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mirror of https://github.com/fish-shell/fish-shell synced 2025-02-24 11:27:41 +00:00
Sergei Morozov 69b5a3535c
Add basic completion for mvn -pl switch ()
This patch introduces basic completion of the -pl|--projects switch for
mvn. The implementation is quite naive but it's better than nothing. A more
robust implementation would require either scanning the filesystem or running
mvn which might slow down completion significantly.
This solution can be improved by using an XML parser instead of grep/sed.
2021-12-26 22:37:13 +01:00

814 lines
77 KiB

# Maven fish auto completion
# Possible calls to mvn
## Lifecycle
# mvn $lifecycle(s)
# Attention: Multiple lifecycles can be given
### Samples
# mvn clean
# mvn clean install
# mvn install
## Plugins
# mvn $plugin:$goal
### Samples
# mvn jboss:start
# mvn ejb:ejb
# mvn jboss:start ejb:ejb
# Attention: Multiple plugins can be given
# Default lifecycles
complete -c mvn -f -a 'pre-clean clean post-clean validate initialize generate-sources process-sources generate-resources process-resources compile process-classes generate-test-sources process-test-sources generate-test-resources process-test-resources test-compile process-test-classes testprepare-package package pre-integration-test integration-test post-integration-test verify install deploy pre-site site post-site site-deploy'
# All options form mvn --help
complete -c mvn -f -o am -l also-make -d "If project list is specified, also build projects required by the list"
complete -c mvn -f -o amd -l also-make-dependents -d "If project list is specified, also build projects that depend on projects on the list"
complete -c mvn -f -o B -l batch-mode -d "Run in non-interactive (batch) mode"
complete -c mvn -r -f -o b -l builder -d "The id of the build strategy to use."
complete -c mvn -f -o C -l strict-checksums -d "Fail the build if checksums don't match"
complete -c mvn -f -o c -l lax-checksums -d "Warn if checksums don't match"
complete -c mvn -f -o cpu -l check-plugin-updates -d "Ineffective, only kept for backward compatibility"
function __fish_mvn_complete_definition
set -l current_token (commandline -t)
set -l previous_token (commandline -opc)[-1]
string match -qr -- '^(-D|--define\b)' $current_token $previous_token
or return
set -l keyval (string split --max=1 -- = $current_token)
or return
# Use normal file completion for the value.
printf -- "$keyval[1]=%s\n" (complete -C "__fish_command_without_completions $keyval[2]")
complete -c mvn -f -o D -l define -d "Define a system property"
complete -c mvn -f -a "(__fish_mvn_complete_definition)"
complete -c mvn -f -o e -l errors -d "Produce execution error messages"
complete -c mvn -f -o emp -l encrypt-master-password -d "Encrypt master security password"
complete -c mvn -f -o ep -l encrypt-password -d "Encrypt server password"
complete -c mvn -r -o f -l file -d "Force the use of an alternate POM file (or directory with pom.xml)."
complete -c mvn -f -o fae -l fail-at-end -d "Only fail the build afterwards; allow all non-impacted builds to continue"
complete -c mvn -f -o ff -l fail-fast -d "Stop at first failure in reactorized builds"
complete -c mvn -f -o fn -l fail-never -d "NEVER fail the build, regardless of project result"
complete -c mvn -r -o gs -l global-settings -d "Alternate path for the global settings file"
complete -c mvn -f -o h -l help -d "Display help information"
complete -c mvn -r -o l -l log-file -d "Log file to where all build output will go."
complete -c mvn -f -o llr -l legacy-local-repository -d "Use Maven 2 Legacy Local Repository behaviour, ie no use of _remote.repositories"
complete -c mvn -f -o N -l non-recursive -d "Do not recurse into sub-projects"
complete -c mvn -f -o npr -l no-plugin-registry -d "Ineffective, only kept for backward compatibility"
complete -c mvn -f -o npu -l no-plugin-updates -d "Ineffective, only kept for backward compatibility"
complete -c mvn -f -o nsu -l no-snapshot-updates -d "Suppress SNAPSHOT updates"
complete -c mvn -f -o o -l offline -d "Work offline"
complete -c mvn -r -f -o pl -l projects -d "Comma-delimited list of specified reactor projects to build instead of all projects"
complete -c mvn -f -o q -l quiet -d "Quiet output - only show errors"
complete -c mvn -r -f -o rf -l resume-from -d "Resume reactor from specified project"
complete -c mvn -r -o s -l settings -d "Alternate path for the user settings file"
complete -c mvn -r -f -o T -l threads -d "Thread count, for instance 2.0C where C is core multiplied"
complete -c mvn -r -o t -l toolchains -d "Alternate path for the user toolchains file"
complete -c mvn -f -o U -l update-snapshots -d "Forces a check for missing releases and updated snapshots on remote repositories"
complete -c mvn -f -o up -l update-plugins -d "Ineffective, only kept for backward compatibility"
complete -c mvn -f -o V -l show-version -d "Display version information WITHOUT stopping build"
complete -c mvn -f -o v -l version -d "Display version information"
complete -c mvn -f -o X -l debug -d "Produce execution debug output"
# Profiles
#TODO search pom.xml hierarchy
function __fish_mvn_profiles
# find line opening the profile-tag
# read next line
# extract contents of id-tag
sed -n -e '/<profile>/{n; s!^.*<id>\([^<]*\)</id>.*$!\1!; p}' ~/.m2/settings.xml pom.xml 2>/dev/null
function __fish_mvn_projects
grep "<module>" pom.xml 2>/dev/null | sed 's/\s*<[^<]*>\(.*\)<[^<]*>/\1/'
complete -c mvn -f -r -o P -l activate-profiles -a "(__fish_mvn_profiles)" -d "Comma-delimited list of profiles to activate"
complete -c mvn -f -r -o pl -l projects -a "(__fish_mvn_projects)" -d "Projects to build"
#default properties for some plugins / profiles
complete -c mvn -o DskipTests -d "Skipping JUnit Tests"
complete -c mvn -o DbuildInstaller -d "Build installer (if profile is available in project)"
complete -c mvn -o DperformRelease -d "Use release profile (create javadoc and attach sources)"
complete -c mvn -o Dmaven.surefire.debug -d "Run surefire tests with debugging on port 5005"
complete -c mvn -o Dmaven.javadoc.skip -d "Skip Javadoc generation"
# Plugin configurations
# More plugins
complete -c mvn -a "clean:clean" -d "Clean the build"
complete -c mvn -a "clean:help" -d "Display help information on maven-clean-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "compiler:compile" -d "Compiles application sources"
complete -c mvn -a "compiler:help" -d "Display help information on maven-compiler-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "compiler:testCompile" -d "Compiles application test sources."
complete -c mvn -a "deploy:help" -d "Display help information on maven-deploy-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "deploy:deploy-file" -d "Installs the artifact in the remote repository."
complete -c mvn -a "deploy:deploy" -d "Deploys an artifact to remote repository."
complete -c mvn -a "failsafe:help" -d "Display help information on maven-failsafe-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "failsafe:integration-test" -d "Run integration tests using Surefire."
complete -c mvn -a "failsafe:verify" -d "Verify integration tests ran using Surefire."
complete -c mvn -a "install:install" -d "Installs the project's main artifact, and any other artifacts attached by other plugins in the lifecycle, to the local repository."
complete -c mvn -a "install:help" -d "Display help information on maven-install-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "install:install-file" -d "Installs a file in the local repository."
complete -c mvn -a "resources:testResources" -d "Copy resources for the test source code to the test output directory"
complete -c mvn -a "resources:copy-resources" -d "Copy resources of the configured plugin attribute resources"
complete -c mvn -a "resources:help" -d "Display help information on maven-resources-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "resources:resources" -d "Copy resources for the main source code to the main output directory"
complete -c mvn -a "site:attach-descriptor" -d "Adds the site descriptor (site.xml) to the list of files to be installed/deployed"
complete -c mvn -a "site:deploy" -d "Deploys the generated site"
complete -c mvn -a "site:effective-site" -d "Displays the effective site descriptor"
complete -c mvn -a "site:help" -d "Display help information on maven-site-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "site:jar" -d "Bundles the site output into a JAR so that it can be deployed to a repository."
complete -c mvn -a "site:run" -d "Starts the site up, rendering documents as requested for faster editing. It uses Jetty as the web server."
complete -c mvn -a "site:site" -d "Generates the site for a single project"
complete -c mvn -a "site:stage" -d "Deploys the generated site to a local staging or mock directory"
complete -c mvn -a "site:stage-deploy" -d "Deploys the generated site to a staging or mock URL"
complete -c mvn -a "surefire:help" -d "Display help information on maven-surefire-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "surefire:test" -d "Run tests using Surefire."
complete -c mvn -a "verifier:help" -d "Display help information on maven-verifier-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "verifier:verify" -d "Verifies the existence or non-existence of files/directories and optionally checks file content against a regular expression."
complete -c mvn -a "ear:ear" -d "Builds J2EE Enterprise Archive (EAR) files."
complete -c mvn -a "ear:generate-application-xml" -d "Generates the EAR deployment descriptor file(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "ear:help" -d "Display help information on maven-ear-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "ejb:ejb" -d "Build an EJB (and optional client) from the current project."
complete -c mvn -a "ejb:help" -d "Display help information on maven-ejb-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jar:help" -d "Display help information on maven-jar-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jar:jar" -d "Build a JAR from the current project."
complete -c mvn -a "jar:test-jar" -d "Build a JAR of the test classes for the current project."
complete -c mvn -a "rar:help" -d "Display help information on maven-rar-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "rar:rar" -d "Builds J2EE Resource Adapter Archive (RAR) files."
complete -c mvn -a "shade:help" -d "Display help information on maven-shade-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "shade:shade" -d "Mojo that performs shading delegating to the Shader component."
complete -c mvn -a "source:aggregate" -d "Aggregate sources for all modules in an aggregator project."
complete -c mvn -a "source:jar" -d "This plugin bundles all the sources into a jar archive."
complete -c mvn -a "source:test-jar-no-fork" -d "This goal bundles all the test sources into a jar archive"
complete -c mvn -a "source:test-jar" -d "This plugin bundles all the test sources into a jar archive."
complete -c mvn -a "source:generated-test-jar" -d "This plugin bundles all the test sources into a jar archive."
complete -c mvn -a "source:help" -d "Display help information on maven-source-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "source:jar-no-fork" -d "This goal bundles all the sources into a jar archive"
complete -c mvn -a "changelog:changelog" -d "Generate a changelog report."
complete -c mvn -a "changelog:file-activity" -d "Generate a file activity report."
complete -c mvn -a "changelog:dev-activity" -d "Generate a developer activity report."
complete -c mvn -a "changelog:help" -d "Display help information on maven-changelog-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "changes:changes-validate" -d "Goal which validate the changes.xml file."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:changes-check" -d "Check that changes.xml has the necessary data for a release announcement"
complete -c mvn -a "changes:github-report" -d "Goal which downloads issues from GitHub and generates a report."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:announcement-generate" -d "Goal which generate an announcement from the announcement template."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:trac-report" -d "Goal which downloads issues from the Issue Tracking System and generates a report."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:changes-report" -d "Goal which creates a nicely formatted Changes Report in html format from a changes.xml file."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:announcement-mail" -d "Goal which sends an announcement through email."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:jira-report" -d "Goal which downloads issues from the Issue Tracking System and generates a report."
complete -c mvn -a "changes:help" -d "Display help information on maven-changes-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "checkstyle:check" -d "Perform Checkstyle analysis"
complete -c mvn -a "checkstyle:checkstyle" -d "Perform Checkstyle analysis and generate an HTML report"
complete -c mvn -a "checkstyle:checkstyle-aggregate" -d "Perform Checkstyle analysis and generate an aggregate HTML report"
complete -c mvn -a "checkstyle:help" -d "Display help information on maven-checkstyle-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "doap:generate" -d "Generate a Description of a Project (DOAP) file"
complete -c mvn -a "doap:help" -d "Display help information on maven-doap-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "docck:check" -d "Checks a plugin's documentation for the standard minimums."
complete -c mvn -a "docck:help" -d "Display help information on maven-docck-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:aggregate" -d "Generates documentation for the Java code in an aggregator project using the standard Javadoc Tool."
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:aggregate-jar" -d "Bundles the Javadoc documentation for main Java code in an aggregator project into a jar using the standard Javadoc Tool."
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:fix" -d "Fix Javadoc documentation and tags for the Java code for the project. See Where Tags Can Be Used."
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:help" -d "Display help information on maven-javadoc-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:jar" -d "Bundle the Javadoc into a jar"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:javadoc" -d "Generate documentation"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:javadoc-no-fork" -d "Generate documentation"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:resource-bundle" -d "Bundle AbstractJavadocMojo.javadocDirectory"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-aggregate" -d "Generates documentation for the Java Test code"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-aggregate-jar" -d "Bundle documentation for Java Test Code into a jar"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-fix" -d "Fix Javadoc documentation and tags for the Test Java code"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-jar" -d "Bundles the Javadoc documentation for test Java code into a jar"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-javadoc" -d "Generates documentation for the Java Test code"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-javadoc-no-fork" -d "Generate documentation for the Java Test code"
complete -c mvn -a "javadoc:test-resource-bundle" -d "Bundle TestJavadocJar.testJavadocDirectory"
complete -c mvn -a "jxr:aggregate" -d "Generates a combined JXR report in an aggregating project."
complete -c mvn -a "jxr:help" -d "Display help information on maven-jxr-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jxr:jxr" -d "Creates an html-based, cross referenced version of Java source code for a project."
complete -c mvn -a "jxr:test-aggregate" -d "Generates a combined JXR report for test code in an aggregating project."
complete -c mvn -a "jxr:test-jxr" -d "Creates an html-based, cross referenced version of Java source code for a project's test sources."
complete -c mvn -a "linkcheck:linkcheck" -d "Generates a Linkcheck report."
complete -c mvn -a "linkcheck:help" -d "Display help information on maven-linkcheck-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "pmd:check" -d "Fail the build if there were any PMD violations in the source code."
complete -c mvn -a "pmd:cpd" -d "Creates a report for PMD's CPD tool. See http://pmd.sourceforge.net/cpd.html for more detail."
complete -c mvn -a "pmd:cpd-check" -d "Fail the build if there were any CPD violations in the source code."
complete -c mvn -a "pmd:help" -d "Display help information on maven-pmd-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "pmd:pmd" -d "Creates a PMD report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:cim" -d "Generates the Project Continuous Integration System report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:dependencies" -d "Generates the Project Dependencies report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:dependency-convergence" -d "Generates the Dependency Convergence report for reactor builds."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:dependency-info" -d "Generates code snippets to be added to build tools."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:dependency-management" -d "Generates the Project Dependency Management report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:distribution-management" -d "Generates the Project Distribution Management report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:help" -d "Display help information on maven-project-info-reports-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:index" -d "Generates the project index page."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:issue-tracking" -d "Generates the Project Issue Tracking report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:license" -d "Generates the Project License report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:mailing-list" -d "Generates the Mailing List report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:modules" -d "Generates the Project Modules report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:plugin-management" -d "Generates the Project Plugin Management report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:plugins" -d "Generates the Project Plugins report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:project-team" -d "Generates the Project Team report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:scm" -d "Generates the Project Source Code Management (SCM) report."
complete -c mvn -a "project-info-reports:summary" -d "Generates the project information reports summary."
complete -c mvn -a "surefire-report:failsafe-report-only" -d "Create Failsafe Test Report html "
complete -c mvn -a "surefire-report:help" -d "Display help information on maven-surefire-report-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "surefire-report:report" -d "Create Surefire Test Report html"
complete -c mvn -a "surefire-report:report-only" -d "Create Surefire Test Report html"
complete -c mvn -a "ant:ant" -d "Generate Ant build files."
complete -c mvn -a "ant:clean" -d "Clean all Ant build files."
complete -c mvn -a "ant:help" -d "Display help information on maven-ant-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "antrun:help" -d "Display help information on maven-antrun-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "antrun:run" -d "Maven AntRun Mojo"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:crawl" -d "Crawl a Maven repository (filesystem, not HTTP) and creates a catalog file."
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:create" -d "Retrieve an archetype from the remote repository"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:create-from-project" -d "Creates an archetype project from the current project"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:generate" -d "Generate new project from an archetype, or update project if using a partial archetype"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:help" -d "Display help information on maven-archetype-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:integration-test" -d "Execute the archetype integration tests"
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:jar" -d "Build a JAR from the current Archetype project."
complete -c mvn -a "archetype:update-local-catalog" -d "Updates the local catalog"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:assembly" -d "Assemble an application bundle or distribution using an assembly descriptor from the command line"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:attached" -d "Assemble an application bundle or distribution from an assembly descriptor"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:directory" -d "Assemble an application bundle or distribution"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:directory-inline" -d "Like assembly:attached, but ignore the <formats/> section"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:directory-single" -d "Assemble an application bundle or distribution from an assembly descriptor"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:help" -d "Display help information on maven-assembly-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:single" -d "Assemble an application bundle or distribution from an assembly descriptor"
complete -c mvn -a "assembly:unpack" -d "Unpack project dependencies. Currently supports dependencies of type jar and zip."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:analyze" -d "Analyzes the dependencies of this project"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:analyze-dep-mgt" -d "Look for dependency mismatches in your dependencyManagement section"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:analyze-duplicate" -d "Determine duplicate dependencies"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:analyze-only" -d "Analyze the dependencies of this project"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:analyze-report" -d "Analyze the dependencies of this project and produce a report"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:build-classpath" -d "This goal will output a classpath string of dependencies from the local repository to a file or log."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:copy" -d "Goal that copies a list of artifacts from the repository to defined locations."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:copy-dependencies" -d "Goal that copies the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:display-ancestors" -d "Displays all ancestor POMs of the project"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:get" -d "Resolves a single artifact, eventually transitively, from the specified remote repositories"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:go-offline" -d "Resolve all project dependencies"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:help" -d "Display help information on maven-dependency-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:list" -d "Displays the list of dependencies for this project."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:list-repositories" -d "Resolve all project dependencies and then lists the repositories used"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:properties" -d "Set a property pointing to the artifact file for each project dependency"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:purge-local-repository" -d "Remove the project dependencies from the local repository, and optionally re-resolve them."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:resolve" -d "Resolve project dependencies"
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:resolve-plugins" -d "Goal that resolves all project plugins and reports and their dependencies."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:sources" -d "Goal that resolves the project source dependencies from the repository."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:tree" -d "Displays the dependency tree for this project."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:unpack" -d "Goal that retrieves a list of artifacts from the repository and unpacks them in a defined location."
complete -c mvn -a "dependency:unpack-dependencies" -d "Goal that unpacks the project dependencies from the repository to a defined location."
complete -c mvn -a "enforcer:display-info" -d "This goal displays the current platform information."
complete -c mvn -a "enforcer:enforce" -d "This goal executes the defined enforcer-rules once per module."
complete -c mvn -a "enforcer:help" -d "Display help information on maven-enforcer-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "gpg:help" -d "Display help information on maven-gpg-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "gpg:sign" -d "Sign project artifact, the POM, and attached artifacts with GnuPG for deployment."
complete -c mvn -a "gpg:sign-and-deploy-file" -d "Signs artifacts and installs the artifact in the remote repository."
complete -c mvn -a "help:expressions" -d "Displays the supported Plugin expressions used by Maven."
complete -c mvn -a "help:active-profiles" -d "Displays a list of the profiles which are currently active for this build."
complete -c mvn -a "help:effective-settings" -d "Displays the calculated settings as XML for this project"
complete -c mvn -a "help:system" -d "Displays a list of the platform details like system properties and environment variables."
complete -c mvn -a "help:effective-pom" -d "Displays the effective POM as an XML for this build, with the active profiles factored in."
complete -c mvn -a "help:help" -d "Display help information on maven-help-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "help:all-profiles" -d "Displays a list of available profiles under the current project"
complete -c mvn -a "help:describe" -d "Displays a list of the attributes for a Maven Plugin and/or goals (aka Mojo - Maven plain Old Java Object)."
complete -c mvn -a "help:evaluate" -d "Evaluates Maven expressions given by the user in an interactive mode."
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:help" -d "Display help information on maven-invoker-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:install" -d "Installs the project artifacts of the main build into the local repository"
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:integration-test" -d "Searches for integration test Maven projects, and executes each, collecting a log in the project directory"
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:report" -d "Generate a report based on the results of the Maven invocations"
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:run" -d "Searches for integration test Maven projects, and executes each, collecting a log in the project directory, and outputting the results to the command line."
complete -c mvn -a "invoker:verify" -d "Checks the results of maven-invoker-plugin based integration tests and fails the build if any tests failed."
complete -c mvn -a "jarsigner:help" -d "Display help information on maven-jarsigner-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jarsigner:sign" -d "Signs a project artifact and attachments using jarsigner."
complete -c mvn -a "jarsigner:verify" -d "Checks the signatures of a project artifact and attachments using jarsigner."
complete -c mvn -a "patch:apply" -d "Apply one or more patches to project sources."
complete -c mvn -a "patch:help" -d "Display help information on maven-patch-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "pdf:help" -d "Display help information on maven-pdf-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "pdf:pdf" -d "Generates a PDF document for a project."
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:updateRegistry" -d "Update the user plugin registry (if it's in use) to reflect the version we're installing."
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:report" -d "Generates the Plugin's documentation report."
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:xdoc" -d "Generate Xdoc files for the project mojos or goals."
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:addPluginArtifactMetadata" -d "Inject any plugin-specific artifact metadata to the project's artifact, for subsequent installation and deployment"
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:help" -d "Display help information on maven-plugin-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:helpmojo" -d "Generates a HelpMojo class."
complete -c mvn -a "plugin:descriptor" -d "Generate a plugin descriptor"
complete -c mvn -a "release:perform" -d "Perform a release from SCM"
complete -c mvn -a "release:rollback" -d "Rollback changes made by a previous release"
complete -c mvn -a "release:prepare-with-pom" -d "Prepare for a release in SCM, fully resolving dependencies for the purpose of producing a 'release POM'."
complete -c mvn -a "release:stage" -d "Perform a release from SCM to a staging repository"
complete -c mvn -a "release:update-versions" -d "Update the POM versions for a project"
complete -c mvn -a "release:prepare" -d "Prepare for a release in SCM"
complete -c mvn -a "release:clean" -d "Clean up after a release preparation"
complete -c mvn -a "release:help" -d "Display help information on maven-release-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "release:branch" -d "Branch a project in SCM"
complete -c mvn -a "remote-resources:process" -d "Pull down resourceBundles containing remote resources and process the resources contained inside"
complete -c mvn -a "remote-resources:help" -d "Display help information on maven-remote-resources-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "remote-resources:bundle" -d "Bundle up resources that should be considered as a remote-resource."
complete -c mvn -a "repository:bundle-create" -d "Goal which creates an upload bundle for a project built with Maven."
complete -c mvn -a "repository:bundle-pack" -d "Packs artifacts already available in a local repository in a bundle for an upload requests"
complete -c mvn -a "repository:help" -d "Display help information on maven-repository-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "scm:status" -d "Display the modification status of the files in the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:branch" -d "Branch the project."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:validate" -d "Validate scm connection string."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:checkin" -d "Commit changes to the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:diff" -d "Display the difference of the working copy with the latest copy in the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:update" -d "Update the local working copy with the latest source from the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:add" -d "Add a file set to the project."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:remove" -d "Mark a set of files for deletion."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:unedit" -d "Unedit/unlock a set of files."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:bootstrap" -d "Pull the project source from the configured scm and execute the configured goals."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:checkout" -d "Get a fresh copy of the latest source from the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:tag" -d "Tag the project."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:edit" -d "Edit/lock a set of files."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:check-local-modification" -d "This mojo will fail the build if there is any local modifications"
complete -c mvn -a "scm:list" -d "Get the list of project files."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:changelog" -d "Dump changelog contents to console. It is mainly used to test maven-scm-api's changelog command."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:help" -d "Display help information on maven-scm-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "scm:export" -d "Get a fresh exported copy of the latest source from the configured scm url."
complete -c mvn -a "scm:update-subprojects" -d "Updates all projects in a multi project build"
complete -c mvn -a "scm-publish:publish-scm" -d "Publish a content to scm"
complete -c mvn -a "scm-publish:help" -d "Display help information on maven-scm-publish-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "scm-publish:scmpublish" -d "Empty goal, provided only to set loose the lifecycle."
complete -c mvn -a "stage:copy" -d "Copies artifacts from one repository to another repository."
complete -c mvn -a "stage:help" -d "Display help information on maven-stage-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "toolchains:help" -d "Display help information on maven-toolchains-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "toolchains:toolchain" -d "Check that toolchains requirements are met by currently configured toolchains"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:clean" -d "Deletes the .project, .classpath, .wtpmodules files and .settings folder used by Eclipse."
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:configure-workspace" -d "Configure Eclipse Workspace features"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:eclipse" -d "Generate Eclipse configuration files"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:help" -d "Display help information on maven-eclipse-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:install-plugins" -d "Install plugins resolved from the Maven repository system into an Eclipse instance."
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:myeclipse" -d "Generates MyEclipse configuration files"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:myeclipse-clean" -d "Deletes configuration files used by MyEclipse"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:rad" -d "Generates the rad-6 configuration files."
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:rad-clean" -d "Deletes the config files used by Rad-6. the files .j2ee and the file .websettings"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:remove-cache" -d "Removes the not-available marker files from the repository."
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:resolve-workspace-dependencies" -d "For all projects currently part of the workspace, all references to the M2_REPO classpath variable are resolved"
complete -c mvn -a "eclipse:to-maven" -d "Add eclipse artifacts from an eclipse installation to the local repo"
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:har-exploded" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Hibernate exploded Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:esb" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss ESB Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:esb-exploded" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss ESB exploded Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:aop" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss AOP Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:spring" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Spring Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:har" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Hibernate Archive"
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:help" -d "Display help information on jboss-packaging-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:par" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Process Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:sar" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Service Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:sar-inplace" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Service in place exploded Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "jboss-packaging:sar-exploded" -d "Builds a deployable JBoss Service exploded Archive."
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsAdmin" -d "The wsadmin goal executes the WebSphere command-line administration tool with the specified arguments."
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsListApps" -d "Lists all the applications installed on a WebSphere Server or Cell"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsStartServer" -d "Starts a standalone server instance"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsStartApp" -d "Start an application on a WebSphere Server or in a WebSphere Cell"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:clean" -d "Cleans out temporary resources and generated sources."
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsStopServer" -d "Stop a standalone server instance"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsStopApp" -d "Stop an application on a WebSphere Server or in a WebSphere Cell"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:servicedeploy" -d "Executes the ServiceDeploy command against an archive file (Ear, Zip or Jar) to produce an ear file that can be deployed on Process Server"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:installApp" -d "Installs an EAR into WebSphere Application Server."
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsDefaultBindings" -d "Generate default IBM WebSphere Bindings for the specified EAR file"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:endpointEnabler" -d "Executes the endpoint enabler ant task on the EAR archive."
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsdl2java" -d "Creates Java classes and deployment descriptor templates from a Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:help" -d "Display help information on was6-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:ejbdeploy" -d "Generates EJB RMIC stub sources"
complete -c mvn -a "was6:wsUninstallApp" -d "Uninstall an existing application from a WebSphere Server or Cell"
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:stop" -d "Stop an artifact on Weblogic server(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:start" -d "Start an artifact on Weblogic server(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:undeploy" -d "Undeploy artifacts from Weblogic server(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:appc" -d "Run the weblogic appc compiler against an artifact."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:clientgen9" -d "Runs Client Gen on a given WSDL"
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:listapps" -d "List the atifacts on Weblogic server(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:help" -d "Display help information on weblogic-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:wsdlgen" -d "This class generates wsdl from ear/war package"
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:redeploy" -d "Redeploy artifact on Weblogic server(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:jwsc" -d "Runs the JWSC compiler task for web service enabled code."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:servicegen" -d "Runs Service Gen on a given WSDL."
complete -c mvn -a "weblogic:deploy" -d "Deploy an artifact to Weblogic servers(s) or cluster(s)."
complete -c mvn -a "antlr:help" -d "Display help information on antlr-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "antlr:html" -d "Generates Antlr documentation from grammar files."
complete -c mvn -a "antlr:generate" -d "Generates files based on grammar files with Antlr tool."
complete -c mvn -a "aspectj:aspectj-report" -d "Creates an AspectJ HTML report using the ajdoc tool and format."
complete -c mvn -a "aspectj:compile" -d "Weaves all main classes."
complete -c mvn -a "aspectj:EclipseAjcMojo" -d "Create eclipse configuration of aspectJ"
complete -c mvn -a "aspectj:help" -d "Display help information on aspectj-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "aspectj:test-compile" -d "Weaves all test classes."
complete -c mvn -a "axistools:java2wsdl" -d "A Plugin for generating WSDL files using Axis Java2WSDL."
complete -c mvn -a "axistools:help" -d "Display help information on axistools-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "axistools:wsdl2java" -d "A Plugin for generating stubs for WSDL files using Axis WSDL2Java."
complete -c mvn -a "axistools:admin" -d "Utility for turning xml into Axis deployment operations (wraps org.apache.axis.utils.Admin)"
complete -c mvn -a "castor:help" -d "Display help information on castor-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "castor:mappings" -d "A mojo that uses Castor MappingTool to generate mapping files from a set of Classes. MappingTool."
complete -c mvn -a "castor:mapping" -d "A mojo that uses Castor MappingTool to generate mapping files from a single Class. MappingTool."
complete -c mvn -a "castor:generate" -d "A mojo that uses Castor to generate a collection of javabeans from an XSD"
complete -c mvn -a "commons-attributes:compile" -d "Commons-attributes compiler."
complete -c mvn -a "commons-attributes:test-compile" -d "Commons-attributes compiler for tests."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:debug" -d "Runs the project with a debugger port hook (optionally suspended)."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:mergewebxml" -d "Merges GWT servlet elements into deployment descriptor (and non GWT servlets into shell)"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:help" -d "Display help information on gwt-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:compile" -d "Invokes the GWT Compiler"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:source-jar" -d "Add GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources to project jar"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:resources" -d "Copy GWT java source code and module descriptor as resources in the build outputDirectory"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:compile-report" -d "see http://code.google.com/webtoolkit/doc/latest/DevGuideCompileReport.html#Usage"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:css" -d "Creates CSS interfaces for css files"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:run-codeserver" -d "Runs GWT modules with Super Dev Mode."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:eclipseTest" -d "Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWTTestCases."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:test" -d "Mimic surefire to run GWTTestCases during integration-test phase, until SUREFIRE-508 is fixed"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:clean" -d "Cleanup the webapp directory for GWT module compilation output"
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:generateAsync" -d "Goal which generate Async interface."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:i18n" -d "Creates I18N interfaces for constants and messages files."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:run" -d "Runs the project in the GWT (Classic or Super) Dev Mode for development."
complete -c mvn -a "gwt:eclipse" -d "Goal which creates Eclipse lauch configurations for GWT modules."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2doc" -d "'hbm2doc' generates html documentation a'la javadoc for the database schema."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2hbmxml" -d "Generate a set of .hbm files"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2dao" -d "Generate a set of DAOs."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:query" -d "Execute a HQL query statements"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:instrument" -d "Goal for 'cglib' or 'javassist' instrumentation."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:run" -d "'AntRun' wrapper."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbmtemplate" -d "'hbmtemplate' generic exporter that can be controlled by a user provided template or class."
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2cfgxml" -d "'hbm2cfgxml' generates a hibernate.cfg.xml"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2ddl" -d "'hbm2ddl' lets you run schemaexport and schemaupdate which generates the appropriate SQL DDL"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:help" -d "Display help information on hibernate3-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbmlint" -d "'hbmlint' scans mappings for errors"
complete -c mvn -a "hibernate3:hbm2java" -d "'hbm2java' is a java code generator"
complete -c mvn -a "idlj:generate-test" -d "Process CORBA IDL test files in IDLJ"
complete -c mvn -a "idlj:help" -d "Display help information on idlj-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "idlj:generate" -d "Process CORBA IDL files in IDLJ."
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:jjtree" -d "Parses a JJTree grammar file (*.jjt) and transforms it to Java source files and a JavaCC grammar file"
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:jtb" -d "Parses a JTB file and transforms it into source files for an AST and a JavaCC grammar file which automatically builds the AST"
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:jjdoc" -d "JJDoc takes a JavaCC parser specification and produces documentation for the BNF grammar"
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:jtb-javacc" -d "Preprocesses ordinary grammar files (*.jtb) with JTB and passes the output to JavaCC in order to finally generate a parser with parse tree actions"
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:help" -d "Display help information on javacc-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:jjtree-javacc" -d "Preprocesses decorated grammar files (*.jjt) with JJTree and passes the output to JavaCC in order to finally generate a parser with parse tree actions."
complete -c mvn -a "javacc:javacc" -d "Parses a JavaCC grammar file (*.jj) and transforms it to Java source files. Detailed information about the JavaCC options can be found on the JavaCC website."
complete -c mvn -a "jaxb2:help" -d "Display help information on jaxb2-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jaxb2:schemagen" -d "Mojo that creates XML schema(s) from compile-scope Java sources or binaries by invoking the JAXB SchemaGenerator"
complete -c mvn -a "jaxb2:testSchemagen" -d "Mojo that creates XML schema(s) from test-scope Java testSources or binaries by invoking the JAXB SchemaGenerator"
complete -c mvn -a "jaxb2:testXjc" -d "Mojo that creates test-scope Java source or binaries from XML schema(s) by invoking the JAXB XJC binding compiler"
complete -c mvn -a "jaxb2:xjc" -d "Mojo that creates compile-scope Java source or binaries from XML schema(s) by invoking the JAXB XJC binding compiler"
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:enhance"
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:schema-create" -d "Generates the Schema from the JDO mappings and the enhanced class files."
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:schema-dbinfo" -d "Provides detailed information about the database - limits and datatypes support"
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:schema-delete" -d "Deletes all database tables required for a set of JDO MetaData files (and enhanced classes) from the database schema."
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:schema-info" -d "Provides a detailed information about the database schema. The output is written to console/terminal. "
complete -c mvn -a "jpox:schema-validate" -d "Validates all database tables required for a set of JDO MetaData files (and classes) for correct structure"
complete -c mvn -a "jslint:test-jslint" -d "Goal which reports on the test source files using JSLint."
complete -c mvn -a "jslint:jslint" -d "Goal which reports on the source files using JSLint."
complete -c mvn -a "jslint:help" -d "Display help information on jslint-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "js-import:test-generate-html" -d "Test goal implementation of the generate html mojo."
complete -c mvn -a "js-import:generate-html" -d "Main goal implementation of the generate html mojo."
complete -c mvn -a "js-import:test-import-js" -d "Test goal implementation of the import mojo."
complete -c mvn -a "js-import:import-js" -d "Main goal implementation of the import mojo."
complete -c mvn -a "js-import:help" -d "Display help information on js-import-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jspc:compile"
complete -c mvn -a "jspc:testCompile"
complete -c mvn -a "openjpa:test-enhance" -d "Processes Application model classes and enhances them by running Open JPA Enhancer tool."
complete -c mvn -a "openjpa:help" -d "Display help information on openjpa-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "openjpa:enhance" -d "Processes Application model classes and enhances them by running Open JPA Enhancer tool"
complete -c mvn -a "openjpa:schema" -d "Executes the schema generation via the OpenJPA MappingTool."
complete -c mvn -a "openjpa:sql" -d "Executes the SQL generation via the OpenJPA MappingTool."
complete -c mvn -a "rmic:help" -d "Display help information on rmic-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "rmic:test-rmic" -d "Compiles rmi stubs and skeleton classes from a remote implementation class"
complete -c mvn -a "rmic:rmic" -d "Compiles rmi stubs and skeleton classes from a remote implementation class."
complete -c mvn -a "rmic:package" -d "Creates a jar containing the rmic generated classes."
complete -c mvn -a "sablecc:generate" -d "A plugin for processing grammar files in SableCC."
complete -c mvn -a "sqlj:sqlj" -d "Translates SQLJ source code using the SQLJ Translator."
complete -c mvn -a "sqlj:clean" -d "Cleans out generated stale resources."
complete -c mvn -a "sqlj:help" -d "Display help information on sqlj-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "xdoclet:help" -d "Display help information on xdoclet-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "xdoclet:xdoclet" -d "Runs XDoclet."
complete -c mvn -a "xmlbeans:xmlbeans-test" -d "A Maven 2 plugin which parses xsd files and produces a corresponding object model based on the Apache XML Beans parser"
complete -c mvn -a "xmlbeans:help" -d "Display help information on xmlbeans-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "xmlbeans:xmlbeans" -d "A Maven 2 plugin which parses xsd files and produces a corresponding object model based on the Apache XML Beans parser"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:autoupdate" -d "Create the NetBeans auto update site definition."
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:branding" -d "Package branding resources for NetBeans platform/IDE based application"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:build-installers" -d "Build installers for Mavenized NetBeans application"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:cluster" -d "Create the NetBeans module clusters from reactor"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:cluster-app" -d "Create the NetBeans module clusters/application for the 'nbm-application' packaging projects"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:help" -d "Display help information on nbm-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:manifest" -d "Goal for generating NetBeans module system specific manifest entries, part of nbm lifecycle/packaging"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:nbm" -d "Create the NetBeans module artifact (nbm file), part of 'nbm' lifecycle/packaging."
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:run-ide" -d "Run NetBeans IDE with additional custom module clusters, to be used in conjunction with nbm:cluster"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:run-platform" -d "Run a branded application on top of NetBeans Platform"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:standalone-zip" -d "Create a standalone application out of the composed clusters of nbm-application"
complete -c mvn -a "nbm:webstart-app" -d "Create webstartable binaries for a 'nbm-application'."
complete -c mvn -a "clirr:clirr" -d "Generate a report from the Clirr output."
complete -c mvn -a "clirr:check-arbitrary" -d "Check for compatibility between two arbitrary artifact sets."
complete -c mvn -a "clirr:help" -d "Display help information on clirr-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "clirr:check" -d "Check for compatibility with previous version."
complete -c mvn -a "clirr:check-no-fork" -d "Check for compatibility with previous version without forking the project"
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:check" -d "Check the coverage percentages for unit tests from the last instrumentation, and optionally fail the build if the targets are not met"
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:check-integration-test" -d "Check the coverage percentages for unit tests and integration tests from the last instrumentation, and optionally fail the build if the targets are not met"
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:clean" -d "Clean up the files that Cobertura Maven Plugin has created during instrumentation."
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:cobertura" -d "Instrument the compiled classes, run the unit tests and generate a Cobertura report."
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:cobertura-integration-test" -d "Instrument the compiled classes, run the unit tests and integration tests and generate a Cobertura report."
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:dump-datafile" -d "Output the contents of Cobertura's data file to the command line."
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:help" -d "Display help information on cobertura-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "cobertura:instrument" -d "Instrument the compiled classes."
complete -c mvn -a "scmchangelog:report" -d "Goal which produces a changelog report based on the Subversion logs."
complete -c mvn -a "scmchangelog:help" -d "Display help information on scmchangelog-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "sonar:help" -d "Display help information on sonar-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "sonar:sonar" -d "Analyze project"
complete -c mvn -a "taglist:taglist" -d "Scans the source files for tags and generates a report on their occurrences."
complete -c mvn -a "taglist:help" -d "Display help information on taglist-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "javancss:check" -d "Check the build if for any Method with a ccn greater than a limit in the source code"
complete -c mvn -a "javancss:help" -d "Display help information on javancss-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "javancss:report" -d "Generates a JavaNCSS report based on this module's source code."
complete -c mvn -a "jdepend:generate-no-fork" -d "Run JDepend and generate a site report"
complete -c mvn -a "jdepend:help" -d "Display help information on jdepend-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "jdepend:generate" -d "Run JDepend and generate a site report"
complete -c mvn -a "codenarc:codenarc" -d "Create a CodeNarc Report."
complete -c mvn -a "codenarc:help" -d "Display help information on codenarc-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "findbugs:check"
complete -c mvn -a "findbugs:findbugs"
complete -c mvn -a "findbugs:gui" -d "Open the findbugs GUI to browse the report"
complete -c mvn -a "findbugs:help" -d "Display help information on findbugs-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "fitnesse:remotecall" -d "This goal uses the fitnesse.runner.TestRunner class for getting result of a remote FitNesse web page execution"
complete -c mvn -a "fitnesse:help" -d "Display help information on fitnesse-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "fitnesse:run" -d "This goal uses the fitnesse.runner.TestRunner class for calling a remote FitNesse web page and executes the tests or suites locally into a forked JVM"
complete -c mvn -a "fitnesse:fitnesse" -d "Generates a FitNesse report from a FitNesse web server"
complete -c mvn -a "selenium:start-server" -d "Start the Selenium server."
complete -c mvn -a "selenium:xvfb" -d "Starts an Xvfb instance suitable for handling X11 displays for headless systems"
complete -c mvn -a "selenium:stop-server" -d "Stop the Selenium server."
complete -c mvn -a "selenium:selenese" -d "Run a suite of HTML Selenese tests."
complete -c mvn -a "selenium:help" -d "Display help information on selenium-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:help" -d "Display help information on webtest-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:verify-filecontent" -d "Allows grepping through a set of files to find particular text strings and fail the build if one or matches are found"
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:clean" -d "Remove temporary data from running the Canoo WebTests"
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:test" -d "Runs a Canoo WebTest defined in an ANT script."
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:loop" -d "Runs a Canoo WebTest in a loop until an error or failure occurs"
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:info" -d "Prints the configuration settings."
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:report" -d "Creates the HTML report for a test run based on XSLT."
complete -c mvn -a "webtest:verify-result" -d "Checks the webtest result file for test failures and throws an exception if one or more tests failed"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:jmeter" -d "Invokes JMeter"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:check" -d "Checks the latest performancetests to verify that performance targets have been met"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:jmetergui" -d "Invokes the JMeter gui"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:jmeteroutput" -d "Analyzes output from JMeter"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:help" -d "Display help information on chronos-jmeter-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-jmeter:savehistory" -d "Save a snapshot of the currently executed test to enable later historic reports."
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-surefire:help" -d "Display help information on chronos-surefire-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-surefire:collect" -d "Goal which collects the execution of each performed unittest, and compares the execution time to previous measured execution times for the same test"
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-report:historyreport" -d "Creates a historic report of performance test results."
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-report:report" -d "Creates a report of the currently executed performancetest in html format."
complete -c mvn -a "chronos-report:help" -d "Display help information on chronos-report-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "animal-sniffer:build" -d "Generates an API Signature from at least one of: the java runtime, the module dependencies and the module classes."
complete -c mvn -a "animal-sniffer:check" -d "Checks the classes compiled by this module."
complete -c mvn -a "animal-sniffer:help" -d "Display help information on animal-sniffer-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "appassembler:generate-daemons" -d "Generates JSW based daemon wrappers."
complete -c mvn -a "appassembler:assemble" -d "Assembles the artifacts and generates bin scripts for the configured applications"
complete -c mvn -a "appassembler:create-repository" -d "Creates an appassembler repository"
complete -c mvn -a "appassembler:help" -d "Display help information on appassembler-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:parse-version" -d "Parse a version string and set properties containing the component parts of the version"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:bsh-property" -d "Define one or many properties as a result of a Beanshell script invocation"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:add-resource" -d "Add more resource directories to the POM."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:maven-version" -d "Store the maven core version in a property maven.version."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:attach-artifact" -d "Attach additional artifacts to be installed and deployed."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:add-test-source" -d "Add test source directories to the POM."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:released-version" -d "Resolve the latest released version of this project"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:local-ip" -d "Retrieve current host IP address and place it under a configurable project property"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:reserve-network-port" -d "Reserve a list of random and not in use network ports and place them in a configurable project properties."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:remove-project-artifact" -d "Remove project's artifacts from local repository"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:add-source" -d "Add more source directories to the POM."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:add-test-resource" -d "Add more test resource directories to the POM."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:cpu-count" -d "Retrieve number of CPUs with project factor, and place it under a configurable project property"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:timestamp-property" -d "Sets a property based on the current date and time."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:regex-properties" -d "Sets a property by applying a regex replacement rule to a supplied value"
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:regex-property" -d "Sets a property by applying a regex replacement rule to a supplied value."
complete -c mvn -a "build-helper:help" -d "Display help information on build-helper-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "buildnumber:create-timestamp" -d "This mojo is designed to give you a timestamp available through one or more properties"
complete -c mvn -a "buildnumber:create" -d "This mojo is designed to give you a build number"
complete -c mvn -a "buildnumber:help" -d "Display help information on buildnumber-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "buildnumber:hgchangeset" -d "Goal which sets project properties for changeSet and changeSetDate from the current Mercurial repository."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:help" -d "Display help information on cassandra-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:load" -d "Loads a cassandra-cli bscript into a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:delete" -d "Deletes the Cassandra home directory that we create for running Cassandra."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:start-cluster" -d "Starts a Cassandra instance in the background."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:cu-load" -d "Loads a CassandraUnit DataSet into a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:stop-cluster" -d "Stops a background Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:repair" -d "Runs nodetool repair on a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:cql-exec" -d "Executes cql statements from maven."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:stop" -d "Stops a background Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:flush" -d "Runs nodetool flush on a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:run" -d "Runs Cassandra in the foreground."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:start" -d "Starts a Cassandra instance in the background."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:cleanup" -d "Runs nodetool cleanup on a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "cassandra:compact" -d "Runs nodetool compact on a Cassandra instance."
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:help" -d "Display help information on ditaot-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:version" -d "Display DITA Open Toolkit's built-in version, with option to insert a custom version found under \${dita.dir}/ditaotVersionPath, via version property to Maven's \${versionName}"
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:eclipse" -d "Generate http://www.dita-op.org's Eclipse configuration to allow editing, previewing DITA under Eclipse IDE."
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:print-help" -d "Display DITA Open Toolkit's common Ant properties usage"
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:chm2web" -d "Convert DITA Open Toolkit's Microsoft CHM output file, produced by htmlhelp transtype, to pure HTML set of files"
complete -c mvn -a "ditaot:run" -d "Execute DITA Open Toolkit's Ant command line to transform DITA files to desired output format"
complete -c mvn -a "exec:exec" -d "A Plugin for executing external programs."
complete -c mvn -a "exec:help" -d "Display help information on exec-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "exec:java" -d "Executes the supplied java class in the current VM with the enclosing project's dependencies as classpath."
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:clean" -d "A Mojo that deletes a generated keystore file."
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:exportCertificate" -d "To export a certificate from a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:changeKeyPassword" -d "To change the key password of an entry of a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:generateSecretKey" -d "To generate a secret key into a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:importKeystore" -d "To import all entries of a keystore to another keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:changeStorePassword" -d "To change the store password of a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:importCertificate" -d "To import a certificate into a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:generateCertificateRequest" -d "To generate certificate request"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:list" -d "To list entries in a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:printCertificateRequest" -d "To print the content of a certificate request"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:printCertificate" -d "To print the content of a certificate"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:deleteAlias" -d "To delete an entry alias from a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:help" -d "Display help information on keytool-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:generateKeyPair" -d "To generate a key pair into a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:changeAlias" -d "To change an entry alias into a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:printCRLFile" -d "To print the content of a CRL file"
complete -c mvn -a "keytool:generateCertificate" -d "To generate certificate from a certificate request from a keystore"
complete -c mvn -a "latex:help" -d "Display help information on latex-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "latex:latex" -d "LaTeX documents building goal."
complete -c mvn -a "license:third-party-report" -d "Generates a report of all third-parties detected in the module."
complete -c mvn -a "license:check-file-header" -d "The goal to check if the state of header on project source files."
complete -c mvn -a "license:add-third-party" -d "Goal to generate the third-party license file"
complete -c mvn -a "license:update-project-license" -d "Updates (or creates) the main project license file according to the given license defines as licenseName"
complete -c mvn -a "license:help" -d "Display help information on license-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "license:aggregate-add-third-party" -d "This goal forks executions of the add-third-party goal for all the leaf projects of the tree of modules below the point where it is executed"
complete -c mvn -a "license:license-list" -d "Display all available licenses."
complete -c mvn -a "license:comment-style-list" -d "Displays all the available comment style to box file headers."
complete -c mvn -a "license:update-file-header" -d "The goal to update (or add) the header on project source files"
complete -c mvn -a "license:download-licenses" -d "Download the license files of all the current project's dependencies, and generate a summary file containing a list of all dependencies and their licenses."
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:report" -d "Generate the scan results as part of the site."
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:application" -d "This mojo generates an Ounce application file"
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:scan" -d "This mojo allows an on demand scan of an application and the optional publishing of the results."
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:project-only" -d "This mojo generates an Ounce project file"
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:project" -d "This mojo generates an Ounce project file"
complete -c mvn -a "ounce:help" -d "Display help information on ounce-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "rpm:attached-rpm" -d "Construct the RPM file and attaches it as a secondary artifact."
complete -c mvn -a "rpm:help" -d "Display help information on rpm-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "rpm:rpm" -d "Construct the RPM file."
complete -c mvn -a "rpm:version" -d "Makes the rpm version and release attributes available as properties."
complete -c mvn -a "siteskinner:skin" -d "Call mvn siteskinner:skin on a maven project"
complete -c mvn -a "siteskinner:help" -d "Display help information on siteskinner-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "sql:help" -d "Display help information on sql-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "sql:execute" -d "Executes SQL against a database."
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:list" -d "List all files in the archive."
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:ls" -d "Display an archive's list to console"
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:cp" -d "Copy an archive/directory to another archive/directory"
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:remove" -d "Remove a set of files from an existing archive."
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:copy" -d "Copy a set of files in and out of an existing archive."
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:move" -d "Move a single file or multiple files (via FileSet) between archives or directories."
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:help" -d "Display help information on truezip-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "truezip:update" -d "Update open archives immediately, flush cached data to disk."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:commit" -d "Removes the initial backup of the pom, thereby accepting the changes."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:compare-dependencies" -d "Compare dependency versions of the current project to dependencies or dependency management of a remote repository project"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:dependency-updates-report" -d "Generates a report of available updates for the dependencies of a project."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:display-dependency-updates" -d "Displays all dependencies that have newer versions available."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:display-parent-updates" -d "Displays any updates of the project's parent project"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:display-plugin-updates" -d "Displays all plugins that have newer versions available."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:display-property-updates" -d "Displays properties that are linked to artifact versions and have updates available."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:force-releases" -d "Replaces any -SNAPSHOT versions with a release version, older if necessary (if there has been a release)."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:help" -d "Display help information on versions-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:lock-snapshots" -d "Attempts to resolve unlocked snapshot dependency versions to the locked timestamp versions used in the build"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:plugin-updates-report" -d "Generates a report of available updates for the plugins of a project."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:property-updates-report" -d "Generates a report of available updates for properties of a project which are linked to the dependencies and/or plugins of a project."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:resolve-ranges" -d "Attempts to resolve dependency version ranges to the specific version being used in the build"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:revert" -d "Restores the pom from the initial backup."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:set" -d "Sets the current project's version and based on that change propagates that change onto any child modules as necessary."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:unlock-snapshots" -d "Attempts to resolve unlocked snapshot dependency versions to the locked timestamp versions used in the build"
complete -c mvn -a "versions:update-child-modules" -d "Scans the current projects child modules, updating the versions of any which use the current project to the version of the current project."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:update-parent" -d "Sets the parent version to the latest parent version."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:update-properties" -d "Sets properties to the latest versions of specific artifacts."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:update-property" -d "Sets a property to the latest version in a given range of associated artifacts."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-latest-releases" -d "Replaces any release versions with the latest release version."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-latest-snapshots" -d "Replaces any release versions with the latest snapshot version (if it has been deployed)."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-latest-versions" -d "Replaces any version with the latest version."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-next-releases" -d "Replaces any release versions with the next release version (if it has been released)."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-next-snapshots" -d "Replaces any release versions with the next snapshot version (if it has been deployed)."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-next-versions" -d "Replaces any version with the latest version."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-reactor" -d "Replaces any versions with the corresponding version from the reactor."
complete -c mvn -a "versions:use-releases" -d "Replaces any -SNAPSHOT versions with the corresponding release version (if it has been released)."
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:copy" -d "Copy files from one VFS to another VFS"
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:help" -d "Display help information on vfs-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:list" -d "Display file list of a virtual file system."
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:merge-maven-repositories" -d "Merge Maven repository from one VFS to another VFS"
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:move" -d "Move files from a virtual file system to another"
complete -c mvn -a "vfs:remove" -d "Remove files from a virtual file system"
complete -c mvn -a "xml:validate" -d "The ValidatorMojo's task is the validation of XML files against a given schema."
complete -c mvn -a "xml:help" -d "Display help information on xml-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "xml:transform" -d "The TransformMojo is used for transforming a set of files using a common stylesheet."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-release" -d "Releases a single closed Nexus staging repository into a permanent Nexus repository for general consumption."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:close" -d "Closes a Nexus staging repository."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:deploy" -d "Alternative deploy mojo, that will select proper DeployStrategy to perform deploys"
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:promote" -d "Promotes a closed Nexus staging repository into a Nexus Build Promotion Profile."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:deploy-staged" -d "Deploys the (previously) locally staged artifacts from nexus-staging repository, that were staged using DeployMojo and having the DeployMojo.skipRemoteStaging flag set to true."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-drop" -d "Drops a Nexus staging repository that is either open or closed."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-promote" -d "Promotes a closed Nexus staging repository into a Nexus Build Promotion Profile."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:help" -d "Display help information on nexus-staging-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:drop" -d "Drops a Nexus staging repository that is either open or closed."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:deploy-staged-repository" -d "Deploys the (previously) staged artifacts from some local repository, that were staged using maven-deploy-plugin together with switch altDeploymentRepository for cases when POM modifications are not possible for some reason"
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:release" -d "Releases a single closed Nexus staging repository into a permanent Nexus repository for general consumption."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-list" -d "Lists staging repositories accessible by current user available on Nexus."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-list-profiles" -d "Lists staging profiles accessible by current user available on Nexus."
complete -c mvn -a "nexus-staging:rc-close" -d "Closes a Nexus staging repository."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:vacuum_indexes" -d "Delete unused indexes from application."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:devserver_start" -d "Starts the App Engine development server and does not wait."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_start" -d "Start the specified backend."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:devserver_stop" -d "Stops the App Engine development server."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_rollback" -d "Roll back a previously in-progress update."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:start_module_version" -d "Start the specified module version."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:migrate_traffic" -d "Change the default version, but more gently than set_default_version."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update_dispatch" -d "Update application dispatch.xml."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:endpoints_get_client_lib" -d "App Engine endpoints get-client-lib … command."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:debug" -d "Debug the specified VM Runtime instance."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:set_default_version" -d "Set the default serving version."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:enhance" -d "Runs the datanucleus enhancer."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update" -d "Create or update an app version."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:create-property" -d "Maven project version is dot based, e.g '1.9.15' , whereas appengine-web.xml is dash based, e.g"
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_configure" -d "Configure the specified backend."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update_cron" -d "Update application cron jobs."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:devserver" -d "Runs the App Engine development server."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_delete" -d "Delete the specified backend."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_update" -d "Update the specified backend or all backends."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update_indexes" -d "Update application indexes."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update_queues" -d "Update application task queue definitions."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:stop_module_version" -d "Stop the specified module version."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:rollback" -d "Rollback an in-progress update."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:update_dos" -d "Update application DoS protection configuration."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:endpoints_get_discovery_doc" -d "App Engine endpoints get-discovery-doc command."
complete -c mvn -a "appengine:backends_stop" -d "Stop the specified backend."
complete -c mvn -a "android:aar" -d "Creates an Android Archive (aar) file"
complete -c mvn -a "android:apk" -d "Creates the apk file"
complete -c mvn -a "android:apklib" -d "Creates the apklib file"
complete -c mvn -a "android:clean"
complete -c mvn -a "android:connect" -d "Connect external IP addresses to the ADB server."
complete -c mvn -a "android:deploy" -d "Deploys the apk(s) of the current project(s) to all attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:deploy-apk" -d "Deploys a specified Android application apk to attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:deploy-dependencies" -d "Deploys all directly declared dependencies of <type>apk</type> in this project's pom"
complete -c mvn -a "android:devices" -d "DevicesMojo lists all attached devices and emulators found with the android debug bridge"
complete -c mvn -a "android:dex" -d "Converts compiled Java classes to the Android dex format."
complete -c mvn -a "android:disconnect" -d "Disconnect external IP addresses from the ADB server."
complete -c mvn -a "android:emma" -d "After compiled Java classes use emma tool"
complete -c mvn -a "android:emulator-start" -d "EmulatorStartMojo can start the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd)."
complete -c mvn -a "android:emulator-stop" -d "EmulatorStartMojo can stop the Android Emulator with a specified Android Virtual Device (avd)."
complete -c mvn -a "android:emulator-stop-all" -d "EmulatorStopeAllMojo will stop all attached devices."
complete -c mvn -a "android:generate-sources" -d "Generates R.java based on resources specified by the resources configuration parameter"
complete -c mvn -a "android:help" -d "Display help information on android-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "android:instrument" -d "Runs the instrumentation apk on device."
complete -c mvn -a "android:internal-integration-test" -d Internal
complete -c mvn -a "android:internal-pre-integration-test" -d Internal
complete -c mvn -a "android:lint" -d "LintMojo can run the lint command against the project"
complete -c mvn -a "android:manifest-merger" -d "Manifest Merger V2 AndroidManifest.xml file"
complete -c mvn -a "android:manifest-update" -d "Updates various version attributes present in the AndroidManifest.xml file."
complete -c mvn -a "android:monkey" -d "Execute tests using UI/Application Exerciser Monkey"
complete -c mvn -a "android:monkeyrunner" -d "Execute monkey runner programs"
complete -c mvn -a "android:ndk-build"
complete -c mvn -a "android:proguard" -d "Process both application and dependency classes using the ProGuard byte code obfuscator, minimzer, and optimizer"
complete -c mvn -a "android:publish-apk"
complete -c mvn -a "android:publish-listing"
complete -c mvn -a "android:pull" -d "Copy file or directory from all the attached (or specified) devices/emulators."
complete -c mvn -a "android:push" -d "Copy file to all the attached (or specified) devices/emulators."
complete -c mvn -a "android:redeploy" -d "Undeploys and the deploys (= redeploys) the apk(s) of the current project(s) to all attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:redeploy-apk" -d "Reploys a specified Android application apk to attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:run" -d "Runs the first Activity shown in the top-level launcher as determined by its Intent filters"
complete -c mvn -a "android:uiautomator" -d "Can execute tests using ui uiautomator"
complete -c mvn -a "android:undeploy" -d "Undeploys the apk(s) of the current project(s) to all attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:undeploy-apk" -d "Undeploys a specified Android application apk from attached devices and emulators"
complete -c mvn -a "android:unpack" -d "Unpack libraries code and dependencies into target"
complete -c mvn -a "android:zipalign" -d "ZipalignMojo can run the zipalign command against the apk"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:releaseLocks" -d "Removes any Liquibase updater locks from the current database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:tag" -d "Writes a Liquibase tag to the database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:dropAll" -d "Drops all database objects in the configured schema(s)"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:updateSQL" -d "Generates the SQL that is required to update the database to the current version as specified in the DatabaseChangeLogs."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:listLocks" -d "Lists all Liquibase updater locks on the current database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:migrate" -d "Liquibase Migration Maven plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:changelogSync" -d "Marks all unapplied changes to the database as applied in the change log."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:clearCheckSums" -d "Clears all checksums in the current changelog, so they will be recalculated next update."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:dbDoc" -d "Generates dbDocs against the database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:rollbackSQL" -d "Generates the SQL that is required to rollback the database to the specified pointing attributes 'rollbackCount', 'rollbackTag'"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:status" -d "Prints which changesets need to be applied to the database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:changelogSyncSQL" -d "Generates SQL that marks all unapplied changes as applied."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:updateTestingRollback" -d "Applies the DatabaseChangeLogs to the database, testing rollback"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:help" -d "Display help information on liquibase-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:rollback" -d "Invokes Liquibase rollbacks on a database."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:futureRollbackSQL" -d "Generates the SQL that is required to rollback the database to current state after the next update."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:diff" -d "Generates a diff between the specified database and the reference database"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:update" -d "Applies the DatabaseChangeLogs to the database"
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:generateChangeLog" -d "Generates SQL that marks all unapplied changes as applied."
complete -c mvn -a "liquibase:migrateSQL" -d "Creates an SQL migration script using the provided DatabaseChangeLog(s)"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:feature-deploy"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:release-finish" -d "Finishes a release"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:hotfix-start" -d "Starts a hotfix"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:hotfix-finish" -d "Finishes a hotfix"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:feature-finish" -d "Finishes a feature branch"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:build-number" -d "Updates the pom versions in the current branch by adding a build number label"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:release-start" -d "Starts a release"
complete -c mvn -a "jgitflow:feature-start" -d "Starts a feature branch"
complete -c mvn -a "spring-boot:help" -d "Display help information on spring-boot-maven-plugin"
complete -c mvn -a "spring-boot:repackage" -d "Repackage JAR and WAR for use with java -jar"
complete -c mvn -a "spring-boot:run" -d "Run an executable archive application"