Nathan Lanza 66f81a2b4c Fix examples in tokenizer comment for redirection
Four of these examples were incorrect and didn't perform the stated
behavior in neither bash nor fish. Fix them here.
2020-09-05 11:27:30 -07:00

884 lines
33 KiB

// A specialized tokenizer for tokenizing the fish language. In the future, the tokenizer should be
// extended to support marks, tokenizing multiple strings and disposing of unused string segments.
#include "config.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <wctype.h>
#include <cwchar>
#include <string>
#include <type_traits>
#include "common.h"
#include "fallback.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
#include "future_feature_flags.h"
#include "tokenizer.h"
#include "wutil.h" // IWYU pragma: keep
// _(s) is already wgettext(s).c_str(), so let's not convert back to wcstring
const wchar_t *tokenizer_get_error_message(tokenizer_error_t err) {
switch (err) {
case tokenizer_error_t::none:
return L"";
case tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_quote:
return _(L"Unexpected end of string, quotes are not balanced");
case tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_subshell:
return _(L"Unexpected end of string, expecting ')'");
case tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_slice:
return _(L"Unexpected end of string, square brackets do not match");
case tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_escape:
return _(L"Unexpected end of string, incomplete escape sequence");
case tokenizer_error_t::invalid_redirect:
return _(L"Invalid input/output redirection");
case tokenizer_error_t::invalid_pipe:
return _(L"Cannot use stdin (fd 0) as pipe output");
case tokenizer_error_t::invalid_pipe_ampersand:
return _(L"|& is not valid. In fish, use &| to pipe both stdout and stderr.");
case tokenizer_error_t::closing_unopened_subshell:
return _(L"Unexpected ')' for unopened parenthesis");
case tokenizer_error_t::illegal_slice:
return _(L"Unexpected '[' at this location");
case tokenizer_error_t::closing_unopened_brace:
return _(L"Unexpected '}' for unopened brace expansion");
case tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_brace:
return _(L"Unexpected end of string, incomplete parameter expansion");
case tokenizer_error_t::expected_pclose_found_bclose:
return _(L"Unexpected '}' found, expecting ')'");
case tokenizer_error_t::expected_bclose_found_pclose:
return _(L"Unexpected ')' found, expecting '}'");
assert(0 && "Unexpected tokenizer error");
return nullptr;
// Whether carets redirect stderr.
static bool caret_redirs() { return !feature_test(features_t::stderr_nocaret); }
/// Return an error token and mark that we no longer have a next token.
tok_t tokenizer_t::call_error(tokenizer_error_t error_type, const wchar_t *token_start,
const wchar_t *error_loc, maybe_t<size_t> token_length) {
assert(error_type != tokenizer_error_t::none && "tokenizer_error_t::none passed to call_error");
assert(error_loc >= token_start && "Invalid error location");
assert(this->token_cursor >= token_start && "Invalid buff location");
// If continue_after_error is set and we have a real token length, then skip past it.
// Otherwise give up.
if (token_length.has_value() && continue_after_error) {
assert(this->token_cursor < error_loc + *token_length && "Unable to continue past error");
this->token_cursor = error_loc + *token_length;
} else {
this->has_next = false;
tok_t result{token_type_t::error};
result.error = error_type;
result.offset = token_start - this->start;
// If we are passed a token_length, then use it; otherwise infer it from the buffer.
result.length = token_length ? *token_length : this->token_cursor - token_start;
result.error_offset_within_token = error_loc - token_start;
return result;
tokenizer_t::tokenizer_t(const wchar_t *start, tok_flags_t flags)
: token_cursor(start), start(start) {
assert(start != nullptr && "Invalid start");
this->accept_unfinished = static_cast<bool>(flags & TOK_ACCEPT_UNFINISHED);
this->show_comments = static_cast<bool>(flags & TOK_SHOW_COMMENTS);
this->show_blank_lines = static_cast<bool>(flags & TOK_SHOW_BLANK_LINES);
this->continue_after_error = static_cast<bool>(flags & TOK_CONTINUE_AFTER_ERROR);
tok_t::tok_t(token_type_t type) : type(type) {}
/// Tests if this character can be a part of a string. The redirect ^ is allowed unless it's the
/// first character. Hash (#) starts a comment if it's the first character in a token; otherwise it
/// is considered a string character. See issue #953.
static bool tok_is_string_character(wchar_t c, bool is_first) {
switch (c) {
case L'\0':
case L' ':
case L'\n':
case L'|':
case L'\t':
case L';':
case L'\r':
case L'<':
case L'>':
case L'&': {
// Unconditional separators.
return false;
case L'^': {
// Conditional separator.
return !caret_redirs() || !is_first;
default: {
return true;
/// Quick test to catch the most common 'non-magical' characters, makes read_string slightly faster
/// by adding a fast path for the most common characters. This is obviously not a suitable
/// replacement for iswalpha.
static inline int myal(wchar_t c) { return (c >= L'a' && c <= L'z') || (c >= L'A' && c <= L'Z'); }
namespace tok_modes {
enum {
regular_text = 0, // regular text
subshell = 1 << 0, // inside of subshell parentheses
array_brackets = 1 << 1, // inside of array brackets
curly_braces = 1 << 2,
char_escape = 1 << 3,
} // namespace tok_modes
using tok_mode_t = uint32_t;
/// Read the next token as a string.
tok_t tokenizer_t::read_string() {
tok_mode_t mode{tok_modes::regular_text};
std::vector<int> paran_offsets;
std::vector<int> brace_offsets;
std::vector<char> expecting;
int slice_offset = 0;
const wchar_t *const buff_start = this->token_cursor;
bool is_first = true;
while (true) {
wchar_t c = *this->token_cursor;
#if false
wcstring msg = L"Handling 0x%x (%lc)";
tok_mode mode_begin = mode;
if (c == L'\0') {
// Make sure this character isn't being escaped before anything else
if ((mode & tok_modes::char_escape) == tok_modes::char_escape) {
mode &= ~(tok_modes::char_escape);
// and do nothing more
} else if (myal(c)) {
// Early exit optimization in case the character is just a letter,
// which has no special meaning to the tokenizer, i.e. the same mode continues.
// Now proceed with the evaluation of the token, first checking to see if the token
// has been explicitly ignored (escaped).
else if (c == L'\\') {
mode |= tok_modes::char_escape;
} else if (c == L'(') {
paran_offsets.push_back(this->token_cursor - this->start);
mode |= tok_modes::subshell;
} else if (c == L'{') {
brace_offsets.push_back(this->token_cursor - this->start);
mode |= tok_modes::curly_braces;
} else if (c == L')') {
if (!expecting.empty() && expecting.back() == L'}') {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::expected_bclose_found_pclose,
this->token_cursor, this->token_cursor, 1);
if (paran_offsets.empty()) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::closing_unopened_subshell,
this->token_cursor, this->token_cursor, 1);
if (paran_offsets.empty()) {
mode &= ~(tok_modes::subshell);
} else if (c == L'}') {
if (!expecting.empty() && expecting.back() == L')') {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::expected_pclose_found_bclose,
this->token_cursor, this->token_cursor, 1);
if (brace_offsets.empty()) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::closing_unopened_brace,
this->token_cursor + wcslen(this->token_cursor));
if (brace_offsets.empty()) {
mode &= ~(tok_modes::curly_braces);
} else if (c == L'[') {
if (this->token_cursor != buff_start) {
mode |= tok_modes::array_brackets;
slice_offset = this->token_cursor - this->start;
} else {
// This is actually allowed so the test operator `[` can be used as the head of a
// command
// Only exit bracket mode if we are in bracket mode.
// Reason: `]` can be a parameter, e.g. last parameter to `[` test alias.
// e.g. echo $argv[([ $x -eq $y ])] # must not end bracket mode on first bracket
else if (c == L']' && ((mode & tok_modes::array_brackets) == tok_modes::array_brackets)) {
mode &= ~(tok_modes::array_brackets);
} else if (c == L'\'' || c == L'"') {
const wchar_t *end = quote_end(this->token_cursor);
if (end) {
this->token_cursor = end;
} else {
const wchar_t *error_loc = this->token_cursor;
this->token_cursor += std::wcslen(this->token_cursor);
if ((!this->accept_unfinished)) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_quote, buff_start,
} else if (mode == tok_modes::regular_text && !tok_is_string_character(c, is_first)) {
#if false
if (mode != mode_begin) {
msg.append(L": mode 0x%x -> 0x%x\n");
} else {
FLOGF(error, msg.c_str(), c, c, int(mode_begin), int(mode));
is_first = false;
if ((!this->accept_unfinished) && (mode != tok_modes::regular_text)) {
if (mode & tok_modes::char_escape) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_escape, buff_start,
this->token_cursor - 1, 1);
} else if (mode & tok_modes::array_brackets) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_slice, buff_start,
this->start + slice_offset);
} else if (mode & tok_modes::subshell) {
size_t offset_of_open_paran = paran_offsets.back();
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_subshell, buff_start,
this->start + offset_of_open_paran);
} else if (mode & tok_modes::curly_braces) {
size_t offset_of_open_brace = brace_offsets.back();
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::unterminated_brace, buff_start,
this->start + offset_of_open_brace);
} else {
DIE("Unknown non-regular-text mode");
tok_t result(token_type_t::string);
result.offset = buff_start - this->start;
result.length = this->token_cursor - buff_start;
return result;
// Parse an fd from the non-empty string [start, end), all of which are digits.
// Return the fd, or -1 on overflow.
static int parse_fd(const wchar_t *start, const wchar_t *end) {
assert(start < end && "String cannot be empty");
long long big_fd = 0;
for (const wchar_t *cursor = start; cursor < end; ++cursor) {
assert(L'0' <= *cursor && *cursor <= L'9' && "Not a digit");
big_fd = big_fd * 10 + (*cursor - L'0');
if (big_fd > INT_MAX) return -1;
assert(big_fd <= INT_MAX && "big_fd should be in range");
return static_cast<int>(big_fd);
pipe_or_redir_t::pipe_or_redir_t() = default;
maybe_t<pipe_or_redir_t> pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(const wchar_t *buff) {
pipe_or_redir_t result{};
/* Examples of supported syntaxes.
Note we are only responsible for parsing the redirection part, not 'cmd' or 'file'.
cmd | cmd normal pipe
cmd &| cmd normal pipe plus stderr-merge
cmd >| cmd pipe with explicit fd
cmd 2>| cmd pipe with explicit fd
cmd < file stdin redirection
cmd > file redirection
cmd >> file appending redirection
cmd >? file noclobber redirection
cmd >>? file appending noclobber redirection
cmd 2> file file redirection with explicit fd
cmd 2> file >&2 fd redirection with no explicit src fd (stdout is used)
cmd 2> file 1>&2 fd redirection with an explicit src fd
cmd 2< file <&2 fd redirection with no explicit src fd (stdin is used)
cmd 2< file 0<&2 fd redirection with an explicit src fd
cmd &> file redirection with stderr merge
cmd ^ file caret (stderr) redirection, perhaps disabled via feature flags
cmd ^^ file caret (stderr) redirection, perhaps disabled via feature flags
const wchar_t *cursor = buff;
// Extract a range of leading fd.
const wchar_t *fd_start = cursor;
while (iswdigit(*cursor)) cursor++;
const wchar_t *fd_end = cursor;
bool has_fd = (fd_end > fd_start);
// Try consuming a given character.
// Return true if consumed. On success, advances cursor.
auto try_consume = [&cursor](wchar_t c) -> bool {
if (*cursor != c) return false;
return true;
// Like try_consume, but asserts on failure.
auto consume = [&](wchar_t c) {
assert(*cursor == c && "Failed to consume char");
switch (*cursor) {
case L'|': {
if (has_fd) {
// Like 123|
return none();
assert(*cursor != L'|' &&
"|| passed as redirection, this should have been handled as 'or' by the caller");
result.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
result.is_pipe = true;
case L'>': {
if (try_consume(L'>')) result.mode = redirection_mode_t::append;
if (try_consume(L'|')) {
// Note we differ from bash here.
// Consider `echo foo 2>| bar`
// In fish, this is a *pipe*. Run bar as a command and attach foo's stderr to bar's
// stdin, while leaving stdout as tty.
// In bash, this is a *redirection* to bar as a file. It is like > but ignores
// noclobber.
result.is_pipe = true;
result.fd = has_fd ? parse_fd(fd_start, fd_end) // like 2>|
: STDOUT_FILENO; // like >|
} else if (try_consume(L'&')) {
// This is a redirection to an fd.
// Note that we allow ">>&", but it's still just writing to the fd - "appending" to
// it doesn't make sense.
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::fd;
result.fd = has_fd ? parse_fd(fd_start, fd_end) // like 1>&2
: STDOUT_FILENO; // like >&2
} else {
// This is a redirection to a file.
result.fd = has_fd ? parse_fd(fd_start, fd_end) // like 1> file.txt
: STDOUT_FILENO; // like > file.txt
if (result.mode != redirection_mode_t::append)
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::overwrite;
// Note 'echo abc >>? file' is valid: it means append and noclobber.
// But here "noclobber" means the file must not exist, so appending
// can be ignored.
if (try_consume(L'?')) result.mode = redirection_mode_t::noclob;
case L'<': {
if (try_consume('&')) {
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::fd;
} else {
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::input;
result.fd = has_fd ? parse_fd(fd_start, fd_end) // like 1<&3 or 1< /tmp/file.txt
: STDIN_FILENO; // like <&3 or < /tmp/file.txt
case L'^': {
if (!caret_redirs()) {
// ^ is not special if caret_redirs is disabled.
return none();
} else {
if (has_fd) {
return none();
result.fd = STDERR_FILENO;
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::overwrite;
if (try_consume(L'^')) {
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::append;
} else if (try_consume(L'&')) {
// This is a redirection to an fd.
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::fd;
if (try_consume(L'?')) result.mode = redirection_mode_t::noclob;
case L'&': {
if (try_consume(L'|')) {
// &| is pipe with stderr merge.
result.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
result.is_pipe = true;
result.stderr_merge = true;
} else if (try_consume(L'>')) {
result.fd = STDOUT_FILENO;
result.stderr_merge = true;
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::overwrite;
if (try_consume(L'>')) result.mode = redirection_mode_t::append; // like &>>
if (try_consume(L'?'))
result.mode = redirection_mode_t::noclob; // like &>? or &>>?
} else {
return none();
default: {
// Not a redirection.
return none();
result.consumed = (cursor - buff);
assert(result.consumed > 0 && "Should have consumed at least one character on success");
return result;
int pipe_or_redir_t::oflags() const {
switch (mode) {
case redirection_mode_t::append: {
case redirection_mode_t::overwrite: {
case redirection_mode_t::noclob: {
case redirection_mode_t::input: {
return O_RDONLY;
case redirection_mode_t::fd:
default: {
return -1;
/// Test if a character is whitespace. Differs from iswspace in that it does not consider a
/// newline to be whitespace.
static bool iswspace_not_nl(wchar_t c) {
switch (c) {
case L' ':
case L'\t':
case L'\r':
return true;
case L'\n':
return false;
return iswspace(c);
maybe_t<tok_t> tokenizer_t::next() {
if (!this->has_next) {
return none();
// Consume non-newline whitespace. If we get an escaped newline, mark it and continue past
// it.
for (;;) {
if (this->token_cursor[0] == L'\\' && this->token_cursor[1] == L'\n') {
this->token_cursor += 2;
this->continue_line_after_comment = true;
} else if (iswspace_not_nl(this->token_cursor[0])) {
} else {
while (*this->token_cursor == L'#') {
// We have a comment, walk over the comment.
const wchar_t *comment_start = this->token_cursor;
while (this->token_cursor[0] != L'\n' && this->token_cursor[0] != L'\0')
size_t comment_len = this->token_cursor - comment_start;
// If we are going to continue after the comment, skip any trailing newline.
if (this->token_cursor[0] == L'\n' && this->continue_line_after_comment)
// Maybe return the comment.
if (this->show_comments) {
tok_t result(token_type_t::comment);
result.offset = comment_start - this->start;
result.length = comment_len;
return result;
while (iswspace_not_nl(this->token_cursor[0])) this->token_cursor++;
// We made it past the comments and ate any trailing newlines we wanted to ignore.
this->continue_line_after_comment = false;
const size_t start_pos = this->token_cursor - this->start;
maybe_t<tok_t> result{};
switch (*this->token_cursor) {
case L'\0': {
this->has_next = false;
return none();
case L'\r': // carriage-return
case L'\n': // newline
case L';': {
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = 1;
// Hack: when we get a newline, swallow as many as we can. This compresses multiple
// subsequent newlines into a single one.
if (!this->show_blank_lines) {
while (*this->token_cursor == L'\n' || *this->token_cursor == 13 /* CR */ ||
*this->token_cursor == ' ' || *this->token_cursor == '\t') {
case L'&': {
if (this->token_cursor[1] == L'&') {
// && is and.
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = 2;
this->token_cursor += 2;
} else if (this->token_cursor[1] == L'>' || this->token_cursor[1] == L'|') {
// &> and &| redirect both stdout and stderr.
auto redir = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(this->token_cursor);
assert(redir.has_value() &&
"Should always succeed to parse a &> or &| redirection");
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = redir->consumed;
this->token_cursor += redir->consumed;
} else {
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = 1;
case L'|': {
if (this->token_cursor[1] == L'|') {
// || is or.
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = 2;
this->token_cursor += 2;
} else if (this->token_cursor[1] == L'&') {
// |& is a bashism; in fish it's &|.
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::invalid_pipe_ampersand,
this->token_cursor, this->token_cursor, 2);
} else {
auto pipe = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(this->token_cursor);
assert(pipe.has_value() && pipe->is_pipe &&
"Should always succeed to parse a | pipe");
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = pipe->consumed;
this->token_cursor += pipe->consumed;
case L'>':
case L'<': {
// There's some duplication with the code in the default case below. The key
// difference here is that we must never parse these as a string; a failed
// redirection is an error!
auto redir_or_pipe = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(this->token_cursor);
if (!redir_or_pipe || redir_or_pipe->fd < 0) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::invalid_redirect, this->token_cursor,
redir_or_pipe ? redir_or_pipe->consumed : 0);
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = redir_or_pipe->consumed;
this->token_cursor += redir_or_pipe->consumed;
default: {
// Maybe a redirection like '2>&1', maybe a pipe like 2>|, maybe just a string.
const wchar_t *error_location = this->token_cursor;
maybe_t<pipe_or_redir_t> redir_or_pipe{};
if (iswdigit(*this->token_cursor) || (*this->token_cursor == L'^' && caret_redirs())) {
redir_or_pipe = pipe_or_redir_t::from_string(this->token_cursor);
if (redir_or_pipe) {
// It looks like a redirection or a pipe. But we don't support piping fd 0. Note
// that fd 0 may be -1, indicating overflow; but we don't treat that as a
// tokenizer error.
if (redir_or_pipe->is_pipe && redir_or_pipe->fd == 0) {
return this->call_error(tokenizer_error_t::invalid_pipe, error_location,
error_location, redir_or_pipe->consumed);
result->offset = start_pos;
result->length = redir_or_pipe->consumed;
this->token_cursor += redir_or_pipe->consumed;
} else {
// Not a redirection or pipe, so just a string.
result = this->read_string();
assert(result.has_value() && "Should have a token");
return result;
wcstring tok_first(const wcstring &str) {
tokenizer_t t(str.c_str(), 0);
if (auto token = {
if (token->type == token_type_t::string) {
return t.text_of(*token);
return {};
wcstring tok_command(const wcstring &str) {
tokenizer_t t(str.c_str(), 0);
while (auto token = {
if (token->type != token_type_t::string) {
return {};
wcstring text = t.text_of(*token);
if (variable_assignment_equals_pos(text)) {
return text;
return {};
bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char_punctuation(wchar_t c) {
enum { s_always_one = 0, s_rest, s_whitespace_rest, s_whitespace, s_alphanumeric, s_end };
bool consumed = false;
while (state != s_end && !consumed) {
switch (state) {
case s_always_one: {
// Always consume the first character.
consumed = true;
if (iswspace(c)) {
state = s_whitespace;
} else {
// Don't allow switching type (ws->nonws) after non-whitespace.
state = s_rest;
case s_rest: {
if (iswspace(c)) {
// Consume only trailing whitespace.
state = s_whitespace_rest;
} else if (iswalnum(c)) {
// Consume only alnums.
state = s_alphanumeric;
} else {
consumed = false;
state = s_end;
case s_whitespace_rest:
case s_whitespace: {
// "whitespace" consumes whitespace and switches to alnums,
// "whitespace_rest" only consumes whitespace.
if (iswspace(c)) {
// Consumed whitespace.
consumed = true;
} else {
state = state == s_whitespace ? s_alphanumeric : s_end;
case s_alphanumeric: {
if (iswalnum(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed alphanumeric
} else {
state = s_end;
case s_end:
default: {
return consumed;
bool move_word_state_machine_t::is_path_component_character(wchar_t c) {
// Always treat separators as first. All this does is ensure that we treat ^ as a string
// character instead of as stderr redirection, which I hypothesize is usually what is
// desired.
return tok_is_string_character(c, true) && !std::wcschr(L"/={,}'\":@", c);
bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char_path_components(wchar_t c) {
enum {
// std::fwprintf(stdout, L"state %d, consume '%lc'\n", state, c);
bool consumed = false;
while (state != s_end && !consumed) {
switch (state) {
case s_initial_punctuation: {
if (!is_path_component_character(c)) {
consumed = true;
state = s_whitespace;
case s_whitespace: {
if (iswspace(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed whitespace
} else if (c == L'/' || is_path_component_character(c)) {
state = s_slash; // path component
} else {
state = s_separator; // path separator
case s_separator: {
if (!iswspace(c) && !is_path_component_character(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed separator
} else {
state = s_end;
case s_slash: {
if (c == L'/') {
consumed = true; // consumed slash
} else {
state = s_path_component_characters;
case s_path_component_characters: {
if (is_path_component_character(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed string character except slash
} else {
state = s_end;
case s_end:
default: {
return consumed;
bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char_whitespace(wchar_t c) {
enum { s_always_one = 0, s_blank, s_graph, s_end };
bool consumed = false;
while (state != s_end && !consumed) {
switch (state) {
case s_always_one: {
consumed = true; // always consume the first character
state = s_blank;
case s_blank: {
if (iswblank(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed whitespace
} else {
state = s_graph;
case s_graph: {
if (iswgraph(c)) {
consumed = true; // consumed printable non-space
} else {
state = s_end;
case s_end:
default: {
return consumed;
bool move_word_state_machine_t::consume_char(wchar_t c) {
switch (style) {
case move_word_style_punctuation: {
return consume_char_punctuation(c);
case move_word_style_path_components: {
return consume_char_path_components(c);
case move_word_style_whitespace: {
return consume_char_whitespace(c);
DIE("should not reach this statement"); // silence some compiler errors about not returning
move_word_state_machine_t::move_word_state_machine_t(move_word_style_t syl)
: state(0), style(syl) {}
void move_word_state_machine_t::reset() { state = 0; }
// Return the location of the equals sign, or npos if the string does
// not look like a variable assignment like FOO=bar. The detection
// works similar as in some POSIX shells: only letters and numbers qre
// allowed on the left hand side, no quotes or escaping.
maybe_t<size_t> variable_assignment_equals_pos(const wcstring &txt) {
enum { init, has_some_variable_identifier } state = init;
// TODO bracket indexing
for (size_t i = 0; i < txt.size(); i++) {
wchar_t c = txt[i];
if (state == init) {
if (!valid_var_name_char(c)) return {};
state = has_some_variable_identifier;
} else {
if (c == '=') return {i};
if (!valid_var_name_char(c)) return {};
return {};