/* * TINYEXPR - Tiny recursive descent parser and evaluation engine in C * * Copyright (c) 2015, 2016 Lewis Van Winkle * * http://CodePlea.com * * This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied * warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages * arising from the use of this software. * * Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose, * including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it * freely, subject to the following restrictions: * * 1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not * claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software * in a product, an acknowledgement in the product documentation would be * appreciated but is not required. * 2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be * misrepresented as being the original software. * 3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution. */ // This version has been altered and ported to C++, then to Rust, for inclusion in fish. use std::{ f64::{ consts::{E, PI, TAU}, INFINITY, NAN, NEG_INFINITY, }, fmt::Debug, ops::{BitAnd, BitOr, BitXor}, }; use crate::{ wchar::prelude::*, wutil::{wcstod::wcstod_underscores, wgettext, Error as wcstodError}, }; #[derive(Clone, Copy)] enum Function { Constant(f64), Fn0(fn() -> f64), Fn1(fn(f64) -> f64), Fn2(fn(f64, f64) -> f64), FnN(fn(&[f64]) -> f64), } impl Debug for Function { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { let variant = match self { Function::Constant(n) => return f.debug_tuple("Function::Constant").field(n).finish(), Function::Fn0(_) => "Fn0", Function::Fn1(_) => "Fn1", Function::Fn2(_) => "Fn2", Function::FnN(_) => "FnN", }; write!(f, "Function::{variant}(_)") } } impl Function { pub fn arity(&self) -> Option { match self { Function::Constant(_) => Some(0), Function::Fn0(_) => Some(0), Function::Fn1(_) => Some(1), Function::Fn2(_) => Some(2), Function::FnN(_) => None, } } pub fn call(&self, args: &[f64]) -> f64 { match (self, args) { (Function::Constant(n), []) => *n, (Function::Fn0(f), []) => f(), (Function::Fn1(f), [a]) => f(*a), (Function::Fn2(f), [a, b]) => f(*a, *b), (Function::FnN(f), args) => f(args), (_, _) => panic!("Incorrect number of arguments for function call"), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum ErrorKind { UnknownFunction, MissingClosingParen, MissingOpenParen, TooFewArgs, TooManyArgs, MissingOperator, UnexpectedToken, LogicalOperator, DivByZero, NumberTooLarge, Unknown, } #[widestrs] impl ErrorKind { pub fn describe_wstr(&self) -> &'static wstr { match self { ErrorKind::UnknownFunction => wgettext!("Unknown function"), ErrorKind::MissingClosingParen => wgettext!("Missing closing parenthesis"), ErrorKind::MissingOpenParen => wgettext!("Missing opening parenthesis"), ErrorKind::TooFewArgs => wgettext!("Too few arguments"), ErrorKind::TooManyArgs => wgettext!("Too many arguments"), ErrorKind::MissingOperator => wgettext!("Missing operator"), ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken => wgettext!("Unexpected token"), ErrorKind::LogicalOperator => { wgettext!("Logical operations are not supported, use `test` instead") } ErrorKind::DivByZero => wgettext!("Division by zero"), ErrorKind::NumberTooLarge => wgettext!("Number is too large"), ErrorKind::Unknown => wgettext!("Expression is bogus"), } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Error { pub kind: ErrorKind, pub position: usize, pub len: usize, } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Operator { Add, Sub, Mul, Div, Pow, Rem, } impl Operator { pub fn eval(&self, a: f64, b: f64) -> f64 { match self { Operator::Add => a + b, Operator::Sub => a - b, Operator::Mul => a * b, Operator::Div => a / b, Operator::Pow => a.powf(b), Operator::Rem => a % b, } } } #[derive(Debug, Clone, Copy)] enum Token { Null, Error, End, Sep, Open, Close, Number(f64), Function(Function), Infix(Operator), } struct State<'s> { start: &'s wstr, pos: usize, current: Token, error: Option, } fn bitwise_op(a: f64, b: f64, f: fn(u64, u64) -> u64) -> f64 { // TODO: bounds checks let a = a as u64; let b = b as u64; let result = f(a, b); // TODO: bounds checks result as f64 } fn fac(n: f64) -> f64 { if n < 0.0 { return NAN; } if n > (u64::MAX as f64) { return INFINITY; } let n = n as u64; (1..=n) .try_fold(1_u64, |acc, i| acc.checked_mul(i)) .map_or(INFINITY, |x| x as f64) } fn maximum(n: &[f64]) -> f64 { n.iter().fold(NEG_INFINITY, |a, &b| { if a.is_nan() { return a; } if b.is_nan() { return b; } if a == b { // treat +0 as larger than -0 if a.is_sign_positive() { a } else { b } } else if a > b { a } else { b } }) } fn minimum(n: &[f64]) -> f64 { n.iter().fold(INFINITY, |a, &b| { if a.is_nan() { return a; } if b.is_nan() { return b; } if a == b { // treat -0 as smaller than +0 if a.is_sign_negative() { a } else { b } } else if a < b { a } else { b } }) } fn ncr(n: f64, r: f64) -> f64 { // Doing this for NAN takes ages - just return the result right away. if n.is_nan() { return INFINITY; } if n < 0.0 || r < 0.0 || n < r { return NAN; } if n > (u64::MAX as f64) || r > (u64::MAX as f64) { return INFINITY; } let un = n as u64; let mut ur = r as u64; if ur > un / 2 { ur = un - ur }; let mut result = 1_u64; for i in 1..=ur { let Some(next_result) = result.checked_mul(un - ur + i) else { return INFINITY; }; result = next_result / i; } result as f64 } fn npr(n: f64, r: f64) -> f64 { ncr(n, r) * fac(r) } #[widestrs] const BUILTINS: &[(&wstr, Function)] = &[ // must be in alphabetical order ("abs"L, Function::Fn1(f64::abs)), ("acos"L, Function::Fn1(f64::acos)), ("asin"L, Function::Fn1(f64::asin)), ("atan"L, Function::Fn1(f64::atan)), ("atan2"L, Function::Fn2(f64::atan2)), ( "bitand"L, Function::Fn2(|a, b| bitwise_op(a, b, BitAnd::bitand)), ), ( "bitor"L, Function::Fn2(|a, b| bitwise_op(a, b, BitOr::bitor)), ), ( "bitxor"L, Function::Fn2(|a, b| bitwise_op(a, b, BitXor::bitxor)), ), ("ceil"L, Function::Fn1(f64::ceil)), ("cos"L, Function::Fn1(f64::cos)), ("cosh"L, Function::Fn1(f64::cosh)), ("e"L, Function::Constant(E)), ("exp"L, Function::Fn1(f64::exp)), ("fac"L, Function::Fn1(fac)), ("floor"L, Function::Fn1(f64::floor)), ("ln"L, Function::Fn1(f64::ln)), ("log"L, Function::Fn1(f64::log10)), ("log10"L, Function::Fn1(f64::log10)), ("log2"L, Function::Fn1(f64::log2)), ("max"L, Function::FnN(maximum)), ("min"L, Function::FnN(minimum)), ("ncr"L, Function::Fn2(ncr)), ("npr"L, Function::Fn2(npr)), ("pi"L, Function::Constant(PI)), ("pow"L, Function::Fn2(f64::powf)), ("round"L, Function::Fn1(f64::round)), ("sin"L, Function::Fn1(f64::sin)), ("sinh"L, Function::Fn1(f64::sinh)), ("sqrt"L, Function::Fn1(f64::sqrt)), ("tan"L, Function::Fn1(f64::tan)), ("tanh"L, Function::Fn1(f64::tanh)), ("tau"L, Function::Constant(TAU)), ]; assert_sorted_by_name!(BUILTINS, 0); fn find_builtin(name: &wstr) -> Option { let idx = BUILTINS .binary_search_by_key(&name, |(name, _expr)| name) .ok()?; Some(BUILTINS[idx].1) } impl<'s> State<'s> { pub fn new(input: &'s wstr) -> Self { let mut state = Self { start: input, pos: 0, current: Token::End, error: None, }; state.next_token(); state } pub fn error(&self) -> Result<(), Error> { if let Token::End = self.current { Ok(()) } else if let Some(error) = self.error { Err(error) } else { // If we're not at the end but there's no error, then that means we have a // superfluous token that we have no idea what to do with. Err(Error { kind: ErrorKind::TooManyArgs, position: self.pos, len: 0, }) } } pub fn eval(&mut self) -> f64 { return self.expr(); } fn set_error(&mut self, kind: ErrorKind, pos_len: Option<(usize, usize)>) { self.current = Token::Error; let (position, len) = pos_len.unwrap_or((self.pos, 0)); self.error = Some(Error { kind, position, len, }); } fn no_specific_error(&self) -> bool { !matches!(self.current, Token::Error) || matches!( self.error, Some(Error { kind: ErrorKind::Unknown, .. }) ) } /// Tries to get the next token from the input. If the input does not contain enough data for /// another token, `None` is returned. Otherwise, the number of consumed characters is returned /// along with either the token, or `None` in case of ignored (whitespace) input. fn get_token(&mut self) -> Option<(usize, Option)> { debug_assert!(!matches!(self.current, Token::Error)); let next = &self.start.as_char_slice().get(self.pos..)?; // Try reading a number. if matches!(next.first(), Some('0'..='9') | Some('.')) { let mut consumed = 0; match wcstod_underscores(*next, &mut consumed) { Ok(num) => Some((consumed, Some(Token::Number(num)))), Err(wcstodError::InvalidChar) => { self.set_error(ErrorKind::Unknown, Some((self.pos + consumed, 1))); return Some((consumed, Some(Token::Error))); }, Err(wcstodError::Overflow) => { self.set_error(ErrorKind::NumberTooLarge, Some((self.pos, consumed))); return Some((consumed, Some(Token::Error))); }, Err(wcstodError::Empty) => { // We have a matches! above, this can't be? unreachable!() } } } else { // Look for a function call. // But not when it's an "x" followed by whitespace // - that's the alternative multiplication operator. if next.first()?.is_ascii_lowercase() && !(*next.first()? == 'x' && next.len() > 1 && next[1].is_whitespace()) { let ident_len = next .iter() .position(|&c| !(c.is_ascii_lowercase() || c.is_ascii_digit() || c == '_')) .unwrap_or(next.len()); let ident = &next[..ident_len]; if let Some(var) = find_builtin(wstr::from_char_slice(ident)) { return Some((ident_len, Some(Token::Function(var)))); } else if self.no_specific_error() { // Our error is more specific, so it takes precedence. self.set_error(ErrorKind::UnknownFunction, Some((self.pos, ident_len))); } Some((ident_len, Some(Token::Error))) } else { // Look for an operator or special character. let tok = match next.first()? { '+' => Token::Infix(Operator::Add), '-' => Token::Infix(Operator::Sub), 'x' | '*' => Token::Infix(Operator::Mul), '/' => Token::Infix(Operator::Div), '^' => Token::Infix(Operator::Pow), '%' => Token::Infix(Operator::Rem), '(' => Token::Open, ')' => Token::Close, ',' => Token::Sep, ' ' | '\t' | '\n' | '\r' => return Some((1, None)), '=' | '>' | '<' | '&' | '|' | '!' => { self.set_error(ErrorKind::LogicalOperator, None); Token::Error } _ => { self.set_error(ErrorKind::MissingOperator, None); Token::Error } }; Some((1, Some(tok))) } } } fn next_token(&mut self) { self.current = loop { let Some((consumed, token)) = self.get_token() else { break Token::End; }; self.pos += consumed; if let Some(token) = token { break token; } }; } /// ``` /// = | /// {"(" ")"} | /// | /// "(" {"," } ")" | /// "(" ")" /// ``` fn base(&mut self) -> f64 { match self.current { Token::Number(n) => { let after_first = self.pos; self.next_token(); if let Token::Number(_) | Token::Function(_) = self.current { // Two numbers after each other: // math '5 2' // math '3 pi' // (of course 3 pi could also be interpreted as 3 x pi) // The error should be given *between* // the last two tokens. let num_whitespace = self.start[after_first..] .chars() .take_while(|&c| " \t\n\r".contains(c)) .count(); self.set_error( ErrorKind::MissingOperator, Some((after_first, num_whitespace)), ); } n } Token::Function(f) => { self.next_token(); let have_open = matches!(self.current, Token::Open); if have_open { // If we *have* an opening parenthesis, // we need to consume it and // expect a closing one. self.next_token(); } if f.arity() == Some(0) { if have_open { if let Token::Close = self.current { self.next_token(); } else if self.no_specific_error() { self.set_error(ErrorKind::MissingClosingParen, None); } } return match f { Function::Fn0(f) => f(), Function::Constant(n) => n, _ => unreachable!("unhandled function type with arity 0"), }; } let mut parameters = vec![]; let mut i = 0; let mut first_err = None; for j in 0.. { if f.arity() == Some(j) { first_err = Some(self.pos - 1); } parameters.push(self.expr()); if !matches!(self.current, Token::Sep) { break; } self.next_token(); i += 1; } if f.arity().is_none() || f.arity() == Some(i + 1) { if !have_open { return f.call(¶meters); } if let Token::Close = self.current { // We have an opening and a closing paren, consume the closing one and done. self.next_token(); return f.call(¶meters); } if !matches!(self.current, Token::Error) { // If we had the right number of arguments, we're missing a closing paren. self.set_error(ErrorKind::MissingClosingParen, None); } } if !matches!(self.current, Token::Error) || matches!( self.error, Some(Error { kind: ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken, .. }) ) { // Otherwise we complain about the number of arguments *first*, // a closing parenthesis should be more obvious. // // Vararg functions need at least one argument. let err = if f.arity().map(|arity| i < arity).unwrap_or(i == 0) { ErrorKind::TooFewArgs } else { ErrorKind::TooManyArgs }; let mut err_pos_len = None; if let Some(first_err) = first_err { let mut len = self.pos - first_err; if !matches!(self.current, Token::Close) { // TODO: Rationalize where we put the cursor exactly. // If we have a closing paren it's on it, if we don't it's before the number. len += 1; } if let Token::End = self.current { // Don't place a caret after the end of string len -= 1; } err_pos_len = Some((first_err, len)); } self.set_error(err, err_pos_len); } NAN } Token::Open => { self.next_token(); let ret = self.expr(); if let Token::Close = self.current { self.next_token(); return ret; } if !matches!(self.current, Token::Error | Token::End) && self.error.is_none() { self.set_error(ErrorKind::TooManyArgs, None) } else if self.no_specific_error() { self.set_error(ErrorKind::MissingClosingParen, None) } NAN } Token::End => { // The expression ended before we expected it. // e.g. `2 - `. // This means we have too few things. // Instead of introducing another error, just call it // "too few args". self.set_error(ErrorKind::TooFewArgs, None); NAN } Token::Null | Token::Error | Token::Sep | Token::Close | Token::Infix(_) => { if self.no_specific_error() { self.set_error(ErrorKind::UnexpectedToken, None); } NAN } } } /// ``` /// = {("-" | "+")} /// ``` fn power(&mut self) -> f64 { let mut sign = 1.0; while let Token::Infix(op) = self.current { if op == Operator::Sub { sign = -sign; self.next_token(); } else if op == Operator::Add { self.next_token(); } else { break; } } sign * self.base() } /// ``` /// = {"^" } /// ``` fn factor(&mut self) -> f64 { let mut ret = self.power(); if let Token::Infix(Operator::Pow) = self.current { self.next_token(); ret = ret.powf(self.factor()); } ret } /// ``` /// = {("*" | "/" | "%") } /// ``` fn term(&mut self) -> f64 { let mut ret = self.factor(); while let Token::Infix(op @ (Operator::Mul | Operator::Div | Operator::Rem)) = self.current { let op_pos = self.pos - 1; self.next_token(); let ret2 = self.factor(); if ret2 == 0.0 && [Operator::Div, Operator::Rem].contains(&op) { // Division by zero (also for modulo) // Error position is the "/" or "%" sign for now self.set_error(ErrorKind::DivByZero, Some((op_pos, 1))); } ret = op.eval(ret, ret2); } ret } /// ``` /// = {("+" | "-") } /// ``` fn expr(&mut self) -> f64 { let mut ret = self.term(); while let Token::Infix(op @ (Operator::Add | Operator::Sub)) = self.current { self.next_token(); ret = op.eval(ret, self.term()); } ret } } pub fn te_interp(expression: &wstr) -> Result { let mut s = State::new(expression); let ret = s.eval(); match s.error() { Ok(()) => Ok(ret), Err(e) => Err(e), } }