ridiculousfish 1023d322e5 Rationalize tilde unexpansion
When fish expands a string that starts with a tilde, like `~/stuff/*`, it
first must resolve the tilde (e.g. to the user's home directory) before
passing it to wildcard expansion. The wildcard expansion will produce full
paths like `/home/user/stuff/file`. fish then "unexpands" the home directory
back to a tilde.

Previously this was only used during completions, but in the next commit
we plan to use it for string expansions as well.

Rationalize this behavior by adding an explicit flag to request it and
explain some subtleties about completions.
2022-04-10 13:41:21 -07:00

277 lines
11 KiB

/// Prototypes for functions related to tab-completion.
/// These functions are used for storing and retrieving tab-completion data, as well as for
/// performing tab-completion.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include "common.h"
#include "enum_set.h"
#include "wcstringutil.h"
struct completion_mode_t {
/// If set, skip file completions.
bool no_files{false};
bool force_files{false};
/// If set, require a parameter after completion.
bool requires_param{false};
/// Character that separates the completion and description on programmable completions.
class environment_t;
enum {
/// Do not insert space afterwards if this is the only completion. (The default is to try insert
/// a space).
/// This is not the suffix of a token, but replaces it entirely.
/// This completion may or may not want a space at the end - guess by checking the last
/// character of the completion.
/// This completion should be inserted as-is, without escaping.
/// If you do escape, don't escape tildes.
/// Do not sort supplied completions
/// This completion looks to have the same string as an existing argument.
using complete_flags_t = int;
/// std::function which accepts a completion string and returns its description.
using description_func_t = std::function<wcstring(const wcstring &)>;
/// Helper to return a description_func_t for a constant string.
description_func_t const_desc(const wcstring &s);
class completion_t {
// No public default constructor.
// Destructor. Not inlining it saves code size.
/// The completion string.
wcstring completion;
/// The description for this completion.
wcstring description;
/// The type of fuzzy match.
string_fuzzy_match_t match;
/// Flags determining the completion behavior.
/// Determines whether a space should be inserted after this completion if it is the only
/// possible completion using the COMPLETE_NO_SPACE flag. The COMPLETE_NO_CASE can be used to
/// signal that this completion is case insensitive.
complete_flags_t flags;
// Construction.
explicit completion_t(wcstring comp, wcstring desc = wcstring(),
string_fuzzy_match_t match = string_fuzzy_match_t::exact_match(),
complete_flags_t flags_val = 0);
completion_t(const completion_t &);
completion_t &operator=(const completion_t &);
// noexcepts are required for push_back to use the move ctor.
completion_t(completion_t &&) noexcept;
completion_t &operator=(completion_t &&) noexcept;
/// \return whether this replaces its token.
bool replaces_token() const { return flags & COMPLETE_REPLACES_TOKEN; }
/// \return the completion's match rank. Lower ranks are better completions.
uint32_t rank() const { return match.rank(); }
// If this completion replaces the entire token, prepend a prefix. Otherwise do nothing.
void prepend_token_prefix(const wcstring &prefix);
using completion_list_t = std::vector<completion_t>;
enum class completion_request_t {
autosuggestion, // indicates the completion is for an autosuggestion
descriptions, // indicates that we want descriptions
fuzzy_match, // indicates that we don't require a prefix match
template <>
struct enum_info_t<completion_request_t> {
static constexpr auto count = completion_request_t::COUNT;
using completion_request_flags_t = enum_set_t<completion_request_t>;
class completion_t;
using completion_list_t = std::vector<completion_t>;
/// A completion receiver accepts completions. It is essentially a wrapper around std::vector with
/// some conveniences.
class completion_receiver_t {
/// Construct as empty, with a limit.
explicit completion_receiver_t(size_t limit) : limit_(limit) {}
/// Acquire an existing list, with a limit.
explicit completion_receiver_t(completion_list_t &&v, size_t limit)
: completions_(std::move(v)), limit_(limit) {}
/// Add a completion.
/// \return true on success, false if this would overflow the limit.
__warn_unused bool add(completion_t &&comp);
/// Add a completion with the given string, and default other properties.
/// \return true on success, false if this would overflow the limit.
__warn_unused bool add(wcstring &&comp);
/// Add a completion with the given string, description, flags, and fuzzy match.
/// \return true on success, false if this would overflow the limit.
/// The 'desc' parameter is not && because if gettext is not enabled, then we end
/// up passing a 'const wcstring &' here.
__warn_unused bool add(wcstring &&comp, wcstring desc, complete_flags_t flags = 0,
string_fuzzy_match_t match = string_fuzzy_match_t::exact_match());
/// Add a list of completions.
/// \return true on success, false if this would overflow the limit.
__warn_unused bool add_list(completion_list_t &&lst);
/// Swap our completions with a new list.
void swap(completion_list_t &lst) { std::swap(completions_, lst); }
/// Clear the list of completions. This retains the storage inside completions_ which can be
/// useful to prevent allocations.
void clear() { completions_.clear(); }
/// \return whether our completion list is empty.
bool empty() const { return completions_.empty(); }
/// \return how many completions we have stored.
size_t size() const { return completions_.size(); }
/// \return a completion at an index.
completion_t &at(size_t idx) { return; }
const completion_t &at(size_t idx) const { return; }
/// \return the list of completions. Do not modify the size of the list via this function, as it
/// may exceed our completion limit.
const completion_list_t &get_list() const { return completions_; }
completion_list_t &get_list() { return completions_; }
/// \return the list of completions, clearing it.
completion_list_t take();
/// \return a new, empty receiver whose limit is our remaining capacity.
/// This is useful for e.g. recursive calls when you want to act on the result before adding it.
completion_receiver_t subreceiver() const;
// Our list of completions.
completion_list_t completions_;
// The maximum number of completions to add. If our list length exceeds this, then new
// completions are not added. Note 0 has no special significance here - use
// numeric_limits<size_t>::max() instead.
const size_t limit_;
enum complete_option_type_t {
option_type_args_only, // no option
option_type_short, // -x
option_type_single_long, // -foo
option_type_double_long // --foo
/// Sorts and remove any duplicate completions in the completion list, then puts them in priority
/// order.
void completions_sort_and_prioritize(completion_list_t *comps,
completion_request_flags_t flags = {});
/// Add a completion.
/// All supplied values are copied, they should be freed by or otherwise disposed by the caller.
/// Examples:
/// The command 'gcc -o' requires that a file follows it, so the NO_COMMON option is suitable. This
/// can be done using the following line:
/// complete -c gcc -s o -r
/// The command 'grep -d' required that one of the strings 'read', 'skip' or 'recurse' is used. As
/// such, it is suitable to specify that a completion requires one of them. This can be done using
/// the following line:
/// complete -c grep -s d -x -a "read skip recurse"
/// \param cmd Command to complete.
/// \param cmd_is_path If cmd_is_path is true, cmd will be interpreted as the absolute
/// path of the program (optionally containing wildcards), otherwise it
/// will be interpreted as the command name.
/// \param option The name of an option.
/// \param option_type The type of option: can be option_type_short (-x),
/// option_type_single_long (-foo), option_type_double_long (--bar).
/// \param result_mode Controls how to search further completions when this completion has been
/// successfully matched.
/// \param comp A space separated list of completions which may contain subshells.
/// \param desc A description of the completion.
/// \param condition a command to be run to check it this completion should be used. If \c condition
/// is empty, the completion is always used.
/// \param flags A set of completion flags
void complete_add(const wchar_t *cmd, bool cmd_is_path, const wcstring &option,
complete_option_type_t option_type, completion_mode_t result_mode,
const wchar_t *condition, const wchar_t *comp, const wchar_t *desc, int flags);
/// Remove a previously defined completion.
void complete_remove(const wcstring &cmd, bool cmd_is_path, const wcstring &option,
complete_option_type_t type);
/// Removes all completions for a given command.
void complete_remove_all(const wcstring &cmd, bool cmd_is_path);
/// \return all completions of the command cmd.
class operation_context_t;
completion_list_t complete(const wcstring &cmd, completion_request_flags_t flags,
const operation_context_t &ctx);
/// Return a list of all current completions.
wcstring complete_print(const wcstring &cmd = L"");
/// Tests if the specified option is defined for the specified command.
int complete_is_valid_option(const wcstring &str, const wcstring &opt,
wcstring_list_t *inErrorsOrNull, bool allow_autoload);
/// Tests if the specified argument is valid for the specified option and command.
bool complete_is_valid_argument(const wcstring &str, const wcstring &opt, const wcstring &arg);
/// Create a new completion entry.
/// \param completions The array of completions to append to
/// \param comp The completion string
/// \param desc The description of the completion
/// \param flags completion flags
void append_completion(completion_list_t *completions, wcstring comp, wcstring desc = wcstring(),
int flags = 0,
string_fuzzy_match_t match = string_fuzzy_match_t::exact_match());
/// Support for "wrap targets." A wrap target is a command that completes like another command.
bool complete_add_wrapper(const wcstring &command, const wcstring &new_target);
bool complete_remove_wrapper(const wcstring &command, const wcstring &target_to_remove);
/// Returns a list of wrap targets for a given command.
wcstring_list_t complete_get_wrap_targets(const wcstring &command);
// Observes that fish_complete_path has changed.
void complete_invalidate_path();