#!/usr/bin/env python

# Whether we're Python 2
import sys, os
IS_PY2 = sys.version_info[0] == 2

if IS_PY2:
    import SimpleHTTPServer
    import SocketServer
        from urllib.parse import parse_qs
    except ImportError:
        from cgi import parse_qs
    import http.server as SimpleHTTPServer
    import socketserver as SocketServer
    from urllib.parse import parse_qs

# Disable CLI web browsers
term = os.environ.pop('TERM', None)
import webbrowser
if term:
    os.environ['TERM'] = term

import subprocess
import re, socket, cgi, select, time, glob
    import json
except ImportError:
    import simplejson as json

FISH_BIN_PATH = False # will be set later
def run_fish_cmd(text):
    from subprocess import PIPE
    p = subprocess.Popen([FISH_BIN_PATH], stdin=PIPE, stdout=PIPE, stderr=PIPE)
    if IS_PY2:
        out, err = p.communicate(text)
        out, err = p.communicate(bytes(text, 'utf-8'))
        out = str(out, 'utf-8')
        err = str(err, 'utf-8')
    return(out, err)

def escape_fish_cmd(text):
    # Replace one backslash with two, and single quotes with backslash-quote
    escaped = text.replace('\\', '\\\\').replace("'", "\\'")
    return "'" + escaped + "'"

named_colors = {
    'black'   : '000000',
    'red'     : 'FF0000',
    'green'   : '00FF00',
    'brown'   : '725000',
    'yellow'  : 'FFFF00',
    'blue'    : '0000FF',
    'magenta' : 'FF00FF',
    'purple'  : 'FF00FF',
    'cyan'    : '00FFFF',
    'white'   : 'FFFFFF'

def parse_one_color(comp):
    """ A basic function to parse a single color value like 'FFA000' """
    if comp in named_colors:
        # Named color
        return named_colors[comp]
    elif re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{3}", comp) is not None or re.match(r"[0-9a-fA-F]{6}", comp) is not None:
        # Hex color
        return comp
        # Unknown
        return ''

def better_color(c1, c2):
    """ Indicate which color is "better", i.e. prefer term256 colors """
    if not c2: return c1
    if not c1: return c2
    if c1 == 'normal': return c2
    if c2 == 'normal': return c1
    if c2 in named_colors: return c1
    if c1 in named_colors: return c2
    return c1

def parse_color(color_str):
    """ A basic function to parse a color string, for example, 'red' '--bold' """
    comps = color_str.split(' ')
    color = 'normal'
    background_color = ''
    bold, underline = False, False
    for comp in comps:
        # Remove quotes
        comp = comp.strip("'\" ")
        if comp == '--bold':
            bold = True
        elif comp == '--underline':
            underline = True
        elif comp.startswith('--background='):
            # Background color
            background_color = better_color(background_color, parse_one_color(comp[len('--background='):]))
            # Regular color
            color = better_color(color, parse_one_color(comp))

    return {"color": color, "background": background_color, "bold": bold, "underline": underline}

def parse_bool(val):
    val = val.lower()
    if val.startswith('f') or val.startswith('0'): return False
    if val.startswith('t') or val.startswith('1'): return True
    return bool(val)

def html_color_for_ansi_color_index(val):
    arr = ['black', '#AA0000', '#00AA00', '#AA5500', '#0000AA', '#AA00AA', '#00AAAA', '#AAAAAA', '#555555', '#FF5555', '#55FF55', '#FFFF55', '#5555FF', '#FF55FF', '#55FFFF', 'white', '#000000', '#00005f', '#000087', '#0000af', '#0000d7', '#0000ff', '#005f00', '#005f5f', '#005f87', '#005faf', '#005fd7', '#005fff', '#008700', '#00875f', '#008787', '#0087af', '#0087d7', '#0087ff', '#00af00', '#00af5f', '#00af87', '#00afaf', '#00afd7', '#00afff', '#00d700', '#00d75f', '#00d787', '#00d7af', '#00d7d7', '#00d7ff', '#00ff00', '#00ff5f', '#00ff87', '#00ffaf', '#00ffd7', '#00ffff', '#5f0000', '#5f005f', '#5f0087', '#5f00af', '#5f00d7', '#5f00ff', '#5f5f00', '#5f5f5f', '#5f5f87', '#5f5faf', '#5f5fd7', '#5f5fff', '#5f8700', '#5f875f', '#5f8787', '#5f87af', '#5f87d7', '#5f87ff', '#5faf00', '#5faf5f', '#5faf87', '#5fafaf', '#5fafd7', '#5fafff', '#5fd700', '#5fd75f', '#5fd787', '#5fd7af', '#5fd7d7', '#5fd7ff', '#5fff00', '#5fff5f', '#5fff87', '#5fffaf', '#5fffd7', '#5fffff', '#870000', '#87005f', '#870087', '#8700af', '#8700d7', '#8700ff', '#875f00', '#875f5f', '#875f87', '#875faf', '#875fd7', '#875fff', '#878700', '#87875f', '#878787', '#8787af', '#8787d7', '#8787ff', '#87af00', '#87af5f', '#87af87', '#87afaf', '#87afd7', '#87afff', '#87d700', '#87d75f', '#87d787', '#87d7af', '#87d7d7', '#87d7ff', '#87ff00', '#87ff5f', '#87ff87', '#87ffaf', '#87ffd7', '#87ffff', '#af0000', '#af005f', '#af0087', '#af00af', '#af00d7', '#af00ff', '#af5f00', '#af5f5f', '#af5f87', '#af5faf', '#af5fd7', '#af5fff', '#af8700', '#af875f', '#af8787', '#af87af', '#af87d7', '#af87ff', '#afaf00', '#afaf5f', '#afaf87', '#afafaf', '#afafd7', '#afafff', '#afd700', '#afd75f', '#afd787', '#afd7af', '#afd7d7', '#afd7ff', '#afff00', '#afff5f', '#afff87', '#afffaf', '#afffd7', '#afffff', '#d70000', '#d7005f', '#d70087', '#d700af', '#d700d7', '#d700ff', '#d75f00', '#d75f5f', '#d75f87', '#d75faf', '#d75fd7', '#d75fff', '#d78700', '#d7875f', '#d78787', '#d787af', '#d787d7', '#d787ff', '#d7af00', '#d7af5f', '#d7af87', '#d7afaf', '#d7afd7', '#d7afff', '#d7d700', '#d7d75f', '#d7d787', '#d7d7af', '#d7d7d7', '#d7d7ff', '#d7ff00', '#d7ff5f', '#d7ff87', '#d7ffaf', '#d7ffd7', '#d7ffff', '#ff0000', '#ff005f', '#ff0087', '#ff00af', '#ff00d7', '#ff00ff', '#ff5f00', '#ff5f5f', '#ff5f87', '#ff5faf', '#ff5fd7', '#ff5fff', '#ff8700', '#ff875f', '#ff8787', '#ff87af', '#ff87d7', '#ff87ff', '#ffaf00', '#ffaf5f', '#ffaf87', '#ffafaf', '#ffafd7', '#ffafff', '#ffd700', '#ffd75f', '#ffd787', '#ffd7af', '#ffd7d7', '#ffd7ff', '#ffff00', '#ffff5f', '#ffff87', '#ffffaf', '#ffffd7', '#ffffff', '#080808', '#121212', '#1c1c1c', '#262626', '#303030', '#3a3a3a', '#444444', '#4e4e4e', '#585858', '#626262', '#6c6c6c', '#767676', '#808080', '#8a8a8a', '#949494', '#9e9e9e', '#a8a8a8', '#b2b2b2', '#bcbcbc', '#c6c6c6', '#d0d0d0', '#dadada', '#e4e4e4', '#eeeeee']
    if val < 0 or val >= len(arr):
        return ''
        return arr[val]

# Function to return special ANSI escapes like exit_attribute_mode
g_special_escapes_dict = None
def get_special_ansi_escapes():
    global g_special_escapes_dict
    if g_special_escapes_dict is None:
        import curses
        g_special_escapes_dict = {}

        # Helper function to get a value for a tparm
        def get_tparm(key):
            val = None
            key = curses.tigetstr("sgr0")
            if key: val = curses.tparm(key)
            if val: val = val.decode('utf-8')
            return val

        # Just a few for now
        g_special_escapes_dict['exit_attribute_mode'] = get_tparm('sgr0')
        g_special_escapes_dict['bold'] = get_tparm('bold')
        g_special_escapes_dict['underline'] = get_tparm('smul')

    return g_special_escapes_dict

# Given a known ANSI escape sequence, convert it to HTML and append to the list
# Returns whether we have an open <span>
def append_html_for_ansi_escape(full_val, result, span_open):

    # Strip off the initial \x1b[ and terminating m
    val = full_val[2:-1]

    # Helper function to close a span if it's open
    def close_span():
        if span_open:

    # term256 foreground color
    match = re.match('38;5;(\d+)', val)
    if match is not None:
        html_color =  html_color_for_ansi_color_index(int(match.group(1)))
        result.append('<span style="color: ' + html_color + '">')
        return True # span now open

    # term8 foreground color
    if val in [str(x) for x in range(30, 38)]:
        html_color =  html_color_for_ansi_color_index(int(val) - 30)
        result.append('<span style="color: ' + html_color + '">')
        return True # span now open

    # Try special escapes
    special_escapes = get_special_ansi_escapes()
    if full_val == special_escapes['exit_attribute_mode']:
        return False

    # We don't handle bold or underline yet

    # Do nothing on failure
    return span_open

def strip_ansi(val):
    # Make a half-assed effort to strip ANSI control sequences
    # We assume that all such sequences start with 0x1b and end with m,
    # which catches most cases
    return re.sub("\x1b[^m]*m", '', val)

def ansi_prompt_line_width(val):
    # Given an ANSI prompt, return the length of its longest line, as in the number of characters it takes up
    # Start by stripping off ANSI
    stripped_val = strip_ansi(val)

    # Now count the longest line
    return max([len(x) for x in stripped_val.split('\n')])

def ansi_to_html(val):
    # Split us up by ANSI escape sequences
    # We want to catch not only the standard color codes, but also things like sgr0
    # Hence this lame check
    # Note that Python 2.6 doesn't have a flag param to re.split, so we have to compile it first
    reg = re.compile("""
        (                        # Capture
         \x1b                    # Escape
         [^m]+                   # One or more non-'m's
         m                       # Literal m terminates the sequence
        )                        # End capture
        """, re.VERBOSE)
    separated = reg.split(val)

    # We have to HTML escape the text and convert ANSI escapes into HTML
    # Collect it all into this array
    result = []

    span_open = False

    # Text is at even indexes, escape sequences at odd indexes
    for i in range(len(separated)):
        component = separated[i]
        if i % 2 == 0:
            # It's text, possibly empty
            # Clean up other ANSI junk
            # It's an escape sequence. Close the previous escape.
            span_open = append_html_for_ansi_escape(component, result, span_open)

    # Close final escape
    if span_open: result.append('</span>')

    # Remove empty elements
    result = [x for x in result if x]

    # Clean up empty spans, the nasty way
    idx = len(result) - 1
    while idx >= 1:
        if result[idx] == '</span>' and result[idx-1].startswith('<span'):
            # Empty span, delete these two
            result[idx-1:idx+1] = []
            idx = idx - 1
        idx = idx - 1

    return ''.join(result)

class FishVar:
    """ A class that represents a variable """
    def __init__(self, name, value):
        self.name = name
        self.value = value
        self.universal = False
        self.exported = False

    def get_json_obj(self):
        # Return an array(3): name, value, flags
        flags = []
        if self.universal: flags.append('universal')
        if self.exported: flags.append('exported')
        return {"name": self.name, "value": self.value, "Flags": ', '.join(flags)}

class FishBinding:
    """A class that represents keyboard binding """

    def __init__(self, command, binding, readable_binding, description=None):
        self.command =  command
        self.binding = binding
        self.readable_binding = readable_binding
        self.description = description

    def get_json_obj(self):
        return {"command" : self.command, "binding": self.binding, "readable_binding": self.readable_binding, "description": self.description }

    def get_readable_binding(command):
        return command

class BindingParser:
    """ Class to parse codes for bind command """

    #TODO: What does snext and sprevious mean ?
    readable_keys=  { "dc":"Delete", "npage": "Page Up", "ppage":"Page Down",
                    "sdc": "Shift Delete", "shome": "Shift Home",
                    "left": "Left Arrow", "right": "Right Arrow",
                    "up": "Up Arrow", "down": "Down Arrow",
                    "sleft": "Shift Left", "sright": "Shift Right"

    def set_buffer(self, buffer, is_key=False):
        """ Sets code to parse """

        self.buffer = buffer
        self.is_key = is_key
        self.index = 0

    def get_char(self):
        """ Gets next character from buffer """
        if self.index >= len(self.buffer):
            return '\0'
        c = self.buffer[self.index]
        self.index += 1
        return c

    def unget_char(self):
        """ Goes back by one character for parsing """

        self.index -= 1

    def end(self):
        """ Returns true if reached end of buffer """

        return self.index >= len(self.buffer)

    def parse_control_sequence(self):
        """ Parses terminal specifiec control sequences """

        result = ''
        c = self.get_char()

        # \e0 is used to denote start of control sequence
        if c == 'O':
            c = self.get_char()

        # \[1\; is start of control sequence
        if c == '1':
            self.get_char();c = self.get_char()
            if c == ";":
                c = self.get_char()

        # 3 is Alt
        if c == '3':
            result += "ALT - "
            c = self.get_char()

        # 5 is Ctrl
        if c == '5':
            result += "CTRL - "
            c = self.get_char()

        # 9 is Alt
        if c == '9':
            result += "ALT - "
            c = self.get_char()

        if c == 'A':
            result += 'Up Arrow'
        elif c == 'B':
            result += 'Down Arrow'
        elif c == 'C':
            result += 'Right Arrow'
        elif c == 'D':
            result += "Left Arrow"
        elif c == 'F':
            result += "End"
        elif c == 'H':
            result += "Home"

        return result

    def get_readable_binding(self):
        """ Gets a readable representation of binding """

        if self.is_key:
                result = BindingParser.readable_keys[self.buffer]
            except KeyError:
                result = self.buffer.title()
            result = self.parse_binding()

        return result

    def parse_binding(self):
        readable_command = ''
        result = ''
        alt = ctrl = False

        while not self.end():
            c = self.get_char()

            if c == '\\':
                c = self.get_char()
                if c == 'e':
                    d = self.get_char()
                    if d == 'O':
                        result += self.parse_control_sequence()
                    elif d == '\\':
                        if self.get_char() == '[':
                            result += self.parse_control_sequence()
                            alt = True
                        alt = True
                elif c == 'c':
                    ctrl = True
                elif c == 'n':
                    result += 'Enter'
                elif c == 't':
                    result += 'Tab'
                elif c == 'b':
                    result += 'Backspace'
                    result += c
                result += c
        if ctrl:
            readable_command += 'CTRL - '
        if alt:
            readable_command += 'ALT - '

        return readable_command + result

class FishConfigTCPServer(SocketServer.TCPServer):
    """TCPServer that only accepts connections from localhost (IPv4/IPv6)."""
    WHITELIST = set(['::1', '::ffff:', ''])

    address_family = socket.AF_INET6

    def verify_request(self, request, client_address):
        return client_address[0] in FishConfigTCPServer.WHITELIST

class FishConfigHTTPRequestHandler(SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler):

    def write_to_wfile(self, txt):
        if IS_PY2:
        else: # Python 3
            self.wfile.write(bytes(txt, 'utf-8'))

    def do_get_colors(self):
        # Looks for fish_color_*.
        # Returns an array of lists [color_name, color_description, color_value]
        result = []

        # Make sure we return at least these
        remaining = set(['normal',

        # Here are our color descriptions
        descriptions = {
            'normal': 'Default text',
            'command': 'Ordinary commands',
            'quote': 'Text within quotes',
            'redirection': 'Like | and >',
            'end': 'Like ; and &',
            'error': 'Potential errors',
            'param': 'Command parameters',
            'comment': 'Comments start with #',
            'match': 'Matching parenthesis',
            'search_match': 'History searching',
            'history_current': 'Directory history',
            'operator': 'Like * and ~',
            'escape': 'Escapes like \\n',
            'cwd': 'Current directory',
            'cwd_root': 'cwd for root user',
            'valid_path': 'Valid paths',
            'autosuggestion': 'Suggested completion'

        out, err = run_fish_cmd('set -L')
        for line in out.split('\n'):

            for match in re.finditer(r"^fish_color_(\S+) ?(.*)", line):
                color_name, color_value = [x.strip() for x in match.group(1, 2)]
                color_desc = descriptions.get(color_name, '')
                data = { "name": color_name, "description" : color_desc }

        # Ensure that we have all the color names we know about, so that if the
        # user deletes one he can still set it again via the web interface
        for color_name in remaining:
            color_desc = descriptions.get(color_name, '')
            result.append([color_name, color_desc, parse_color('')])

        # Sort our result (by their keys)

        return result

    def do_get_functions(self):
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('functions')
        out = out.strip()

        # Not sure why fish sometimes returns this with newlines
        if "\n" in out:
            return out.split('\n')
            return out.strip().split(', ')

    def do_get_variable_names(self, cmd):
        " Given a command like 'set -U' return all the variable names "
        out, err = run_fish_cmd(cmd)
        return out.split('\n')

    def do_get_variables(self):
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('set -L')

        # Put all the variables into a dictionary
        vars = {}
        for line in out.split('\n'):
            comps = line.split(' ', 1)
            if len(comps) < 2: continue
            fish_var = FishVar(comps[0], comps[1])
            vars[fish_var.name] = fish_var

        # Mark universal variables. L means don't abbreviate.
        for name in self.do_get_variable_names('set -nUL'):
            if name in vars: vars[name].universal = True
        # Mark exported variables. L means don't abbreviate.
        for name in self.do_get_variable_names('set -nxL'):
            if name in vars: vars[name].exported = True

        return [vars[key].get_json_obj() for key in sorted(vars.keys(), key=str.lower)]

    def do_get_bindings(self):
        """ Get key bindings """

        # Running __fish_config_interactive print fish greeting and
        # loads key bindings
        greeting, err = run_fish_cmd(' __fish_config_interactive')

        # Load the key bindings and then list them with bind
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('__fish_config_interactive; bind')

        # Remove fish greeting from output
        out = out[len(greeting):]

        # Put all the bindings into a list
        bindings = []
        binding_parser = BindingParser()

        for line in out.split('\n'):
            comps = line.split(' ', 2)
            if len(comps) < 3:
            if comps[1] == '-k':
                key_name, command = comps[2].split(' ', 1)
                binding_parser.set_buffer(key_name, True)
                fish_binding = FishBinding(command=command, binding=key_name, readable_binding=binding_parser.get_readable_binding())
                fish_binding = FishBinding(command=comps[2], binding=comps[1], readable_binding=binding_parser.get_readable_binding())


        return [ binding.get_json_obj() for binding in bindings ]

    def do_get_history(self):
        # Use \x1e ("record separator") to distinguish between history items. The first
        # backslash is so Python passes one backslash to fish
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('for val in $history; echo -n $val \\x1e; end')
        result = out.split(' \x1e')
        if result: result.pop() # Trim off the trailing element
        return result

    def do_get_color_for_variable(self, name):
        "Return the color with the given name, or the empty string if there is none"
        out, err = run_fish_cmd("echo -n $" + name)
        return out

    def do_set_color_for_variable(self, name, color, background_color, bold, underline):
        if not color: color = 'normal'
        "Sets a color for a fish color name, like 'autosuggestion'"
        command = 'set -U fish_color_' + name
        if color: command += ' ' + color
        if background_color: command += ' --background=' + background_color
        if bold: command += ' --bold'
        if underline: command += ' --underline'

        out, err = run_fish_cmd(command)
        return out

    def do_get_function(self, func_name):
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('functions ' + func_name)
        return out

    def do_delete_history_item(self, history_item_text):
        # It's really lame that we always return success here
        out, err = run_fish_cmd('builtin history --save --delete -- ' + escape_fish_cmd(history_item_text))
        return True

    def do_set_prompt_function(self, prompt_func):
        cmd = prompt_func + '\n' + 'funcsave fish_prompt'
        out, err = run_fish_cmd(cmd)
        return len(err) == 0

    def do_get_prompt(self, command_to_run, prompt_function_text):
        # Return the prompt output by the given command
        prompt_demo_ansi, err = run_fish_cmd(command_to_run)
        prompt_demo_html = ansi_to_html(prompt_demo_ansi)
        prompt_demo_font_size = self.font_size_for_ansi_prompt(prompt_demo_ansi)
        return {'function': prompt_function_text, 'demo': prompt_demo_html, 'font_size': prompt_demo_font_size }

    def do_get_current_prompt(self):
        # Return the current prompt
        prompt_func, err = run_fish_cmd('functions fish_prompt')
        return self.do_get_prompt('cd "' + initial_wd + '" ; fish_prompt', prompt_func.strip())

    def do_get_sample_prompt(self, text):
        # Return the prompt you get from the given text
        cmd = text + "\n cd \"" + initial_wd + "\" \n fish_prompt\n"
        return self.do_get_prompt(cmd, text.strip())

    def parse_one_sample_prompt_hash(self, line, result_dict):
        # Allow us to skip whitespace, etc.
        if not line: return True
        if line.isspace(): return True

        # Parse a comment hash like '# name: Classic'
        match = re.match(r"#\s*(\w+?): (.+)", line, re.IGNORECASE)
        if match:
            key = match.group(1).strip()
            value = match.group(2).strip()
            result_dict[key] = value
            return True
        # Skip other hash comments
        return line.startswith('#')

    def read_one_sample_prompt(self, fd):
        # Read one sample prompt from fd
        function_lines = []
        result = {}
        parsing_hashes = True
        for line in fd:
            # Parse hashes until parse_one_sample_prompt_hash return False
            if parsing_hashes:
                parsing_hashes = self.parse_one_sample_prompt_hash(line, result)
            # Maybe not we're not parsing hashes, or maybe we already were not
            if not parsing_hashes:
        func = ''.join(function_lines).strip()
        return result

    def do_get_sample_prompts_list(self):
        result = []
        # Start with the "Current" meta-sample
        result.append({'name': 'Current'})

        # Read all of the prompts in sample_prompts
        paths = glob.iglob('sample_prompts/*.fish')
        for path in paths:
                fd = open(path)
            except IOError:
                # Ignore unreadable files, etc
        return result

    def font_size_for_ansi_prompt(self, prompt_demo_ansi):
        width = ansi_prompt_line_width(prompt_demo_ansi)
        # Pick a font size
        if width >= 70: font_size = '8pt'
        if width >= 60: font_size = '10pt'
        elif width >= 50: font_size = '11pt'
        elif width >= 40: font_size = '13pt'
        elif width >= 30: font_size = '15pt'
        elif width >= 25: font_size = '16pt'
        elif width >= 20: font_size = '17pt'
        else: font_size = '18pt'
        return font_size

    def do_GET(self):
        p = self.path
        if p == '/colors/':
            output = self.do_get_colors()
        elif p == '/functions/':
            output = self.do_get_functions()
        elif p == '/variables/':
            output = self.do_get_variables()
        elif p == '/history/':
            # start = time.time()
            output = self.do_get_history()
            # end = time.time()
            # print "History: ", end - start
        elif p == '/current_prompt/':
            output = self.do_get_current_prompt()
        elif p == '/sample_prompts/':
            output = self.do_get_sample_prompts_list()
        elif re.match(r"/color/(\w+)/", p):
            name = re.match(r"/color/(\w+)/", p).group(1)
            output = self.do_get_color_for_variable(name)
        elif p == '/bindings/':
            output = self.do_get_bindings()
            return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_GET(self)

        # Return valid output

        # Output JSON

    def do_POST(self):
        p = self.path
        if IS_PY2:
            ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers.getheader('content-type'))
        else: # Python 3
            ctype, pdict = cgi.parse_header(self.headers['content-type'])

        if ctype == 'multipart/form-data':
            postvars = cgi.parse_multipart(self.rfile, pdict)
        elif ctype == 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded':
                length = int(self.headers.getheader('content-length'))
            except AttributeError:
                length = int(self.headers['content-length'])
            # parse_qs borks if we give it a Unicode string in Python2.
            url_str = self.rfile.read(length).decode('utf-8')
            if IS_PY2: url_str = str(url_str)
            postvars = cgi.parse_qs(url_str, keep_blank_values=1)
            postvars = {}

        if p == '/set_color/':
            what = postvars.get('what')
            color = postvars.get('color')
            background_color = postvars.get('background_color')
            bold = postvars.get('bold')
            underline = postvars.get('underline')

            if what:
                # Not sure why we get lists here?
                output = self.do_set_color_for_variable(what[0], color[0], background_color[0], parse_bool(bold[0]), parse_bool(underline[0]))
                output = 'Bad request'
        elif p == '/get_function/':
            what = postvars.get('what')
            output = [self.do_get_function(what[0])]
        elif p == '/get_sample_prompt/':
            what = postvars.get('what')
            output = [self.do_get_sample_prompt(what[0])]
        elif p == '/delete_history_item/':
            what = postvars.get('what')
            if self.do_delete_history_item(what[0]):
                output = ["OK"]
                output = ["Unable to delete history item"]
        elif p == '/set_prompt/':
            what = postvars.get('what')
            if self.do_set_prompt_function(what[0]):
                output = ["OK"]
                output = ["Unable to set prompt"]
            return SimpleHTTPServer.SimpleHTTPRequestHandler.do_POST(self)

        # Return valid output

        # Output JSON

    def log_request(self, code='-', size='-'):
        """ Disable request logging """

# find fish
fish_bin_dir = os.environ.get('__fish_bin_dir')
fish_bin_path = None
if not fish_bin_dir:
    print('The __fish_bin_dir environment variable is not set. Looking in $PATH...')
    # distutils.spawn is terribly broken, because it looks in wd before PATH,
    # and doesn't actually validate that the file is even executabl
    for p in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
        proposed_path = os.path.join(p, 'fish')
        if os.access(proposed_path, os.X_OK):
            fish_bin_path = proposed_path
    if not fish_bin_path:
        print("fish could not be found. Is fish installed correctly?")
        print("fish found at '%s'" % fish_bin_path)

    fish_bin_path = os.path.join(fish_bin_dir, 'fish')

if not os.access(fish_bin_path, os.X_OK):
    print("fish could not be executed at path '%s'. Is fish installed correctly?" % fish_bin_path)
FISH_BIN_PATH = fish_bin_path

# We want to show the demo prompts in the directory from which this was invoked,
# so get the current working directory
initial_wd = os.getcwd()

# Make sure that the working directory is the one that contains the script server file,
# because the document root is the working directory
where = os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0])

# Try to find a suitable port
PORT = 8000
while PORT <= 9000:
        Handler = FishConfigHTTPRequestHandler
        httpd = FishConfigTCPServer(("::", PORT), Handler)
        # Success
    except socket.error:
        err_type, err_value = sys.exc_info()[:2]
        # str(err_value) handles Python3 correctly
        if 'Address already in use' not in str(err_value):
    PORT += 1

if PORT > 9000:
    # Nobody say it
    print("Unable to find an open port between 8000 and 9000")

# Get any initial tab (functions, colors, etc)
# Just look at the first letter
initial_tab = ''
if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    for tab in ['functions', 'prompt', 'colors', 'variables', 'history', 'bindings']:
        if tab.startswith(sys.argv[1]):
            initial_tab = '#' + tab

url = 'http://localhost:%d/%s' % (PORT, initial_tab)
print("Web config started at '%s'. Hit enter to stop." % url)

# Select on stdin and httpd
stdin_no = sys.stdin.fileno()
    while True:
        ready_read = select.select([sys.stdin.fileno(), httpd.fileno()], [], [])
        if ready_read[0][0] < 1:
            print("Shutting down.")
            # Consume the newline so it doesn't get printed by the caller
except KeyboardInterrupt:
    print("\nShutting down.")