axel d79e8c7f62 Documentation updates, mostly corrections and cla<rifications to the docs for a few builtins
2006-06-09 09:58:11 +10:00

22 lines
990 B

\section functions functions - print or erase functions
\subsection function-synopsis Synopsis
<code>functions [-e] FUNCTIONS...</code>
\subsection functions-description Description
This builtin command is used to print or erase functions.
- <code>-a</code> or <code>--all</code> list all functions, even those whose name start with an underscore.
- <code>-d DESCRIPTION</code> or <code>--description=DESCRIPTION</code> change the description of this function
- <code>-e</code> or <code>--erase</code> causes the specified functions to be erased.
- <code>-h</code> or <code>--help</code> display a help message and exit
- <code>-n</code> or <code>--names</code> list only the names of all defined functions
If \c functions is called with no arguments, the names and definition
of all functions are printed, otherwise, the specified function
definitions will be printed.
If a function is automatically loaded, using <code>functions -e</code>
to erase it will not remove the function.