David Adam (zanchey) 1287b9d823 Help cleanup
Large list of changes, including formatting and typos for most commands.

More substantive changes have been made to alias, bind, block, break,
builtin, case, cd, commandline, count, else, emit, fish_config, funced,
function, functions, history, math, mimedb, nextd, not, popd, prevd,
pushd, pwd, random, read, set, set_color, switch, test, trap, type,
ulimit, umask, and while.
2013-05-13 01:48:20 -07:00

28 lines
927 B

\section fish_prompt fish_prompt - define the appearance of the command line prompt
\subsection fish_prompt-synopsis Synopsis
<pre>function fish_prompt
\subsection fish_prompt-description Description
By defining the \c fish_prompt function, the user can choose a custom
prompt. The \c fish_prompt function is executed when the prompt is to
be shown, and the output is used as a prompt.
The exit status of commands within \c fish_prompt will not modify the value of <a href="index.html#variables-status">$status</a> outside of the \c fish_prompt function.
\c fish ships with a number of example prompts that can be chosen with the
\c fish_config command.
\subsection fish_prompt-example Example
A simple prompt:
function fish_prompt -d "Write out the prompt"
printf '\%s\@\%s\%s\%s\%s> ' (whoami) (hostname|cut -d . -f 1) (set_color \$fish_color_cwd) (prompt_pwd) (set_color normal)