David Adam (zanchey) 1287b9d823 Help cleanup
Large list of changes, including formatting and typos for most commands.

More substantive changes have been made to alias, bind, block, break,
builtin, case, cd, commandline, count, else, emit, fish_config, funced,
function, functions, history, math, mimedb, nextd, not, popd, prevd,
pushd, pwd, random, read, set, set_color, switch, test, trap, type,
ulimit, umask, and while.
2013-05-13 01:48:20 -07:00

14 lines
496 B

\section isatty isatty - test if the specified file descriptor is a tty
\subsection isatty-synopsis Synopsis
<tt>isatty [FILE DESCRIPTOR]</tt>
\subsection isatty-description Description
<tt>isatty</tt> tests if a file descriptor is a tty.
<tt>FILE DESCRIPTOR</tt> may be either the number of a file descriptor, or one of the
strings <tt>stdin</tt>, \c stdout and <tt>stderr</tt>.
If the specified file descriptor is a tty, the exit status of the command is
zero. Otherwise, it is non-zero.