Here the gap text is the comment, followed by the newline:
// echo abc # arg
// echo def
// 2. It may also be an escaped newline:
// Here the gap text is a space, backslash, newline, space.
// echo \
// hi
// 3. Lastly it may be an error, if there was an error token. Here the gap text is the pipe:
// begin | stuff
// We do not handle errors here - instead our caller does.
fn emit_gap_text(&mut self, range: SourceRange, flags: GapFlags) -> bool {
let gap_text = &self.source[range.start()..range.end()];
// Common case: if we are only spaces, do nothing.
if !gap_text.chars().any(|c| c != ' ') {
return false;
// Look to see if there is an escaped newline.
// Emit it if either we allow it, or it comes before the first comment.
// Note we do not have to be concerned with escaped backslashes or escaped #s. This is gap
// text - we already know it has no semantic significance.
if let Some(escaped_nl) = gap_text.find(L!("\\\n")) {
let comment_idx = gap_text.find(L!("#"));
if flags.allow_escaped_newlines
|| comment_idx.is_some_and(|comment_idx| escaped_nl < comment_idx)
// Emit a space before the escaped newline.
if !self.at_line_start() && !self.has_preceding_space() {
self.output.push_str(" ");
// Indent the continuation line and any leading comments (#7252).
// Use the indentation level of the next newline.
self.current_indent = self.indent(range.start() + escaped_nl + 1);
// It seems somewhat ambiguous whether we always get a newline after a comment. Ensure we
// always emit one.
let mut needs_nl = false;
let mut tokenizer = Tokenizer::new(gap_text, TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS | TOK_SHOW_BLANK_LINES);
while let Some(tok) = tokenizer.next() {
let tok_text = tokenizer.text_of(&tok);
if needs_nl {
needs_nl = false;
if tok_text == "\n" {
} else if self.gap_text_mask_newline {
// We only respect mask_newline the first time through the loop.
self.gap_text_mask_newline = false;
if tok_text == "\n" {
if tok.type_ == TokenType::comment {
needs_nl = true;
} else if tok.type_ == TokenType::end {
// This may be either a newline or semicolon.
// Semicolons found here are not part of the ast and can simply be removed.
// Newlines are preserved unless mask_newline is set.
if tok_text == "\n" {
} else {
panic!("Gap text should only have comments and newlines - instead found token type {:?} with text: {}",
tok.type_, tok_text);
if needs_nl {
/// \return the gap text ending at a given index into the string, or empty if none.
fn gap_text_to(&self, end: usize) -> SourceRange {
match self.gaps.binary_search_by(|r| r.end().cmp(&end)) {
Ok(pos) => self.gaps[pos],
Err(_) => {
// Not found.
SourceRange::new(0, 0)
/// \return whether a range \p r overlaps an error range from our ast.
fn range_contained_error(&self, r: SourceRange) -> bool {
let errs = self.errors.as_ref().unwrap();
let range_is_before = |x: SourceRange, y: SourceRange| x.end().cmp(&y.start());
assert!(errs.is_sorted_by(|&x, &y| Some(range_is_before(x, y))));
errs.partition_point(|&range| range_is_before(range, r).is_lt()) != errs.len()
// Emit the gap text before a source range.
fn emit_gap_text_before(&mut self, r: SourceRange, flags: GapFlags) -> bool {
assert!(r.start() <= self.source.len(), "source out of bounds");
let mut added_newline = false;
// Find the gap text which ends at start.
let range = self.gap_text_to(r.start());
if range.length() > 0 {
// Set the indent from the beginning of this gap text.
// For example:
// begin
// cmd
// # comment
// end
// Here the comment is the gap text before the end, but we want the indent from the
// command.
if range.start() < self.indents.len() {
self.current_indent = self.indent(range.start());
// If this range contained an error, append the gap text without modification.
// For example in: echo foo "
// We don't want to mess with the quote.
if self.range_contained_error(range) {
} else {
added_newline = self.emit_gap_text(range, flags);
// Always clear gap_text_mask_newline after emitting even empty gap text.
self.gap_text_mask_newline = false;
/// Given a string \p input, remove unnecessary quotes, etc.
fn clean_text(&self, input: &wstr) -> WString {
// Unescape the string - this leaves special markers around if there are any
// expansions or anything. We specifically tell it to not compute backslash-escapes
// like \U or \x, because we want to leave them intact.
let mut unescaped = unescape_string(
UnescapeStringStyle::Script(UnescapeFlags::SPECIAL | UnescapeFlags::NO_BACKSLASHES),
// Remove INTERNAL_SEPARATOR because that's a quote.
let quote = |ch| ch == INTERNAL_SEPARATOR;
unescaped.retain(|c| !quote(c));
// If only "good" chars are left, use the unescaped version.
// This can be extended to other characters, but giving the precise list is tough,
// can change over time (see "^", "%" and "?", in some cases "{}") and it just makes
// people feel more at ease.
let goodchars = |ch| fish_iswalnum(ch) || matches!(ch, '_' | '-' | '/');
if unescaped.chars().all(goodchars) && !unescaped.is_empty() {
} else {
// Emit a range of original text. This indents as needed, and also inserts preceding gap text.
// If \p tolerate_line_splitting is set, then permit escaped newlines; otherwise collapse such
// lines.
fn emit_text(&mut self, r: SourceRange, flags: GapFlags) {
self.emit_gap_text_before(r, flags);
self.current_indent = self.indent(r.start());
if r.length() > 0 {
fn emit_node_text(&mut self, node: &dyn Node) {
// Weird special-case: a token may end in an escaped newline. Notably, the newline is
// not part of the following gap text, handle indentation here (#8197).
let mut range = node.source_range();
let ends_with_escaped_nl = self.substr(range).ends_with("\\\n");
if ends_with_escaped_nl {
range.length -= 2;
self.emit_text(range, self.gap_text_flags_before_node(node));
if ends_with_escaped_nl {
// By convention, escaped newlines are preceded with a space.
self.output.push_str(" \\\n");
// TODO Maybe check "allow_escaped_newlines" and use the precomputed indents.
// The cases where this matters are probably very rare.
self.current_indent += 1;
self.current_indent -= 1;
// Emit one newline.
fn emit_newline(&mut self) {
// Emit a semicolon.
fn emit_semi(&mut self) {
fn visit_semi_nl(&mut self, node: &dyn ast::Token) {
// These are semicolons or newlines which are part of the ast. That means it includes e.g.
// ones terminating a job or 'if' header, but not random semis in job lists. We respect
// preferred_semi_locations to decide whether or not these should stay as newlines or
// become semicolons.
let range = node.source_range();
// Check if we should prefer a semicolon.
let prefer_semi = range.length() > 0
&& self
self.emit_gap_text_before(range, self.gap_text_flags_before_node(node.as_node()));
// Don't emit anything if the gap text put us on a newline (because it had a comment).
if !self.at_line_start() {
if prefer_semi {
} else {
// If it was a semi but we emitted a newline, swallow a subsequent newline.
if !prefer_semi && self.substr(range) == ";" {
self.gap_text_mask_newline = true;
fn visit_redirection(&mut self, node: &ast::Redirection) {
// No space between a redirection operator and its target (#2899).
self.emit_text(node.oper.range().unwrap(), GapFlags::default());
GapFlags {
skip_space: true,
fn visit_maybe_newlines(&mut self, node: &ast::MaybeNewlines) {
// Our newlines may have comments embedded in them, example:
// cmd |
// # something
// cmd2
// Treat it as gap text.
if node.range().unwrap().length() == 0 {
let flags = self.gap_text_flags_before_node(node);
let range = node.range().unwrap();
self.current_indent = self.indent(range.start());
let added_newline = self.emit_gap_text_before(range, flags);
let mut gap_range = range;
if added_newline && gap_range.length() > 0 && self.source.char_at(gap_range.start()) == '\n'
gap_range.start += 1;
self.emit_gap_text(gap_range, flags);
fn visit_begin_header(&mut self) {
if !self.at_line_start() {
// The flags we use to parse.
fn parse_flags() -> ParseTreeFlags {
| ParseTreeFlags::SHOW_BLANK_LINES
impl<'source, 'ast> NodeVisitor<'_> for PrettyPrinterState<'source, 'ast> {
// Default implementation is to just visit children.
fn visit(&mut self, node: &'_ dyn Node) {
// Leaf nodes we just visit their text.
if node.as_keyword().is_some() {
if let Some(token) = node.as_token() {
if token.token_type() == ParseTokenType::end {
match node.typ() {
Type::argument | Type::variable_assignment => {
Type::redirection => {
Type::maybe_newlines => {
Type::begin_header => {
// 'begin' does not require a newline after it, but we insert one.
node.accept(self, false);
_ => {
// For branch and list nodes, default is to visit their children.
if [Category::branch, Category::list].contains(&node.category()) {
node.accept(self, false);
panic!("unexpected node type");
/// \return whether a character at a given index is escaped.
/// A character is escaped if it has an odd number of backslashes.
fn char_is_escaped(text: &wstr, idx: usize) -> bool {
count_preceding_backslashes(text, idx) % 2 == 1
fn fish_indent_main() -> i32 {
// Using the user's default locale could be a problem if it doesn't use UTF-8 encoding. That's
// because the fish project assumes Unicode UTF-8 encoding in all of its scripts.
// TODO: Auto-detect the encoding of the script. We should look for a vim style comment
// (e.g., "# vim: set fileencoding=<encoding-name>:") or an emacs style comment
// (e.g., "# -*- coding: <encoding-name> -*-").
let s = CString::new("").unwrap();
unsafe { libc::setlocale(LC_ALL, s.as_ptr()) };
env_init(None, true, false);
if let Some(features_var) = EnvStack::globals().get(L!("fish_features")) {
for s in features_var.as_list() {
// Types of output we support.
#[derive(Eq, PartialEq)]
enum OutputType {
let mut output_type = OutputType::PlainText;
let mut output_location = L!("");
let mut do_indent = true;
// File path for debug output.
let mut debug_output = None;
const short_opts: &wstr = L!("+d:hvwicD:");
const long_opts: &[woption] = &[
wopt(L!("debug"), woption_argument_t::required_argument, 'd'),
wopt(L!("dump-parse-tree"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'P'),
wopt(L!("no-indent"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'i'),
wopt(L!("help"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'h'),
wopt(L!("version"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'v'),
wopt(L!("write"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'w'),
wopt(L!("html"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, '\x01'),
wopt(L!("ansi"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, '\x02'),
wopt(L!("pygments"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, '\x03'),
wopt(L!("check"), woption_argument_t::no_argument, 'c'),
let args: Vec<WString> = std::env::args_os()
.map(|osstr| str2wcstring(osstr.as_bytes()))
let mut shim_args: Vec<&wstr> = args.iter().map(|s| s.as_ref()).collect();
let mut w = wgetopter_t::new(short_opts, long_opts, &mut shim_args);
while let Some(c) = w.wgetopt_long() {
match c {
'P' => DUMP_PARSE_TREE.store(true),
'h' => {
return STATUS_CMD_OK.unwrap();
'v' => {
"%s, version %s\n",
return STATUS_CMD_OK.unwrap();
'w' => output_type = OutputType::File,
'i' => do_indent = false,
'\x01' => output_type = OutputType::Html,
'\x02' => output_type = OutputType::Ansi,
'\x03' => output_type = OutputType::PygmentsCsv,
'c' => output_type = OutputType::Check,
'd' => {
for cat in flog::categories::all_categories() {
if cat.enabled.load(Ordering::Relaxed) {
printf!("Debug enabled for category: %s\n", cat.name);
'D' => {
// TODO: Option is currently useless.
// Either remove it or make it work with FLOG.
'o' => {
debug_output = Some(w.woptarg.unwrap());
_ => return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap(),
let args = &w.argv[w.woptind..];
// Direct any debug output right away.
if let Some(debug_output) = debug_output {
let file = {
let debug_output = wcs2zstring(debug_output);
let mode = CString::new("w").unwrap();
unsafe { libc::fopen(debug_output.as_ptr(), mode.as_ptr()) }
if file.is_null() {
eprintf!("Could not open file %s\n", debug_output);
return -1;
let fd = unsafe { libc::fileno(file) };
set_cloexec(fd, true);
unsafe { setlinebuf(file) };
let mut retval = 0;
let mut src;
let mut i = 0;
while i < args.len() || (args.is_empty() && i == 0) {
if args.is_empty() && i == 0 {
if output_type == OutputType::File {
"Expected file path to read/write for -w:\n\n $ %ls -w foo.fish\n",
return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap();
match read_file(stdin()) {
Ok(s) => src = s,
Err(()) => return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap(),
} else {
let arg = args[i];
match std::fs::File::open(OsStr::from_bytes(&wcs2string(arg))) {
Ok(file) => {
match read_file(file) {
Ok(s) => src = s,
Err(()) => return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap(),
output_location = arg;
Err(err) => {
wgettext_fmt!("Opening \"%s\" failed: %s\n", arg, err.to_string())
return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap();
if output_type == OutputType::PygmentsCsv {
let output = make_pygments_csv(&src);
let _ = write_to_fd(&output, STDOUT_FILENO);
i += 1;
let output_wtext = prettify(&src, do_indent);
// Maybe colorize.
let mut colors = vec![];
if output_type != OutputType::PlainText {
&mut colors,
let mut colored_output = vec![];
match output_type {
OutputType::PlainText => {
colored_output = no_colorize(&output_wtext);
OutputType::File => {
match std::fs::File::create(OsStr::from_bytes(&wcs2string(output_location))) {
Ok(mut file) => {
let _ = file.write_all(&wcs2string(&output_wtext));
Err(err) => {
"Opening \"%s\" failed: %s\n",
return STATUS_CMD_ERROR.unwrap();
OutputType::Ansi => {
colored_output = colorize(
OutputType::Html => {
colored_output = html_colorize(&output_wtext, &colors);
OutputType::PygmentsCsv => {
OutputType::Check => {
if output_wtext != src {
if let Some(arg) = args.get(i) {
eprintf!("%s\n", arg);
retval += 1;
let _ = write_to_fd(&colored_output, STDOUT_FILENO);
i += 1;
static DUMP_PARSE_TREE: RelaxedAtomicBool = RelaxedAtomicBool::new(false);
// Read the entire contents of a file into the specified string.
fn read_file(mut f: impl Read) -> Result<WString, ()> {
let mut buf = vec![];
f.read_to_end(&mut buf).map_err(|_| ())?;
fn highlight_role_to_string(role: HighlightRole) -> &'static wstr {
match role {
HighlightRole::normal => L!("normal"),
HighlightRole::error => L!("error"),
HighlightRole::command => L!("command"),
HighlightRole::keyword => L!("keyword"),
HighlightRole::statement_terminator => L!("statement_terminator"),
HighlightRole::param => L!("param"),
HighlightRole::option => L!("option"),
HighlightRole::comment => L!("comment"),
HighlightRole::search_match => L!("search_match"),
HighlightRole::operat => L!("operat"),
HighlightRole::escape => L!("escape"),
HighlightRole::quote => L!("quote"),
HighlightRole::redirection => L!("redirection"),
HighlightRole::autosuggestion => L!("autosuggestion"),
HighlightRole::selection => L!("selection"),
HighlightRole::pager_progress => L!("pager_progress"),
HighlightRole::pager_background => L!("pager_background"),
HighlightRole::pager_prefix => L!("pager_prefix"),
HighlightRole::pager_completion => L!("pager_completion"),
HighlightRole::pager_description => L!("pager_description"),
HighlightRole::pager_secondary_background => L!("pager_secondary_background"),
HighlightRole::pager_secondary_prefix => L!("pager_secondary_prefix"),
HighlightRole::pager_secondary_completion => L!("pager_secondary_completion"),
HighlightRole::pager_secondary_description => L!("pager_secondary_description"),
HighlightRole::pager_selected_background => L!("pager_selected_background"),
HighlightRole::pager_selected_prefix => L!("pager_selected_prefix"),
HighlightRole::pager_selected_completion => L!("pager_selected_completion"),
HighlightRole::pager_selected_description => L!("pager_selected_description"),
_ => unreachable!(),
// Entry point for Pygments CSV output.
// Our output is a newline-separated string.
// Each line is of the form `start,end,role`
// start and end is the half-open token range, value is a string from highlight_role_t.
// Example:
// 3,7,command
fn make_pygments_csv(src: &wstr) -> Vec<u8> {
let mut colors = vec![];
highlight_shell(src, &mut colors, &OperationContext::globals(), false, None);
"Colors and src should have same size"
struct TokenRange {
start: usize,
end: usize,
role: HighlightRole,
let mut token_ranges: Vec<TokenRange> = vec![];
for (i, color) in colors.iter().cloned().enumerate() {
let role = color.foreground;
// See if we can extend the last range.
if let Some(last) = token_ranges.last_mut() {
if last.role == role && last.end == i {
last.end = i + 1;
// We need a new range.
token_ranges.push(TokenRange {
start: i,
end: i + 1,
// Now render these to a string.
let mut result = String::new();
for range in token_ranges {
result += &format!(
// Entry point for prettification.
fn prettify(src: &wstr, do_indent: bool) -> WString {
if DUMP_PARSE_TREE.load() {
let ast = Ast::parse(
| ParseTreeFlags::SHOW_EXTRA_SEMIS,
let ast_dump = ast.dump(src);
eprintf!("%s\n", ast_dump);
let mut printer = PrettyPrinter::new(src, do_indent);
/// Given a string and list of colors of the same size, return the string with HTML span elements
/// for the various colors.
fn html_class_name_for_color(spec: HighlightSpec) -> &'static wstr {
match spec.foreground {
HighlightRole::normal => L!("fish_color_normal"),
HighlightRole::error => L!("fish_color_error"),
HighlightRole::command => L!("fish_color_command"),
HighlightRole::statement_terminator => L!("fish_color_statement_terminator"),
HighlightRole::param => L!("fish_color_param"),
HighlightRole::option => L!("fish_color_option"),
HighlightRole::comment => L!("fish_color_comment"),
HighlightRole::search_match => L!("fish_color_search_match"),
HighlightRole::operat => L!("fish_color_operator"),
HighlightRole::escape => L!("fish_color_escape"),
HighlightRole::quote => L!("fish_color_quote"),
HighlightRole::redirection => L!("fish_color_redirection"),
HighlightRole::autosuggestion => L!("fish_color_autosuggestion"),
HighlightRole::selection => L!("fish_color_selection"),
_ => L!("fish_color_other"),
fn html_colorize(text: &wstr, colors: &[HighlightSpec]) -> Vec<u8> {
if text.is_empty() {
return vec![];
assert_eq!(colors.len(), text.len());
let mut html = L!("<pre><code>").to_owned();
let mut last_color = HighlightSpec::new();
for (i, (wc, &color)) in text.chars().zip(colors).enumerate() {
// Handle colors.
if i > 0 && color != last_color {
if i == 0 || color != last_color {
sprintf!(=> &mut html, "<span class=\"%ls\">", html_class_name_for_color(color));
last_color = color;
// Handle text.
match wc {
'&' => html.push_str("&"),
'\'' => html.push_str("'"),
'"' => html.push_str("""),
'<' => html.push_str("<"),
'>' => html.push_str(">"),
_ => html.push(wc),
fn no_colorize(text: &wstr) -> Vec<u8> {
mod fish_indent_ffi {
extern "Rust" {
fn fish_indent_main() -> i32;