# Completions for mc
# Author: SanskritFritz (gmail)

complete -c mc -s a -l stickchars        -d 'No graphic chars for line drawing'
complete -c mc -s b -l nocolor           -d 'Force black and white display'
complete -c mc -s c -l color             -d 'Force color mode'
complete -c mc -s C -l colors            -d 'Specify a different color set'
complete -c mc -s S                      -d 'Specify a name of skin'
complete -c mc -s d -l nomouse           -d 'Disable mouse support'
complete -c mc -s e -l edit              -d 'Start the internal editor with FILE'
complete -c mc -s f -l datadir           -d 'Display the compiled-in search paths'
complete -c mc -s F -l datadir-info      -d 'Display extended info about compiled-in paths'
complete -c mc      -l configure-options -d 'Display configure options'
complete -c mc -s k -l resetsoft         -d 'Reset softkeys to their default'
complete -c mc -s K                      -d 'Specify a keymap FILE'
complete -c mc      -l nokeymap          -d 'Use default hardcoded keys'
complete -c mc -s l -l ftplog            -d 'Save the ftpfs dialog with the server in FILE'
complete -c mc -s P -l printwd           -d 'Print the last working directory to FILE'
complete -c mc -s s                      -d 'Set alternative mode drawing of frameworks'
complete -c mc -s t -l termcap           -d 'Use the TERMCAP variable for terminal info'
complete -c mc -s u -l nosubshell        -d 'Disable use of the concurrent shell'
complete -c mc -s U -l subshell          -d 'Enable use of the concurrent shell'
complete -c mc -s v -l view              -d 'Start the internal viewer with FILE'
complete -c mc -s V -l version           -d 'Display the version of the program'
complete -c mc -s x -l xterm             -d 'Force xterm mode'
complete -c mc -s g -l oldmouse          -d 'Force a "normal tracking" mouse mode'