Aaron Gyes 3669805627 Improve compatibility with 0-16 color terminals.
Fish assumed that it could use tparm to emit escapes to set colors
as long as the color was under 16 or max_colors from terminfo was 256::

 if (idx < 16 || term256_support_is_native()) {
    // Use tparm to emit color escape
    writembs(tparm(todo, idx);

If a terminal has max_colors = 8, here is what happenened, except
inside fish:

 > env TERM=xterm tput setaf 7 | xxd
   00000000: 1b5b 3337 6d                             .[37m
 > env TERM=xterm tput setaf 9 | xxd
   00000000: 1b5b 3338 6d                             .[39m

The first escape is good, that second escape is not valid.
Bright colors should start at \e[90m:

 > env TERM=xterm-16color tput setaf 9 | xxd
   00000000: 1b5b 3931 6d                             .[91m

This is what caused "white" not to work in #3176 in, and
obviously isn't good for real low-color terminals either.

So we replace the term256_support_is_native(), which just checked if
max_colors is 256 or not, with a function that takes an argument and
checks terminfo for that to see if tparm can handle it. We only use this
test, because otherwise, tparm should be expected to output garbage:

 /// Returns true if we think tparm can handle outputting a color index
 static bool term_supports_color_natively(unsigned int c) { return max_colors >= c; }

 if (term_supports_color_natively(idx) {

And if terminfo can't do it, the "forced" escapes no longer use the fancy
format when handling colors under 16, as this is not going to be compatible with
low color terminals. The code before used:

 else {
     char buff[16] = "";
     snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "\x1b[%d;5;%dm", is_fg ? 38 : 48, idx);

I added an intermediate format for colors 0-15:

 else {
     // We are attempting to bypass the term here. Generate the ANSI escape sequence ourself.
     char buff[16] = "";
     if (idx < 16) {
         snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "\x1b[%dm", ((idx > 7) ? 82 : 30) + idx + !is_fg * 10);
     } else {
         snprintf(buff, sizeof buff, "\x1b[%d;5;%dm", is_fg ? 38 : 48, idx);

Restores harmony to white, brwhite, brblack, black color names.
We don't want "white" to refer to color color #16, but to the
standard color #8. #16 is "brwhite".

Move comments from output.h to output.cpp

Nuke the set_color hack for linux VTs.

Sync up our various incomplete color lists and fix all color values.
Colors 0-8 are assumed to be brights - e.g. red was FF0000. Perplexing!

Using this table:

Fixes #3176
2016-07-24 17:02:29 -07:00

312 lines
12 KiB

# Initializations that should only be performed when entering interactive mode.
# This function is called by the __fish_on_interactive function, which is defined in
function __fish_config_interactive -d "Initializations that should be performed when entering interactive mode"
# Make sure this function is only run once.
if set -q __fish_config_interactive_done
set -g __fish_config_interactive_done
# Set the correct configuration directory
set -l configdir ~/.config
set configdir $XDG_CONFIG_HOME
# Set the correct user data directory
set -l userdatadir ~/.local/share
if set -q XDG_DATA_HOME
set userdatadir $XDG_DATA_HOME
# If we are starting up for the first time, set various defaults
if not set -q __fish_init_1_50_0
if not set -q fish_greeting
set -l line1 (printf (_ 'Welcome to fish, the friendly interactive shell') )
set -l line2 (printf (_ 'Type %shelp%s for instructions on how to use fish') (set_color green) (set_color normal))
set -U fish_greeting $line1\n$line2
set -U __fish_init_1_50_0
# Regular syntax highlighting colors
set -q fish_color_normal
or set -U fish_color_normal normal
set -q fish_color_command
or set -U fish_color_command brblue
set -q fish_color_param
or set -U fish_color_param cyan
set -q fish_color_redirection
or set -U fish_color_redirection normal
set -q fish_color_comment
or set -U fish_color_comment red
set -q fish_color_error
or set -U fish_color_error red --bold
set -q fish_color_escape
or set -U fish_color_escape cyan
set -q fish_color_operator
or set -U fish_color_operator cyan
set -q fish_color_end
or set -U fish_color_end green
set -q fish_color_quote
or set -U fish_color_quote brown
set -q fish_color_autosuggestion
or set -U fish_color_autosuggestion brgrey
set -q fish_color_user
or set -U fish_color_user green
set -q fish_color_host
or set -U fish_color_host normal
set -q fish_color_valid_path
or set -U fish_color_valid_path --underline
set -q fish_color_cwd
or set -U fish_color_cwd green
set -q fish_color_cwd_root
or set -U fish_color_cwd_root red
# Background color for matching quotes and parenthesis
set -q fish_color_match
or set -U fish_color_match cyan
# Background color for search matches
set -q fish_color_search_match
or set -U fish_color_search_match --background=purple
# Background color for selections
set -q fish_color_selection
or set -U fish_color_selection --background=purple
# Pager colors
set -q fish_pager_color_prefix
or set -U fish_pager_color_prefix cyan
set -q fish_pager_color_completion
or set -U fish_pager_color_completion normal
set -q fish_pager_color_description
or set -U fish_pager_color_description brgrey
set -q fish_pager_color_progress
or set -U fish_pager_color_progress cyan
# Directory history colors
set -q fish_color_history_current
or set -U fish_color_history_current cyan
# Generate man page completions if not present.
if not test -d $userdatadir/fish/generated_completions
#fish_update_completions is a function, so it can not be directly run in background.
eval (string escape "$__fish_bin_dir/fish") "-c 'fish_update_completions > /dev/null ^/dev/null' &"
# Print a greeting.
# fish_greeting can be a function (preferred) or a variable.
if status --is-interactive
if status --is-login
if functions -q fish_greeting
# The greeting used to be skipped when fish_greeting was empty (not just undefined)
# Keep it that way to not print superfluous newlines on old configuration
test -n "$fish_greeting"
and echo $fish_greeting
# This event handler makes sure the prompt is repainted when
# fish_color_cwd changes value. Like all event handlers, it can't be
# autoloaded.
function __fish_repaint --on-variable fish_color_cwd --description "Event handler, repaints the prompt when fish_color_cwd changes"
if status --is-interactive
set -e __fish_prompt_cwd
commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null
function __fish_repaint_root --on-variable fish_color_cwd_root --description "Event handler, repaints the prompt when fish_color_cwd_root changes"
if status --is-interactive
set -e __fish_prompt_cwd
commandline -f repaint ^/dev/null
# Completions for SysV startup scripts. These aren't bound to any
# specific command, so they can't be autoloaded.
complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a start --description 'Start service'
complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a stop --description 'Stop service'
complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a status --description 'Print service status'
complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a restart --description 'Stop and then start service'
complete -x -p "/etc/init.d/*" -a reload --description 'Reload service configuration'
# Make sure some key bindings are set
if not set -q fish_key_bindings
set -U fish_key_bindings fish_default_key_bindings
# Reload key bindings when binding variable change
function __fish_reload_key_bindings -d "Reload key bindings when binding variable change" --on-variable fish_key_bindings
# do nothing if the key bindings didn't actually change
# This could be because the variable was set to the existing value
# or because it was a local variable
# If fish_key_bindings is empty on the first run, we still need to set the defaults
if test "$fish_key_bindings" = "$__fish_active_key_bindings" -a -n "$fish_key_bindings"
# Check if fish_key_bindings is a valid function
# If not, either keep the previous bindings (if any) or revert to default
# Also print an error so the user knows
if not functions -q "$fish_key_bindings"
echo "There is no fish_key_bindings function called: '$fish_key_bindings'" >&2
if set -q __fish_active_key_bindings
echo "Keeping $__fish_active_key_bindings" >&2
return 1
echo "Reverting to default bindings" >&2
set fish_key_bindings fish_default_key_bindings
# Return because we are called again
return 0
set -g __fish_active_key_bindings "$fish_key_bindings"
set -g fish_bind_mode default
if test "$fish_key_bindings" = fish_default_key_bindings
# Redirect stderr per #1155
fish_default_key_bindings ^/dev/null
eval $fish_key_bindings ^/dev/null
# Load user key bindings if they are defined
if functions --query fish_user_key_bindings >/dev/null
fish_user_key_bindings ^/dev/null
# Load key bindings
# Repaint screen when window changes size
function __fish_winch_handler --on-signal WINCH
commandline -f repaint
# Notify vte-based terminals when $PWD changes (issue #906)
if test "$VTE_VERSION" -ge 3405 -o "$TERM_PROGRAM" = "Apple_Terminal"
function __update_vte_cwd --on-variable PWD --description 'Notify VTE of change to $PWD'
status --is-command-substitution
and return
printf '\033]7;file://%s%s\a' (hostname) (pwd | __fish_urlencode)
__update_vte_cwd # Run once because we might have already inherited a PWD from an old tab
### Command-not-found handlers
# This can be overridden by defining a new __fish_command_not_found_handler function
if not type -q __fish_command_not_found_handler
# First check if we are on OpenSUSE since SUSE's handler has no options
# and expects first argument to be a command and second database
# also check if there is command-not-found command.
if test -f /etc/SuSE-release
and type -q -p command-not-found
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
/usr/bin/command-not-found $argv[1]
# Check for Fedora's handler
else if test -f /usr/libexec/pk-command-not-found
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
/usr/libexec/pk-command-not-found $argv[1]
# Check in /usr/lib, this is where modern Ubuntus place this command
else if test -f /usr/lib/command-not-found
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
/usr/lib/command-not-found -- $argv[1]
# Check for NixOS handler
else if test -f /run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
/run/current-system/sw/bin/command-not-found $argv
# Ubuntu Feisty places this command in the regular path instead
else if type -q -p command-not-found
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
command-not-found -- $argv[1]
# pkgfile is an optional, but official, package on Arch Linux
# it ships with example handlers for bash and zsh, so we'll follow that format
else if type -p -q pkgfile
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
set -l __packages (pkgfile --binaries --verbose -- $argv[1] ^/dev/null)
if test $status -eq 0
printf "%s may be found in the following packages:\n" "$argv[1]"
printf " %s\n" $__packages
__fish_default_command_not_found_handler $argv[1]
# Use standard fish command not found handler otherwise
function __fish_command_not_found_handler --on-event fish_command_not_found
__fish_default_command_not_found_handler $argv[1]
if test $TERM = "linux" # A linux in-kernel VT with 8 colors and 256/512 glyphs
# In a VT we have
# black (invisible)
# red
# green
# yellow
# blue
# magenta
# cyan
# white
# Pretty much just set at random
set -g fish_color_normal normal
set -g fish_color_command yellow
set -g fish_color_param cyan
set -g fish_color_redirection normal
set -g fish_color_comment red
set -g fish_color_error red
set -g fish_color_escape cyan
set -g fish_color_operator cyan
set -g fish_color_quote blue
set -g fish_color_autosuggestion yellow
set -g fish_color_valid_path
set -g fish_color_cwd green
set -g fish_color_cwd_root red
set -g fish_color_match cyan
set -g fish_color_history_current cyan
set -g fish_color_search_match cyan
set -g fish_color_selection blue
set -g fish_color_end yellow
set -g fish_color_host normal
set -g fish_color_status red
set -g fish_color_user green
set -g fish_pager_color_prefix cyan
set -g fish_pager_color_completion normal
set -g fish_pager_color_description yellow
set -g fish_pager_color_progress cyan
# Set fish_prompt to a VT-friendly version
# without color or unicode
function fish_prompt